
Sweet Waters

She is the most feared fighter of her generation. Heir to the most powerful throne in Russia. She leads the perfect life. Predictable. Planned. Unchangeable. All until her forbidden romance is discovered, her father’s trust lost, her position as heir endangered, and her legion’s honor at risk. Desperate to retain all she risks losing, she heads to Vale to extinguish her family's revived enemies. With a war on the brink of erupting, millions of lives at risk, and her future on the line, she cannot afford to make even the slightest mistake. But what happens when the very person she is supposed to kill has the ability to give her the life she never knew she dreamed of? A story of love, betrayal, and the power of one person to change the course of history. The young love that has the power to change Russia forever.

el_c_ny · Histoire
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1793. Russia.

Under the influence of the Enlightenment, Russia has developed into a modern nation, established itself as a leading power in Europe, and expanded its territory as far as the Americas. Science, culture, government and politics have all taken on new forms. Universities, theaters, and new cities begin to appear in every nook of the country, while large-scale immigration from the rest of Europe has enlarged its population. 

In this renewed Russia, six legions lie: Brewer, Adrienne, Tudor, Romanov, Wallace, and Blackguard. Among them, Legion Blackguard dominates. Their overtaking of Moscow inaugurated them as one of the most influential royal families in Europe, and they have only grown since.

However, what the nation has yet to forget is the legion that once was. The seventh legion of Russia. 

Legion Cadwell. 

Blackguard and Cadwell were the notorious rivalry of the West for over two centuries, and have left on the land and people countless marks of their battles. 

It took a supernatural force to bring an end to it all, and that they received, in the form of Lorelei Rosalie Blackguard, last queen of Legion Blackguard. 

She defeated Legion Cadwell in what was later named the Battle of Saratov. For this, she became Legion Blackguard's pride and glory, while the Cadwells were buried in ashes. 

Now, with the Battle of Saratov nestled deep in the pages of history, a new generation of Blackguards roam the lands. And amongst them, the pair that has long been subject to vehement attention from all of the Western World.

Julianna Cassandra and Jameson Castiel Blackguard. The Blackguard twins. 

At merely sixteen years of age, they have entered dozens of battles, brought ends to riots and invasions to their land, and aided in devising military strategies that earned their legion victories. 

As heir to the throne and future head of military, they show nothing but promise. Yet, little do they know, a great catastrophe is headed their way, which could alter not only the course of their lives but the face of the world forever. Will their legacy be enough to protect their throne, or will the young prodigies get a taste of the ashes?