
Swallowing The Spider

Nicholas James was a reincarnate. Though he reincarnated in marvel when he really wanted to go to DC. No matter, nothing is impossible He’ll just make a machine and go to DC and maybe take a power up along the way. *Cover on the front is not mine*

DragonField · Anime et bandes dessinées
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[BT] Genius Going Public...

[Before Transition]

Going back to school was pretty easy, I didn't really talk or interact with other people so keeping my new abilities hidden wasn't a problem. I have mixed feelings about this, I've realised that I don't really have people who care about me and while it doesn't really bother me that much I am still human. I need human interaction and Earl has been that interaction but recently he has been less responsive and it just makes it clear how much I rely on him. I guess Mary Jane bugging me is a good thing, I can't help but look fondly over the times she annoys me into going out.

Anyway not much has changed but what has changed is Peter Benjamin Parker. I haven't really spoke to him lately, don't get me wrong he still uses me as a meat shield and sits next to me but he doesn't talk and spends most of the day writing down things in his sketchbook. The only time he's away from it is when Mary Jane has come to bug me but Peter doesn't talk to me he talks to Mary Jane which I think she finds kind of annoying.

I've gotten a few glimpses over his shoulder and I've seen what he's been writing in his notebook, he's been doing sketches of different suits and I even saw the iconic red and blue suit. I've also seen lots of different chemical formulas written down and I've made sure to remember them, I'm pretty sure they are different configurations of webbing. I could design and make this stuff myself and it wouldn't even take that long but it would still take me away from my machine. I can't be away from my machine I have to make it.. for my parents.

I remember the day my parents die and the conversation I was having with Gwen, I had that same conversation many times before and I even had it with my parents. The only difference between the conversation with Gwen and the conversation with my parents was the belief. Gwen doubted that I could do it and I don't really mind, I didn't think I could do it either but my parents, when I had the conversation with them they're response astounded me.

When I first reincarnated into the Marvel Universe I was amazed not just that I reincarnated but in a world I believed to be fiction. The implications are massive, if the Marvel Universe is real than it only stands to reason that other fictitious works existed as real universes out there and I couldn't help but wonder about them. In my last life I was just a boring guy who just finished high school and was spending his now free time being listless and staying at home until I died, I don't want to be like that again. I want adventure I want to experience all that the world had to offer, not just this world but all the worlds I read about in my first life, I wanted to see them. But in the end it didn't matter, I had a second chance at life and I'm not going to waste it.

But remember that I was a child and I had all these awesome thoughts and dreams, I couldn't keep it bottled up and I told my parents. I want to travel to different worlds, explore different universes and travel to entirely different multiverses. These were the dreams I told my parents about even if I knew I wasn't going to do them but my parents believed in me. They had seen the intelligence I had shown and knew I was a genius and they told me they believe in me and that they would support me with their all to help me complete my dreams, it made me cry that they believed in me so genuinely. I wouldn't accomplish these dreams but I would definitely make them proud in the future, this I promised. They died and they died with the belief that I would travel to different universes, in their will especially directed to me was the message to follow through on my dreams.

'Son, we know that it will be difficult with us gone but we believe in you. We have given you everything we own and given guardianship of you to Earl. We give you our permission to use everything we have given you to accomplish your dreams, to travel to other dimensions. We believe in you, we don't care if the entire inheritance we have left to you is squandered so long as you use it to accomplish your dreams. We want our son to be a 'Dimensional Traveler' or even better an 'Universal Explorer' and to explore worlds unknown. Make us proud son..'

I promised to make them proud and they believed in my dream to travel and experience other universes, to do anything less would be an insult to my beloved parents. That's why I focus all my time on my machine and want to go to another universe, to prove I am worthy of their belief in me to show that the time I spent with them was not meaningless, I loved them. But I realised that they wanted me to have adventure and focusing all my time on the machine is not living the life they gave me. I'll try to go out more and make more friends, after all I have the rest of my life to travel other universes and it's good to take a breather every once in a while.

That doesn't mean I'm going to stop working on my machine I'm going to try and make it as soon as possible and then I'm going to explore this world before leaving to another universe. But I've realised something, I've stagnated no matter how much I research and brainstorm I'm not having any breakthroughs, I haven't progressed in six months and I have realised I haven't gone all in on this. There is an entire world of mad geniuses out there who all probably have some research into dimensions and universes, getting that research is probably going to be the most beneficial to making my machines. I don't want to endanger myself though by approaching a mad scientist villain so there is only one place I can go to get that kind of information and it's could be just as dangerous.

After having spent most the school day being quite and having a silent retrospection of my life so far which ended in my new resolve, the school bell has rang and school is over. I am currently walking with Mary Jane towards the car park, I have promised to go catch a movie with her after school. We are both waking but we seem to have picked up a stray along the way, Peter is talking to Mary Jane and is making quite the fool of himself. I am glad that I am not an awkward teenager anymore, I went through that in my last life and don't need to deal with that here.

We have just reached my car when Peter's mouth drops open at the site of it, it is pretty gorgeous. Getting my license wasn't all that hard, I knew how to drive a car from my previous world and it was just a matter of learning the rules of the American roads and if your gonna drive a car you might as well drive a beautiful one (I am rich and I like to have luxuries sometimes). Hopping into the (iridescent grey) Audi R8 with Mary Jane getting in the other side Peter finally closes his mouth.

"Where are you guys going? Can I come with? I don't really have much to do and I finished my homework during lunch so I'm pretty free." He questions with a bit of desperation.

Mary Jane responds. "Sorry Pete, we are going to the movies and we only have two tickets. The movie is really popular and it's been sold out but maybe you can come next time." She let him down gently but I don't think she saw it like that, I'm pretty sure Petey here is in the friend zone.

"Ahh, Yeah, no problem I actually have some homework I have to finish so this actually works out.. pretty well." He finished awkwardly like he didn't just say thirty seconds ago that he finished all his homework at lunch. Both MJ and myself ignore that though and bid him goodbye, then I start to drive away.

While I am driving away I hear Peter mumbling something. "Nick has a really cool car, I bet if I had a cool car Mary Jane would hang out with me more. But where am I going to get the money for a car?" But I don't pay it any attention.

I am trying to think about my future course of action, go home and get Earl to make it so I can do all my high school exams, pass with top marks and then become an intern at the Baxter Building. There are probably a few other things I need to do but those are the main ones which will get me closer To my goal.

The Baxter Building. Home of the Fantastic Four and Dr Reed Richards the lead scientist in different dimensions.

Time to infiltrate a super hero team.. I just hope that none of the weird shit they get up to affects me.. I really don't want to go with them on their adventures.

It's time to show my genius...