
Surviving in Monster Girl world as a Slave.

Mature Content~~ Living in a world where everything is boring but peaceful while there maybe incidents some times but other than that peaceful, but who the fuck would have that that world become like this. Novels, light novel, the one we read as a kid and even now as adult for entertainment and enjoyment, where monsters, magic, other races and many other things. Now that fantasy world has become reality, where other world has merged with ours making things more evolve and now seeing things like magic in daily tv episodes and talk about other races. While that may look like some fantastic world but don’t be mistaken, it isn’t. I was struggling to get a job in this age and day, when I find the job I was very happy that now I will become successful and live very beautiful life but that thought too like that wasn’t for too long. Because the job was very different from the one I thought, though I am not complaining who would or can reject a fantastic job like this where I can enjoy the day and night with very beautiful girls and Monster sexy beautiful girls from other worlds. “So tell me, How does my Pussy looks.” “Don’t just stand there and look at me chest, it is very embarrassing.” “Yes… yes that is the spot.” This is the story of my job with Beautiful girls and Monster girls.

subaru_oni · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 4: Well, Let’s just face It.

"Goodness, every single time," I muttered, unable to tear my gaze away. Despite having seen it multiple times, the spectacle never became mundane.

It was simply impossible to normalize the sight of a creature of that magnitude effortlessly navigating the air, casting enormous shadows over towering buildings below.

While these dragons were magnificent, they also posed unpredictable threats. What if, in the midst of their flight, they chose to relieve themselves? The aftermath would be catastrophic, leveling entire cities.

The very thought made me shudder. The idea of a city obliterated by dragon excrement seemed almost comical, yet in this world, it was a genuine concern.

And wouldn't it be prudent for the Government to introduce some kind of aerial regulations for these massive beings?

Still, the sheer terror of such beings was unmatched. Their grandeur and scale made one feel so insignificant. To think of one landing in the middle of the city was unfathomable. The inherent danger it posed was beyond human comprehension.

However, amidst all the chaos and upheaval, one fact remained unchanged: the need to make a living. The world might have evolved into a place of fantasy and wonder, but the age-old concern of ensuring one's survival persisted.

"Strange world or not, I've got bills to pay," I mused, continuing on my path, the weight of the documents and responsibility heavy in my hand.

In this unpredictable world, where the threat of being crushed by dragon shit from the sky was a genuine concern, one eternal truth remained: the necessity of money for survival.

Alex's grip tightened involuntarily, causing the envelope in his hand to crinkle. A mix of frustration and determination bubbled up inside him.

He might live in a world of unpredictability and chaos, but there were some constants. This envelope and its contents represented one such unwavering fact.

Taking a deep breath, he muttered, "Honestly, this is ridiculous." But he couldn't deny that, in a twisted way, it was better to face this bizarre world's dangers than to worry about trivialities like the fluctuating temperatures of the Han River in the old world.

His mind settled, clarity cutting through his earlier frustration. Mustering all the vigor and determination he possessed, Alex raised his head high, and with renewed zeal, he shouted out, "huaaaa!" Ready to face whatever the fuck lay ahead.


Upon following the directions provided by the civil servant, I found myself standing in front of a structure that sharply contradicted my expectations.

With rumors painting it as humanity's darkest pit, I had half-expected to see an imposing, castle-like edifice, perhaps something that mirrored a lair of malevolence.

Instead, I was greeted by an outwardly ordinary building, its facade neither threatening nor noteworthy.

"Could I have taken a wrong turn?" I mused aloud, perplexed by the disparity between rumor and reality.

Pulling out the map I'd been given by the lady civil servant, I double-checked the location. Once, twice, thrice. Every time, the map confirmed that this unremarkable structure was indeed my intended destination.

Perhaps it was naive of me to have imagined something out of a dark fairytale, but the whispers about this place had certainly colored my expectations.

The role I was here for was shrouded in mystery. While the title 'distributor' was widely recognized, few could attest to the specifics of the job. Its ambiguous nature had allowed rumors to thrive, filling the void of concrete information.

And now, standing here, all I knew for certain was the name: distributor. Beyond that, the actual responsibilities and nature of the job remained as much a mystery as ever.

Before I staked my future on this enigmatic position, I made every effort to understand the true nature of the 'distributor' job.

The only clear information I could unearth was that this role was part of a larger initiative – a venture backed by the Government to provide employment opportunities.

But in a world where the very concept of individual nations had blurred into irrelevance, referring to this as a "national project" seemed outdated. Instead, "global project" would be a more fitting descriptor.

However, the origin and scope of the job weren't my primary concerns. What puzzled me most was the lack of firsthand accounts or testimonials from those who had taken on the role.

Since its inception, around the time the Government was being established, a significant number of individuals had been recruited for this position.

Given its apparent prominence, one would expect a plethora of people sharing their experiences as a 'distributor'.

Yet, there was a conspicuous absence of firsthand information. This void had only fueled further speculations, giving rise to a myriad of wild theories and dubious rumors.

I sighed, thinking, "It's no wonder the stories surrounding this job are far from flattering."

Whispers and murmurs filled the air, with each person having their version of the story. Some said once you entered, you never left.

Others talked in hushed tones about sinister magical experiments conducted on living beings. The most dramatic of these tales suggested that the Government had struck a diabolical pact, offering regular sacrifices to the devil himself.

Among the most outlandish claims was the idea that the dimensional rift, which was supposedly closed, remained ajar.

Those who believed this theory posited that individuals like myself were being used as meat shields, thrust into battle against monsters pouring from this unclosed rift.

These were, after all, just claims.

Distinguishing between fact and fiction seemed an impossible task in a world already brimming with the fantastical. However, arriving at the appointed location and seeing a well-maintained building did offer some comfort.

Perhaps I was too hopeful, but I wanted to believe that the reality inside those walls wouldn't mirror the horrified tales that had filled my ears.

"Surely, in a world this surreal, there must still be some semblance of sanity," I thought, trying to reassure myself. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I felt my throat constrict, and I swallowed hard.

With cautious optimism, I took a measured step forward, crossing the threshold of the structure. A soft "whiing" sound greeted me as the automatic doors parted smoothly, allowing me entry.