
Chapter 69 An opposition to Zhang entertainment!

She enters into a taxi and drives to her friends company

"Help me?"Eula calls after settling in a hotel

"Eula? is that you? why do you suddenly feel Soo devastated?"Qin Xin answers the call.

"Xin? you can't believe that they chased me out of the house! now I have no job,no house nothing! I have little cash!"Eula whines

"Soo what exactly do you want me to do? house you and milk you?"Xin raises her brow

"I just need a job,that's high profile! and also an opposition to Zhang entertainment!"Eula unpacks her things

"Then I think you should be talking about 'Mao Tent.', its owned by Mao Xuruo,the daughter of Mao GenFe!"Xin tells her

"Qin Xin? you know my acting skill won't take me high,do you have any other connection? "Eula makes the bed

"Well it depends but its high profile! Mao Xuruo is a Lesbian, Soo maybe you can seduce her!" Qin Xin chuckles

"No way! I am not a lesbian! why should I become one for just a profile?"Eula sneers

"Then you're not serious! I'll send you her address! good luck with that!"Xin cuts the call

"Seduce her? that should be easy I guess!"Eula smirks as she goes to bed

Next morning

At Mao Tent.)

"I am here to see your boss!"Eula tells the receptionist

"Do you have an appointment with her? if not then I can't help you "the receptionist bows her head in respect and continues doing what she was doing

"You!" Eula storms her feet on the ground and sits on the chair

"Next!"Mao Xuruo calls and Eula walks in..."Show me what you got!"


30 Minute later)

In Xuruo office)

"Miss Lu? I see you're very talented but I don't see our preference in you,sorry but you're not qualified!"Mao Xuruo closes the door as she says

"Isnt there anyway,I can get into it! I am very good its just that I am tired"Eula seductively bits her lips

"Well there is one way! SLEEP with me!"Xuruo chuckles as she locks the door..."Take the offer or leave!"