
Sweet Revenge: In Love With A Temptress

People say revenge is best served cold, but what they don't know is that it can also be served hot, a bit spicy and very seductive. ....... Simisola, aka Ginger, is a strong girl, a temptress and stripper who sets her heart on to destroy those who ruined her family and brought choas to her world. She would do anything to see them crawl on their feet as they grovel and beg for death, because living would be too painful for them. They'd wish they've never been born. They'll weep till only her name is all they can remember. To achieve revenge, she must seduce her way into the heart of the son of the man who was behind her family's suffering. What happens when the temptress finally gets seduced by the son of the man who ruined her family? Will she let go of her revenge and keep her love? Or will she kill the man she loves just to inflict pain on his father. .........

Jaccy · Urbain
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2 Chs



Sitting beside her mother's bedside, simisola tucked a strand of her hair behind her mother's ear. Her eyes glistened with tears as she gently patted her mother's hair.

The eyes of the sleeping woman flickered softly as she woke up from her slumber.

"Simisola, is that you?" Came her mother's voice when she felt a hand rubbing on her head. The vague silhouette beside could only belong to her simi. Her daughter.

Planting a kiss on her head, Simi replied, "Yes mama, it's me, your Simi"

With her mother slowly lifting up her hand, simi lowered her head and guided her mother's shaking hand to her face. She planted a kiss on Simi's cheek, bringing a warm smile to her face. Simi could never get used to this. These moment were the boon of life.

"I brought something to show mama" Simi said, a proud and happy smile spreading across her face.

"Really? What is it?"Though her vision was slightly impaired, one could still see the way her eyes lit up expectantly.

"Here" Simi said taking off the graduation cap on her head and she passed it to her mother.

"What is this? It feels like a cap" Mummy Simisola asked, she felt it and pushed it closer to her eyes, but she sighed when she still couldn't make out the exact cap it was talk more of seeing it's color — thanks to the chronic cataract she had.

"Mama it's my convocation cap" She announced with a joyous smile. Yes, it was her convocation day and she had come to give it to her mother. This was a dream come true for her and who else to share in her joy, than her mother.

"Oh simi" Her mother called in a shaky voice. Pools of tears gathered in her eyes as her grip over the cap tightened.

"Mama, I did it. Mama I finally graduated and I brought it for you" Simi said handing over her testimonial to her mother as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Mama this is for you, for the love you've shown me, for the care, for fighting hard and staying by me even they robbed us of all we got. For being my queen and rocking my world, mama. I'm sorry I could only come with this, but this is my first step of taking back what they took from us" More tears rolled down her cheek as she spoke those words with a heavy heart. There so many words left all unsaid, but for now this was all she could say to bring comfort to her mother for all the years of pain.

What she didn't say was, 'To taking back all they took from us, to returning the pain they inflicted us and giving the a double portion of all the suffering we had to endure. To make them pay with their lives. Even their soul I'll claim for our REVENGE'

Mummy Simisola, couldn't hold her tears any more and she simply let them flow, she slowly raised the cap towards Simi head and on cue, simi lowered her head and guided her mother's hand towards her head, letting her grace her head with the cap. She cupped her face and pulled her closer to plant another emotion filled and proud kiss on Simi's cheek.

"Simisola my daughter, I'm very proud of you of the kind of lady you have become. Even without the aid of a father, or a mother's, you've made done well for yourself and have made me proud, even your father will be happy in his grave and he'd be very proud of you. I'm very sorry for the my inability to carter for you althrough your stay in the university, all because of my foolish act and carelessness. if I had known all these things would happen, I wouldn't have fallen in the temptation that got us ruined"

"Mama, it's not your fault. They should be the ones ashamed and not you" Simi cut in.

"If only I can turn back the hands of time I will do it in a heartbeat. Simi, mother is very sorry" Mummy Simi apologized for the Zillonth time.

"Mum, it's okay I don't blame you for anything, it's not your fault. Despite all odds I still love you regardless, the love you have showed me and also for bringing me into this world is more than enough. All I want for you right now is to stay strong for me, I will always continue to make you proud, and I'll never do otherwise and remember you're the only one I have in my life , so stay strong and happy for me, because despite all we are still happy and alive.....and that's the most important thing right now, no time to blame yourself unnecessarily or complicate things for yourself. I love you big time mum" Simi placed a big kiss on her mom's cheek.

Her ringing phone interrupted the heart warming session between the mother and daughter.

"Mum, excuse me" She said as she rose up to take her call outside.

"Ginger what's up with you? Where are you at?" Came an angry voice as soon as she picked the phone. It was her friend Philadelphia, popularly called Phil.

"I'm somewhere in town" Simi replied.

"Somewhere in town huh? It's already 4:40pm, you should be here by now" Philadelphia snapped angrily.

"I'll be on my way soon" Simi replied almost in a whisper.

"You'd better hurry, Please don't keep us waiting. Madame is going to kill you if you're a minute late. You know today is a very special day for us. We are expecting guests tonight. so please don't keep us waiting" Phil reminded her.

"I won't be late. I have lived for this moment. Expect me tonight" She said with a wicked smile and a malicious glint in her eyes, as she ended the call.

Tonight was the day she'd start her revenge.


Dear readers welcome to the first chapter of my novel. This is my first time writing, mistakes might be strewn here and there, please kindly point it out if seen. Grammar might not be on par with you , but I promise to improve in subsequent chapters.

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