
Sweet Waters Throne

The prince of Maldonia, Prince Artemis of House Arteides, the bear killer, the slayer of the elves is crowned King when his father Luca King Arteides dies. Aurora is a seer and a powerful witch who has yet to aknowledge her powers, only Artemis knows of it. Lucian Mithandir is in exile recruiting an army to fight Prince Castellan of house Taelin for the throne of Prophis. Artemis wants no parts of this war, but he is very aware whoever wins the war will later turn to Maldonia. Artemis has no clue that a bigger war is coming which will set out kingdoms on fire, Aurora has seen it in her dreams and it's for the Sweet Waters Throne in Maldonia. The end is uncertain but the ways are clearer, who will sit on the throne after the war to end all wars. The Bastard who's been denied his true claim to the Sweet Waters throne with the mighties fleet in the world and King Artemis of Maldonia who has Aurora and dragons breathing fire. ~ Excerpt Scene ~ "Are you ready? A dragon is not a horse my love" Aurora expressed her concerns. "The dragons are ready to be claimed, Your Grace. I think it’s the perfect time for Artodo to take the skies and be claimed. He and the King have great relationship. He just needs to understand the words that’s all. "Torgo explained while looking at both Aurora and Artemis. "I understand the words." Said Artemis. "Incendio for fire and Valar for him to fly. I know some Low Moor too." It seemed Aurora wasn’t easily convinced, "Knowing the language of our ancestors doesn’t mean you can hang on to the dragon and take to the skies, especially since you are not just practicing. You are taking the dragon to the Mines, in clear daylight." "Exactly, that is the only way we can silence Lord Leoric. I cannot let him take advantage of my sister, I have to try…" Visera interrupted. "He’s ready, I can see it in his eyes." She said with a smirk. Aurora ordered Torgo. "Bring him outside," in Low Moor. Torgo nodded and walked inside the darkened cave with a fire torch. All five dragons were inside the cave perfectly chained. He went after Artodo, the biggest of them all. The black beast, standing at forty feet from head to tail with a wingspan of twenty feet. A terrifying beast to even stare at. Artemis took two deep breaths. "According to my ancestors history, the youngest dragon rider to ever took the skies was ten years old. You’ll be fine." Aurora teased Artemis after she noticed how nervous he was. The dragon keepers placed a saddle on Artodo’s back and two strong handles made of iron and wood for Artemis to hang on to. Then, finally Aurora walked to Artodo — the black beast. She pulled in Artemis and they both touched the dragon’s right eye, soothing him before the take off. "This is your rider now Artodo, you are to obey him from this day forward to the last, as your mother commands." Aurora said this is Low Moor while the dragon hissed slowly. The dragon hissed and Aurora took it a sign that Artodo understood him. She took a step back and let Artemis take over. These two weren’t strangers to one another. Artemis’s touch wasn’t strange to Artodo and he silently lowered his left wingspan for Artemis to climb up. Carefully and slowly, Artemis mounted the black beast. It was no secret that he was scared. When he was on top of the dragon, Artemis smiled looking down and he suddenly exclaimed. "You all look like tiny bees from up here!" Aurora, Visera, Torgo and the dragon keepers laughed. Aurora walked to him and they looked at each other. Their dream finally came true; "Promise me, you’ll come back alive." Said Aurora. "I promise." "And that you will not burn the Mines to the ground. If she disagrees with you, perhaps it’s time to let her go." This was what Artemis truly needed to hear so he may stop his obsession with saving his sister. When he was ready, he shouted to Artodo. "Valar Artodo," and right there the dragon’s feet pounded the ground heavy as it prepared for takeoff.

Ami_Young · Fantaisie
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279 Chs

Chapter 05

The one thing that King Taelin hated was to be reminded of what he did thirty years ago when he was a greedy young man craving to be king more than anything else in the whole world. No matter how much he needed his people to respect him and believe in him — no one did. But he was rich, powerful and had a strong army hence he diverted himself from forcing people to like him to being a tyrant who only like himself and what he can get.

Outside the council chamber, the party that started last night continued and Maldonians knew how to party and get drunk. The streets were filled with drums, music, whores who decided to lower the price for that day just because they had a new King on the throne. But no one knew the heat that was forming inside King Taelin's body after he was accused of such thing with Artemis. It wasn't really an accusation but the truth which he wasn't ready to hear it yet especially from a man he planned to wed his daughter to. When king Taelin was taking a long time to speak, Artemis decided to speak again. "I'm not sure if I want a man who murdered a rightful king so he can get the throne to be my father in law. I can't trust you and nor will I be able to trust your judgement."

Lord Angun thought King Taelin was too embarrassed and angry, hence he decided to intervene. "If I may add a word of wisdom Your Grace?" and Artemis allowed him to speak. Angun turned his attention to King Taelin. "I think what we are worried about... is Mithandir's brother, Your Grace. Witnesses say he has recruited himself an army and he is heading towards Prophis, could this be the reason you want our King to wed your daughter? Because you are looking for military support?" he asked politely.

However, King Taelin blurted out. "I have the most powerful army in the world. I do not seek for military support against an already decided fate. Mithandir's brother will fail, and I will continue to be king of Prophis." Then he abruptly stood up. "I came here to seek an ally, a strong ally so we can both rule the world. Instead you've made an enemy, Your Grace." This time King Taelin looked straight at Artemis. Everyone could see the fire in his eyes.

What Sir Lancet feared earlier, finally came true even though he spent a significant amount of time trying to lead his friend into what he thought was the rightful path. But Artemis had a mind of his own and decisions to make, and what really helped him was the support of his Lords who were against the unification of Prophis and Maldonia kingdom.

Artemis also stood up and he faced King Taelin. "I'll have my guards escort you out of my kingdom, Your Grace."

"I do not need escorts. I will leave this goddamn kingdom, but — you will regret this decision young boy. All of you..." He pointed at the Lords and even Lancet who was leaning against the wall. "Remember this day young king, the day you almost had it all before you let your ego ruin everything including yourself."

King Taelin left the council chamber with his daughter following him behind. It didn't take long for him to gather his men and left Maldonia. The celebrations he was so eager to attend turned sour, and all the way back to his kingdom, he kept cursing and murmuring the things he will do to Artemis. "I will make him pay! For embarrassing my daughter and my claim to the throne. I am the true king of Prophis. I will rule for many years and my sons will rule after I'm gone." And indeed Taelin had seven boys and only one daughter, Princess Thelma.

His first son, the crowned Prince of Prophis — Prince Castellan of House Taelin. He was a thirty years old man with his two sons from his beautiful wife Katarina. Castellan was as brutal and as ruthless like his father. Perhaps the way he was raised by Taelin to be tough led to him be that kind of a man. The other six boys didn't matter as per the rules, only Castellan was the one who was set to inherit the throne hence making other sons irrelevant and they were free to do what they want with their lives.

King Taelin wasn't a good father. His sons were scattered, his fourth, fifth and sixth weren't even living in his palace. They were all scattered throughout places looking out for their own, especially since their father seemed so interested in Castellan more than anyone else.

"What will we do now father?" Princess Thelma asked her father when they were inside the carriage which was pulled by five horses. They were in the middle of the forest, two carriages back and five more on the front. King Taelin liked to travel in numbers because he always believed there is strength in numbers, hence there was a long caravan of men and horses escorting him back to Prophis.

"I will not let this go my daughter. I shall speak to your brother about this."

Thelma didn't approve of this. "Castellan thinks low of me." She cried.

"Low? What do you mean by that?"

"He thinks he is the only child that matters father, him being the crowned prince."

"But, he is the crowned Prince my sweetness."

"Exactly father... we all don't matter except for him. He was against it, me marrying Prince Artemis of Maldonia. He thought it was low of me, and he..." Princess Thelma paused.

The look on Thelma's face after being rejected by Artemis was like an arrow inside her father's heart. And now King Taelin was seeing a version of his daughter that he's never seen before. It was wide and clear that Castellan was a bully, right from the start he's been bullying his brothers and his sister. But then again, that was a problem even Taelin himself couldn't fix. Hence, he only promised Thelma, "I will talk to your brother about this. Don't be saddened my beautiful sunshine." He kissed Thelma on the forehead and hugged her tight.

After that encounter Artemis dismissed the Lords. Lancet was the only one who remained inside the council chamber, and he knew why he had to remain behind while everyone left. It was what he did to Aurora earlier. He had to answer for that.

"Are you aware of what you did Sir Lancet?" asked Artemis fixing his crown.

Lancet had his face looking forward as he avoided Artemis's angry eyes. "No, Your Grace. I am not aware." He replied like a knight standing firmly.

"You humiliated Lady Kholin in front of everyone. She meant no harm to you or anyone at that moment. However, you still had to use your powers to make her look small. I don't want a king's guard of mine to be like that, to think he's better than everyone else just because he is the king's guard and a knight. Tell me Sir Lancet..." Artemis paused and moved closer to Lancet. He faced him in such a way they were so close to each other. Artemis could feel his best friend trembling at his sight, he smiled because that showed no matter how friendly they were, Lancet understood the consequences of what he did.

"Aren't we all children of gods?" asked Artemis.

"We are, Your Grace."

"I want you to go to the kitchen chambers and find Lady Kholin, apologize to her and tell her that the king of Maldonia expects to see her at the ball tonight. Have I made myself clear knight?"

Lancet was shocked, he was fine with apologizing to Aurora but he sure didn't expect that Aurora will be invited to a ball which is supposed to host only the royal guests who have travelled hundreds of miles to witness Artemis's coronation. The palace still had royal princesses and princes from different kingdoms, governors of major cities, lords and ladies from respectable houses. He would attend because he was a knight and the king's guard but not even generals of highest rank in the Maldonian army were invited, yet Aurora was to be invited. "Did you hear what I just said Sir Lancet?" Artemis shrugged him off because he seemed to be far in thoughts.

"Yes Your Grace, I will apologize to Lady Kholin. But - " He hesitated. "Inviting her to a ball, Your Grace?" and then he asked just to be sure that's exactly what he heard.

"She is a lady isn't she? All ladies can attend my coronation ball and I want her there."

Suddenly Lancet couldn't take it anymore, he went after Artemis as his friend and he was done acting like they weren't close friends who have been together since they were young. "Artemis this is absurd! Aurora is nothing but a servant ─"

"A servant who is about to be your queen. I suggest you keep your mouth shut before you get yourself in trouble, Sir Lancet." Artemis completely changed on him. He wasn't about to he disrespected by his own knight, not when he was just sworn in as King of Maldonia.

Lancet wanted to continued the conversation but he was cut short by Artemis. "You are dismissed!" Said Artemis and went on to look outside the window. Lancet bowed respectfully and left the council chamber.