
Chapter 45 Bird-Dad

"Mr Watterson said Dad likes children who takes care of their cleanliness, and hate those who don't listen to him or get low grades in their studies..." Norman muttered to himself. "What should I do, Asof? I hit all the marks...I'm not clean, or obedient, or have good grades either..."

"Woo..." Bella was relaxed it was not even looking at Norman.

He pouted and continue, "I really miss Mom...but at the same time, I really want to see Dad... Though he's Jarrod's Dad, not mine...but, me and Jarrod look alike, don't we? So Jarrod's Dad and my Dad should look the same, right, Asof?"

"Who knows..." Bella thought, already half-asleep.

"Do you know, Asof? My Mom said that my Dad went to heaven when I was really small, and I wouldn't be able to see him in this life anymore. Let me tell you, Asof, I secretly tried flying many times to go to heaven, but I couldn't, so my Dad must be a birdman if he was able to fly."