
Sweet Melody Of Love

Seeing her mom dying right in front of her on the night of her birthday, Lu Jia the first young lady of the Lu's grew more hatred for her fake family.

JessicaE777 · Urbain
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116 Chs

Chapter 74 Are you okay?


at the mall).

"Here is too crowded for a mall!"Jin pei squeezes herself into the crowd and walks into the female wear part

"This would be nice for her!"She picks up a lingerie and a robe .."What else? she doesn't look too old so I guess she would like a jumper?"She picks one too and goes to the counter to pay

"Everything is ¥500,000,please!"The saleswoman says as she collects the card and inputs it into the machine.."The card is invalid,Ma'am!"

"Invalid? or its your machine?"Pei sneers as a Man walks in and puts his card into it and pays

"See Ma'am its not our fault your card doesn't work!"The saleswoman says

"I'd like to speak with your boss!"Pei frustratedly says

"Our boss isn't someone you can see,please make a legal notice before requesting to see him"The saleswoman bows in respect and continues doing what she was doing

"Okay when can I make one?"She asks

"Just write one okay?"she gives her the letter slip

"Thanks!"She collects it and sits down to write it

"Hello? dad? could you please transfer money to mine,its quite low and the card you gave me says its invalid

"Ohkay! give me a little time to work on it"Heng says as he cuts the call

"Hmm!"Jin Pei crosses her leg and writes the slip

"Good afternoon Boss!"The saleswoman bows and Jin Pei stands up and mistakenly bumps into him causing him to fall and her to land on him

"Are you okay?"he says as helps her up

" I should be the one asking it,its quite my fault for bumping into you,I am a little clumsy"Jin Pei says as she dusts herself up and turns to see her savior.."Thanks Soo much!"

"No problem!" Qin Fe says as he goes to the sales woman..."Can you get me the latest Qin design,I need to give my sister for it".

"Yes Boss!"She goes in a gets a pink flowery gown for Qin Wen.."Boss,would madam love this,its the newest from the factory"She wraps it up..."Boss,this woman has problem with accessing her account and needed to speak with you"She points at Jin Pei

"You're the owner of this mall?"Jin Pei stares at him

"Its the Qin Design! I am Qin Fe!"Qin Fe brings his hands out for a sake

"You mean! Qin Fe,The King of fashion!,I love your designs!"Jin pei says as she shakes his hands

"I heard you had problem accessing your account right? let me help you! Celia? can you wrap her dress up for me to go?"Qin Fe says

"Sure Boss! but would madam Wen be mad?"Celia says as she packs it up

"Isn't she my cousin? I can sort her out!"Qin Fe carries the White nylon and walks her out

"Thank you Soo much! I can't repay you Soo much!"Jin Pei bows her head as Qin Fe gives her the nylon

"Its also a sorry for bumping into you,have you had lunch? let's have it together if you dont mind!"Qin Fe leads her to his personal restaurant

In his Restaurant)

"You've got your own personal one? that's nice!"Jin Pei comes out from the elevator..."Red and White?"

"Its our 37th anniversary of Qin Design and we made it for lovers,if you dont feel very comfortable, we could go to the VVIP!"Qin says

"How can I be picky,its looks quite lovely here and beside I have never celebrated Valentine before!"Jin Pei goes in

"M'Lady!" He opens the chair for her..."So you're?"