
The Dungeon and Broken Hearted

Red POV.

I signed for the twenty times; the anguish remains even if I resolved to leave and forget Lucas. "I wish you were here, Mr. Morris," I said, staring up at the pale moon in the sky in a small window. I've already packed my little possessions and changed into more comfy clothes.

"Everything will be OK after tonight... I will be free!" my lips curved into a sour grin.

"Blog!" A tremendous boom could be heard coming from the door...

"What is it this time?" I yelled as I approached the door, but before I could get near... it opened, and two vampires immediately approached and seized me.

"How dare you kill the lady!" the vampire shouted as he covered my mouth with a handkerchief.

I fought as my eyes flooded with shock. I had no idea what was going on or who was being slain.

When the vampire takes me out of my bedroom, I wince. We arrive at the castle portion, where everyone is waiting with scorn in their eyes.

"Lord, we believe this girl is escaping..." one of the vampires declares, tossing my belongings.

"How dare you! You are a monster!" Victoria rushes over, her claws poised to slice my neck.

"Enough!" Lucas ran forward. In an instant, he gripped Victoria's hand, which almost pierced my neck in the blink of an eye. Maybe if Lucas were just a second late... my life would have ended that instant.

"My Lord! She assassinated my daughter! How could you possibly stop me from avenging Catherine?" Victoria responded as she stared at me.

I was so taken aback that I appeared to forget to breathe. (Is Catherine the one who dies?) But how? Who will dare to murder her?!) This is the question on my mind, but I can't ask it since my mouth is covered.

"Then she will be imprisoned. Another reason is that we are not confident she is guilty, "Lucas said coldly.

"Not sure?! She is the sole soul eater in this location. Thus no nation needs to look into it!" Victoria reasoned out loudly and removed her hand.

"Victoria!!!" Marco, who is sitting quietly, roars. He rose and approached them. "There is a rule to obey! We must not live in a brutal era where a suspect is just killed without knowing the facts!" Marco responds harshly to Victoria before directing his gaze to me and removing the cloth from my lips.

"I did not murder Catherine! Why would I do that to my only friend?" I exclaimed as soon as the lid was removed.

"You know why! You're envious of Catherine since Lucas selected her! I know since I saw you earlier!" Victoria screamed.

"No! We've already resolved it! Catherine agreed to assist me-"

"Liar! I don't believe you!" Victoria cut my explanation short.

"Victoria!!!" Marco's warning

"Marco!" Victoria's eyes widened as she looked at her spouse. Catherine dies, not some random vampire!

"Put her in the dungeon! Red Demitri can't die unless she's found guilty!" Marco dismisses Victoria's rage.

Lucas made no response and instead moved away from the gathering. Even though Catherine is his fiance, he has decided not to intervene on this occasion.


Marco's servant swiftly obeyed his order. They lead me to the dungeon in the lowest basement of the fortress.

"Stop! I did not murder Katherine! Please let me go! I didn't murder anyone!" I beg while weeping.

But the two vampires heard nothing... They quickly locked the door after throwing me inside the dark and filthy room.

I quickly slumped but then jumped up and followed them. "Don't lock me up! Please tell me I'm not the murderer!" I yelled as I slammed the door.


"Marco! How could you make such a decision! Your daughter died in Red hand, and still, you demanded a thorough inquiry!" Victoria yelled as she slammed the table.

"It's due to everyone! I wanted everyone to witness how I act like a lord! What do you think will happen if I murder Red in front of them?" Marco answers calmly as he pours scotch into the glass.

Victoria's eyes widened as she heard Marco's remark. "Investigate? Seriously?! Red is the sole soul eater—"

"Victoria! Killing Red signifies mercy...do you want to offer her that?" Marco says, his face darkening. Before drinking his scotch, he said coldly.

Victoria gazed at Marco, realizing what he meant... "Fine! I will not murder Red, but I will make her life a living hell!"

Victoria's statement before leaving Marco...

——-+++ ——

Only stifled cries could be heard in the freezing cell where I was imprisoned.

"Catherine... " I yell out as my face lays on my arms. Until today, I had no idea what was going on.

I think deeply when the door opens and Lucas walks in.

"Thank God you're here... Catherine was not murdered by me... Please trust me—"

"And who do you suppose it is? You already know that a soul eater is uncommon... Aside from the fact that someone saw you arguing with Catherine, "Lucas said.

"I didn't murder her! Catherine is my only buddy. Therefore I can't murder her! Please believe me!" As I neared Lucas, I implored.

"Your fragrance was left on Catherine's body, so lying now won't help you!" Lucas reacts coldly, staring at me with scorn.

My approach to Lucas was halted... Because of the rage in Lucas' eyes, I couldn't say what I needed to say.

"You're certain I killed Catherine..." I didn't ask; it's a proclamation.

"Lord Marco will take care of everything... And from now on, we are the enemy!" Lucascommentst.

Lucas' words wounded my heart... I lost two vital people in my life in one night. Therefore the agony is doubled and indescribable. And when Lucas vanished from view, I lost all hope.

I had no idea how long I had been in that posture. My mind had stopped working, and the only thing I could do was weep...

My tears flowed till I felt the weight of my eyelids.

Then darkness...


"Wake up, sleeping beauty!"

Because of the chilly water dripping on me, I rolled over and moaned loudly. I felt dizzy from lack of sleep and excessive sobbing.

"How dare you sleep after murdering our lady!" shouted one of the four vampires.

"What are you doing? Allow me to depart!" I shouted in despair as the two vampires grabbed my arm and forced me into the chair.

When I saw a tool table, my eyes widened. I didn't witness all of this last night.

"We will immediately begin the inquiry into Lady Catherine Demitri's death!" one of the vampires announced, coming with a whip in hand.

"I didn't murder her! She is my only—"

"Slash!!!" I writhed as the whip slashed my skin.

"Admit it; you murdered Lady Catherine!" The vampire screams as his hand sway the lash.

"Stop... Please... I did not murder her..." I mumbled. Because I was panting, my voice was too unsteady.

"Then suffer! Because we will not stop until you confess to your crime!"

"Then murder me! I will not confess to a crime I never committed!" I declared unequivocally.

The torment continued... whenever I lost consciousness, the vampire would pour water on me, wake me up, and then begin hitting again.

Because of the torment, I could no longer cry; my body was already covered in wounds, but my heart suffered much more.

I was still grieving the death of my only friend and the desertion of the guy I loved.

The torment finally ceased when the light came up.

"Rest comfortably... because we'll return later and resume our game!" The vampire responded before closing the door.

"Just murder me... there's no purpose in surviving..." I mumbled as I crawled towards the wall.

Because no one loves me, I want to terminate my life... yet I can't move. My body and spirit are both exhausted. I fall asleep as soon as I approach the wall.


(Into my dream...)

"Where am I?" Seeing the strange location, I inquired. I didn't know what the outside world looked like, so I started walking.

"What is that light?" Without thinking, I build a barricade around the route where the lights are coming from.

"Wow! It's amazing!!!" My eyes widened as I saw the hill full of flowers with a modest cottage in the center.

A woman hangs her laundry on the clothesline on the exterior of her house.

"Perhaps the lady isn't dangerous..." As I approached the lady, I whispered.

"Excuse me, ma'am..."

The lady looked at me, puzzled.

"You... How did you locate this place?" The lady's face was flushed with surprise.

"The fact is, Ma'am, I'm unfamiliar with this location...

As I recall, I'm in the dungeon, preparing to die—"

"No! You can't die!" The lady comments.

I grimace, then smile cruelly. "I don't want to die... But I can't decide..."

"Someone will assist you; be brave! You can't die easily! You're a Demitri and Michaelson!" The female state.


Cold water jolted me awake...

"Are you ready for another session?" The vampire inquired, a smirk on his face.