
Surviving The Last Of Us World

This book is fan fiction for the game "The Last of Us" and will include characters from other Apocalypse games. Currently joining: Game version of The Walking Dead, Metro Exodus. ....... I didn't write this ...... patreon.com/kibishi718

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Chapter 6 : Separation Part 1

"Sarah, I'll let you down later. You go to the side to find Brian and hide with him!"

The scene of soldiers shooting the survivor made Joel feel very palpitated. He did not dare to let the soldiers decide a person's life and death, especially when his daughter was involved.


Sarah was a little depressed because she had been frightened too much along the way, but she also knew that letting her father hold her would only continue to drag him down, so she obediently agreed.

"Damn, have you ever asked me for my opinion?"

While silently watching the interaction between father and daughter, Brian couldn't help but complain in his heart, but when Joel put Sarah down, he still reached out and pulled the girl over.

During this period, the girl's injured leg would inevitably be touched, but no matter how painful it was, the girl still gritted her teeth and remained silent.

"I'll give you the gun and I'll take Sarah to hide in the bushes over there!"

Letting Sarah lean against the back of the rock mass, Brian hesitated for a moment, then behind Joel, using the opponent's back as a cover, he inserted his pistol into his trouser pocket.

"I understand."

Feeling the extra pistol coming out of his trouser pocket, Joel suddenly felt a lot more at ease, and then he listened to Brian's words:

"The watch I am wearing has a timer reminder function. When the time is three minutes, I will throw it into the grass on the soldier's right side. It will attract his attention."

As soon as these words came out, Joel suddenly fell silent. He didn't expect that the other party could think of so many things. It seemed that he underestimated the boy.


He turned his head and was about to ask Brian why he did this, but he saw that behind the rock mass next to him, the two children had already disappeared.

On the slope, the soldier also felt a little embarrassed by the people in front of him. His mission was to clear out dangerous targets nearby, and there were no other mission instructions. He had no choice but to turn on the radio and ask for instructions.

"Several citizens were spotted outside, requesting instructions."

After a while, the radio was connected, and a male voice came from the intercom, giving an extremely cold instruction:

"Whoever they are, shoot them on the spot."

Listening to the instructions from the walkie-talkie, the soldier felt a little weird. He didn't know why they gave him the order to shoot on the spot. This was obviously against moral laws.

"But sir, there are children here."

"Keep your orders!"


"That's enough, soldier; you just need to obey!"

The soldier originally wanted to argue, but when he heard the increasingly cold voice on the other end of the intercom, he did not dare to continue arguing. He said:

"As you command, sir!"


Apologizing silently in his heart, the soldier raised the rifle in his hand, wanting to give the men and children on the opposite side a good blow.

But as soon as he picked up the assault rifle, he discovered that the girl in the hands of one of the men had disappeared at some point, and the boy standing aside was also missing.

Just now, most of his attention was on the walkie-talkie and Tommy with the gun in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to what was happening on the other side.

"Damn it, where are those two kids going?"

The soldier, who felt something was wrong, immediately and sternly questioned the two men in front of him.

But what he just said on the radio was heard by Joel and Tommy. Although they didn't know what happened on the other end, they could guess it by looking at the soldiers' reactions, so they wouldn't say anything.

Joel silently counted the time in his heart, pointed at the unoccupied rock mass next to him, and said carefully:

"They are all tired; I let them rest."

"Let them out."

"But, sir, my daughter's legs..."

"I said, let them out!"

Seeing that the soldier had raised his rifle, Joel became more and more anxious, and cold sweat slowly flowed down his forehead.


At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the grass on the right side. The soldier was startled and instinctively fired a shuttle of bullets.

But after a few hits, he realized something was wrong. He quickly turned the gun and shot the two men without caring about the children.

But Joel could not sit still and wait for death. He was waiting for this opportunity. His will to survive made him move extremely quickly. He took out his pistol, pointed it at the soldier's head, and pulled the trigger.

Unfortunately, due to too much haste, the bullet failed to hit the target's head and only hit his chest.


His chest was hit by a bullet, and his body fell backward. The severe pain made the soldier subconsciously hold down the trigger. The gunfire sprayed unconsciously into the air, and bursts of gunfire continued to echo in the air.


part 2 will be uploaded after 6 hrs


The last of us Stages of infection-
