
Surviving in HOTD

In a world where the dead rise and the living become prey, one student will discover what it takes to survive the apocalypse. Meet Kai Sato, a mysterious transfer student with a dark past and a desperate will to live. When a sudden outbreak turns his new school into a blood-soaked nightmare, Kenji must rely on his wits, his makeshift weapons, and a few unlikely allies to fight his way out of the horror-filled halls of Fujimi Academy. But escape is only the beginning. As Kai and his companions venture into the city, they find themselves in a landscape of unimaginable terror, where the undead roam the streets and society teeters on the brink of collapse. Faced with gut-wrenching choices and heart-stopping twists, Kai must confront the darkness within himself if he hopes to protect the ones he's come to care for. Because in a world gone mad, the line between hero and monster blurs. And Kai will discover that sometimes, the only way to hold onto your humanity...is to embrace the savagery within. The end of the world is here. Do you have what it takes to make it through the first day?

Tonkotsu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs


I was so focused on the swirling thoughts in my head, on the black void of the TV screen, that I didn't even notice the sound of the door opening behind us.

It wasn't until I felt a warm, heavy pressure on the top of my head that I startled back to awareness. I stiffened, but then I felt two hands smoothing over my bare shoulders, tracing the lines of my torso with a light, almost playful touch.

I craned my neck to look up and found myself staring straight into Shizuka's beaming face. She was leaning over the bed, her damp hair falling in a curtain around us. And from what I could see... she was wearing nothing but a fluffy white towel.

"Shizuka, what are you-"

But before I could finish the question, she swooped down and planted a kiss right on my cheek. I could smell the floral scent of her shampoo and the scent of wine.

"Kai!" she trilled, her voice bubbly and bright. "I was looking all over for you! I wanted to thank you for being such a brave leader today."

I blinked, my face flushing hot. I was acutely aware of Kohta and Takashi staring at us, their expressions a mix of shock and something that looked suspiciously like envy.

"Uh, thanks Shizuka," I replied, trying to gently disentangle myself from her embrace. "But really, it was a team effort. We all did what we had to do."

She giggled, booping me on the nose with a playful finger. "So modest! That's what I like about you, Kai. You're a real hero, but you don't even know it."

"Shizuka, maybe you should go put some clothes on," I suggested, trying to keep my eyes firmly fixed on her face. "I wouldn't want you to catch a cold..."

But she just waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, don't be silly! I'm very comfortable. Besides, I usually sleep like this anyways!"

And with that, Shizuka's soft, warm body pressed against mine as she nestled into my lap, her arms wrapping around my neck like a scarf. I sat frozen, my hands hovering awkwardly in the air, unsure of where to land. Her towel had ridden up, revealing a dangerous amount of creamy thighs. 

She nuzzled into the crook of my neck, her breath tickling my ear as she murmured, "Mmm, Kai, you're so warm. And so strong." Her lips brushed my neck making me shiver. "My big, brave protector."

I shot a desperate look at Takashi and Kohta, silently pleading for help.

But they just grinned at me, clearly enjoying my predicament. Traitors.

Shizuka's fingers were tracing idle patterns on my chest now, her touch feather-light. "You know," she purred, her words slurring slightly, "I feel so safe with you. Like nothing bad can happen as long as you're here."

She punctuated her words with a series of soft, wet kisses along my jaw, each one sending a jolt straight to my groin. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to think of unsexy things. Baseball stats. Quantum physics. The mating habits of sloths.

But it was no use. My body was reacting to her proximity, to her touch, in ways I couldn't control. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to angle my hips away from her, but she just snuggled closer.

"Such a good boy," she mumbled. "My Kai... my hero..."

Her words trailed off into a soft snore, her body going slack against mine. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, equal parts relieved and disappointed.

Takashi stood up, stretching theatrically. "Well, I think I'm going to hit the shower," he announced, a little too loudly. "Wash off the zombie guts and existential dread."

Kohta jumped to his feet, nodding vigorously. "Yeah, and I should probably find a room to crash in. You know, give you two some privacy." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

I glared at them, mouthing 'I hate you' as they beat a hasty retreat, their snickers echoing down the hall.

Sighing, I looked down at Shizuka, her face peaceful and innocent in sleep. "This was supposed to be my room, you know," I grumbled, but there was no heat in it.

Carefully, I scooped her up in my arms, trying not to jostle her too much. She was heavier than she looked, all soft curves and dead weight. I carried her to the bed, laying her down gently on the cool sheets.

For a moment, I just looked at her. The delicate fan of her lashes, the slight part of her full, pink lips. In this unguarded moment, she looked so young. So vulnerable. It stirred something in me, a fierce protectiveness that took my breath away.

Shaking my head, I pulled the covers over her, making sure she was tucked in snugly. I brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, my fingers lingering just a moment longer than necessary.

"Sweet dreams, Shizuka," I whispered. 

I padded down the stairs, my bare feet silent on the polished wood. The house was quiet, the only sound the distant ticking of a clock and the soft clink of dishes from the kitchen.

As I rounded the corner, I pulled up short. Saeko stood at the stove, her back to me, stirring a pot of something that smelled divine. But it wasn't the food that made my breath catch in my throat.

She was wearing nothing but a pair of lacy black panties and an apron. The ties of the apron cinched her waist, emphasizing the perfect curve of her hips, the taut muscle of her thighs. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, exposing the graceful line of her neck.

I must have made some sound, some sharp intake of breath, because she turned. Her eyes met mine, dark and unreadable in the dim light of the kitchen.

"Kai," she said, her voice low and even. "I didn't hear you come in."

"I, uh... I couldn't sleep. Thought I'd grab a snack."

She raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk playing at the corner of her mouth. "Like what you see?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I could get used to this view, that's for sure."

Something flickered in her eyes, a flash of heat that made my pulse quicken. But then it was gone, hidden behind her usual cool composure.

I moved to the fridge, hoping the cold air would clear my head. Grabbing a juice box, I turned back to Saeko, holding it up in a mock toast.

"Gotta say, this place is stocked. Shizuka's friend was ready for the apocalypse and then some."

Saeko nodded, turning back to the stove. "Soup's almost ready. Grab a bowl."

We ate in silence, the only sound the clink of spoons against ceramic. The soup was rich and savory, warming me from the inside out. But I barely tasted it, my mind consumed with the woman across from me.

We hadn't really talked about the kiss. About what it meant, where it left us. In the chaos of the outbreak, there hadn't been time. But now, in this moment of quiet, it hung between us, a question waiting to be asked.

Finally, as we set our empty bowls aside, Saeko spoke. Her voice was soft, almost uncertain, a far cry from her usual steely confidence.

"Kai, there's something I need to tell you. Something about... about me."

I leaned forward, my elbows on the table. "I'm listening."

She took a deep breath, her eyes distant, as if seeing something far away.

"Two years ago, I was walking home from kendo practice. It was late, the streets were empty. I thought I was alone, but... but then he appeared."

Her voice faltered, her hands clenching into fists. I reached out, covering her hand with mine. She flinched, but didn't pull away.

"He had a knife. He told me... told me what he was going to do to me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, see the madness in his eyes. And I..."

She swallowed hard, her knuckles white. "I don't even remember drawing my sword. One moment he was lunging at me, and the next... the next he was on the ground, screaming. There was so much blood, Kai. On my hands, my face. Everywhere."

I squeezed her hand, trying to anchor her in the present. "You did what you had to do, Saeko. You defended yourself."

But she shook her head, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "That's the thing. In that moment, when I struck him down... I didn't feel fear, or horror, or even relief. I felt... I felt alive. Powerful. Like I was born for this, for violence and blood and death."

Her eyes met mine, glistening with unshed tears. "What does that make me, Kai? What kind of monster takes pleasure in something like that?"

I stood up, moving around the table to kneel beside her chair. Gently, I took her face in my hands, forcing her to look at me.

"Listen to me, Saeko. Having darkness inside you doesn't make you a monster. We all have it, that capacity for violence, for cruelty. What matters is how we choose to act on it."

I brushed a tear from her cheek with my thumb. "You could have let that darkness consume you, let it turn you into something twisted and evil. But you didn't. You channeled it into something good, something noble. You became a protector, a guardian. Someone who fights for what's right."

She stared at me, her eyes wide and vulnerable. "You really believe that? Even after what I just told you?"

I smiled softly. "Especially after what you just told me. Your strength, your courage... it's what I admire most about you, Saeko. It's what drew me to you in the first place."

She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, and then she was kissing me, her lips hard and desperate against mine. I tangled my fingers in her hair, pulling her closer, pouring every ounce of reassurance and acceptance I could into the kiss.

We stumbled to our feet, never breaking contact. She backed me up against the wall, her hands roaming over my chest, my stomach. I groaned into her mouth, my own hands finding the curve of her ass, pulling her flush against me.

"Bedroom," she gasped, her breath hot against my ear. "Now."

We crashed through the bedroom door, our lips locked, hands grasping at any exposed skin we could find. The world narrowed to sensation - the heat of her mouth, the brush of her hair against my cheek, the press of her body against mine.

My back hit the mattress and she was on top of me, straddling my hips. The apron was gone, lost somewhere in our frenzied journey from the kitchen. Now there was only the thin barrier of her lace panties between us, a flimsy scrap of fabric that did nothing to hide the heat of her.

She rocked against me, a slow, deliberate grind that made my eyes roll back in my head. "Saeko," I groaned, my hands finding her hips, urging her on. "Don't stop."

She leaned down, her hair falling around us like a curtain, her lips brushing my ear. "I want you, Kai," she whispered, her voice low and rough with desire. "I want all of you. Your light, your dark. Every broken, beautiful piece."

Her words stole the breath from my lungs. In that moment, I felt cracked open, laid bare. Like she was seeing parts of me I'd never shown anyone, parts I barely acknowledged myself.

And yet, I didn't feel vulnerable or exposed. I felt... free. Understood in a way I'd never been before. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

I surged up, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. I poured everything I couldn't say into that kiss, every ounce of gratitude and wonder and bone-deep need. My hands roamed the expanse of her back, feeling the muscle beneath her smooth skin.

She broke away, panting, her eyes dark and wild. With a wicked grin, she began to kiss her way down my body, her lips and tongue leaving trails of fire in their wake.

When she reached the waistband of my sweatpants, she paused, looking up at me through the veil of her lashes. With deliberate slowness, she hooked her fingers in the fabric and tugged, baring me inch by agonizing inch.

I lifted my hips, helping her slide the pants off and toss them aside. And then there was nothing between us but air and anticipation, the weight of her gaze as it raked over my body.

"Beautiful," she murmured, almost to herself. "So fucking beautiful."

And then her mouth was on me and I was lost. Lost in the wet heat of her, the wicked curl of her tongue. She took me deep, the vibrations sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through my body.

My hands fisted in the sheets, my hips bucking up of their own accord. She rode the motion, taking me deeper still, until I could feel the flutter of her throat around the head of my cock.

It was too much, too intense. I was hurtling towards the edge at breakneck speed, my control fraying with every bob of her head, every clever twist of her tongue.

"Saeko," I gasped, tugging at her hair in warning. "I'm gonna... if you don't stop, I'm gonna..."

But she didn't stop. If anything, she redoubled her efforts, one hand coming up to cup my balls, the other gripping the base of my shaft.

And then I was coming, my vision whiting out as I spilled into her mouth. She swallowed around me, her throat working, milking every last drop from my twitching cock.

When it was over, when I was nothing but a boneless, panting mess, she crawled back up my body. There was a smug, satisfied gleam in her eye, a cat-who-got-the-cream curl to her lips.

I reached for her, wanting to wipe that smirk off her face, to make her feel even a fraction of what she'd just done to me. But she caught my wrists, pinning them above my head with surprising strength.

"My turn," she purred, her voice a dark promise. And then she was sinking down onto me, taking me into the slick, scorching heat of her body.

We both groaned at the contact, at the perfect, stretching fullness of it. She started to move, a slow, sinuous roll of her hips that made my toes curl and my breath catch.

I strained against her hold, desperate to touch her, to feel the warm silk of her skin under my hands. But she held me fast, her grip unyielding.

"Let me," I pleaded, my voice hoarse and raw. "Please, Saeko. I need to touch you."

For a moment, I thought she would refuse. But then, with a sly smile, she released my wrists. "Show me," she whispered, leaning down until her lips brushed my ear. "Show me how much you want me."

I surged up, my arms wrapping around her, my hands mapping the curve of her spine, the flare of her hips. I pulled her close, burying my face in the crook of her neck, breathing in the scent of her - sweat and desire and something uniquely Saeko.

She rolled her hips, grinding down onto me, and I saw stars. My fingers dug into the flesh of her ass, urging her on, guiding her rhythm.

I could feel her getting close, her movements becoming erratic, her breath coming in short, sharp pants. I slipped a hand between us, finding the slick bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. I stroked her there, firm and fast, in time with the thrust of my hips.

"Kai," she keened, her nails digging into my shoulders, her head thrown back in ecstasy. "Don't stop, don't you dare fucking stop."

I had no intention of stopping. I pistoned into her, my cock hitting that secret spot inside her with every stroke. My thumb worked her clit, circling, pressing, driving her higher and higher.

And then she was coming, her body seizing around me, her mouth open in a silent scream. The feel of her clenching, fluttering around my cock was too much to bear. With a hoarse cry, I followed her over the edge, emptying myself inside her in long, shuddering spurts.

We collapsed together, a tangle of sweat-slick limbs and heaving chests. For a long moment, we just held each other, riding out the aftershocks, savoring the fading echoes of pleasure.

Finally, she lifted her head from my chest, her eyes finding mine in the dim light. There was something soft in her gaze, something tender and vulnerable that made my heart clench.

"Thank you," she whispered, her fingers tracing the line of my jaw. "For seeing me. For accepting me. All of me."

I pulled her down into a gentle kiss, pouring everything I felt, everything I couldn't put into words, into the brush of my lips against hers.

"Always," I murmured against her mouth. "I'm here, Saeko. I'll always be here."

And as we drifted off to sleep, our bodies intertwined, our heartbeats slowing to a shared rhythm, I knew it was a promise.

No matter what horrors this new world held, no matter what demons we had to face, both within and without... we would face them together.

Bound not by blood, but by something far stronger. By understanding, by acceptance.

By love.