
Surviving in Another World

I was just sitting in a cafe full of people in the middle of the city when the sky outside suddenly becomes completely dark. Everyone started panicking before the sky becomes bright again in just a couple of seconds. As a fan hardcore fan of isekai light novel, I thought we got transported to different world or dimension. Turns out what? I was right! After the sky becomes bright, there's no building around the cafe, instead it's surrounded by trees. But where's the meeting with the god? Where's the superpowers and gifts we're supposed to choose? How can I survive world this without any of those?

AnnoSenpaii · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
48 Chs

SAW 45 - The festival(5)

(Inside the blood barrier)

"Huff... huff..."

I catches my breath as blood is pouring down my lips.

I turned my head over to Kim Jaesuk and he's in a slightly better condition than mine.

'Fuck.. we can't even reach him...'

Right now, behind Frankwell, there's a blood whirlpool that keeps on attacking us the moment we dashed forward to attack.


And what annoying me is the fact that the fucker keeps on provoking us like that.

I then turned to whisper to Kim Jaesuk.

"Hey Jaesuk, do something..."

"What do you mean do something, I'm trying here..."

"Just do something about that whirlpool behind him and I'll pierce his skull."

"Easy for you to say..."

While we were bickering, the whirlpool launched another attack at us.

We both reacted at the same time.



The ground that the blood touches started to sizzle due to the heat of the blood.

"That's dangerous as heck."

I cursed out.

I then channeled mana into my spear to launch my assault skill.

-Spear Skill, Thrust Edge.

Mana in the form of the edge of my spear then flew towards Frankwell in a lightning speed.

But before it's even able to reach him, the blood whirlpool shot it down.


"Hey, Alex!"


"Do that again..."


"Do that skill again!"

"Don't you see that it doesn't work?"

"Trust me, do it again."

After that, I decided to trust him and channeled my attack once more.

"Useless attempt, it won't even reach me... Now give up and die!"

Frankwell said while controlling the whirlpool to attack us again.

After dodging it, I then launched my assault skill again towards Frankwell.

But like before, the whirlpool released an attack to shot down my skill.

Just as it was about to hit my skill, Kim Jaesuk suddenly launched his assault skill as well, but not towards Frankwell.

Rather, he launched it towards the projectiles released by the whirlpool that was about to shot my skill down.

My skill then pierced through Frankwell.


He held his abdomen while screaming out loud.

"Alright! He's open now!"

I shouted at Kim Jaesuk before dashing towards Frankwell.

Kim Jaesuk also dashed forward at the same time.


Frankwell suddenly screamed and the blood whirlpool behind him started to shot out projectiles randomly everywhere.

I keep dashing forward while evading and slashing my spear towards the incoming attack.

I then arrived in front of him before Kim Jaesuk and thrust my spear forward, piercing through Frankwell's chest.


Blood then started to pour out of his mouth like a waterfall.

But then, his hand suddenly gripped my spear, making me unable to pull it out.


I shouted, and Kim Jaesuk then landed next to me and was about to swung his sword to cut Frankwell's head off.

But he suddenly stopped.


"I... I can't do it..."

He said while shaking.

"You idi-"

I was about to scold him when the blood whirlpool behind him shot out an attack that pierces through Frankwell's body and mine, creating a grotesque hole in my stomach.

I looked up to see that Frankwell is smiling creepily.




I then coughed up blood and fainted straight away after hearing Kim Jaesuk shouting my name.


I immediately held Alex's body and stepped backwards, leaving his spear still piercing Frankwell's chest.

There's another hole in Frankwell's abdomen as well since the attack comes from behind him.

After taking quite a distance, I pour a potion that Adrian gave me into Alex's stomach, as well as making him drink another one.

"Please... Please... Please..."

I prayed while putting my hand on top of the hole on his stomach.

'It's my fault!"

I shouldn't have hesitated.

That hesitation of mine caused a hole on Alex's stomach.

After a while, he stopped shivering in pain and his breathing stabilised, but the hole is still there although the bleeding started to slow down.

But even so, I wasn't glad at all.

Because it's my fault that it happened in the first place.

I underestimate the cruelty of people.

I hesitated to kill him because I was scared to take on the consequences.

I was scared of me changing into someone like him who's able to kill without batting an eye.

But if the cost of that is the safety of my friend, I can handle it.

Therefore, I decided.

I will kill him.

I will cut him down, to get us out of this danger.

With that thought in mind, the mana inside my heart started to surge to the point that it overflowed out of my body.

The overflowing mana then started to gather together in five different spots around my body.

They formed a ball, each with different colour, starting from red, blue, brown, green, and lastly, white.

A few seconds after the ball formed, a small creature came out of the ball.

It's spirits, five of them.

Fire spirit, water spirit, earth spirit, wind spirit, and light spirit.

I looked towards Frankwell to see that he looks shocked.

"Impossible, five different elements... how can a commoner..."

I myself am not sure about how this happen, so I just tried to communicate with the spirits.

Surprisingly, they seem to understood my intention is moving according to my thought.

'I want to kill him...'

Is what I thought, then the spirits channeled their mana to me, giving me a power boost.

I then dashed towards Frankwell with full speed.

He also didn't stay still and defended himself by throwing particles at me again while shouting.


I covered my sword with fire, and create a spinning water sphere on my left hand.

The water sphere then created a typhoon towards the blood particles, getting rid of it.

The blood whirlpool then created a solid form of sword, bunch of it, and threw it towards me.

I parried it with my fire-covered sword and keep dashing forwards.

When there are too many swords coming my way, I figure out the pattern that it can't can't direction after it has already been thrown.

I pushed myself up with a stone coming from the ground and boosted my body with wind magic to jump towards where Frankwell is.

I landed straight in front of him and the fire that covered my sword disperse and my sword started to glow in light colour.

"Thi- this is?!"

Frankwell then exclaimed in surprise.

"It's light element!!"

I was also surprised, but then I focused on cutting him off.

After my sword got enveloped in the light, I slashed it vertically towards Frankwell who's in front of me.

My slash cut him into two, as well as splitting the blood whirlpool behind him and enveloping both of us in a bright light.

When the light disperse, It's just me standing there.

Frankwell is gone.

The mana surrounding my body then dispersed at once instantly after that.


I coughed up blood and almost fainted, but I held myself back.

'I need to save Alex...'

I was walking towards Alex when the blood barrier around me disappeared.


(A while ago, outside the blood barrier)


Yuga was about to slash me when a couple of swords pierced through his chest from behind.

After being pierced, Yuga turned into blood liquid form and went back to create a distance before turning back into his human form.

I then looked at the newcomer.


"I'm here to help..."

It's Vermillion Leo.

"Why haven't you evacuated yet?"

"I can't stand by while this is happening, can't I?"


He's an upright person indeed.

"Thanks, but you need to get away from here... that guy is very dangerous."

"I won-"

"Run away? Since he's here, let him stay."

Leo was about to answer when Yuga suddenly started chanting a spell.

Blood then started to create a whirlpool behind him.

-Blood Manipulation, Blood Whirlpool.

It then started to launch attacks towards us in the form of sharp particles.

"Get back!"

I shouted and created a barrier in front of me and Leo.



The incoming attack almost cracked my barrier in just few hits.

"Tch... your barrier is annoying, Alex..."

"This is crazy..."

After saying that, Yuga formed a sword out of blood like earlier, then he started to dash towards us while the blood whirlpool is still launching projectiles towards us.

"Cover me against the incoming attack with your barrier!"

Leo shouted and dashed towards Yuga with his twin swords, trying to engage in close combat.


I shouted back, but there's nothing else I can do in this situation.

They then started to clash with each other, with me trying to block the incoming attack from the whirlpool.

I saw that one of the attack is coming from behind Yuga and I thought that it's either going to hit Yuga or it will disperse before it hit Yuga.

But what happens surprised me.

The particles pierced through Yuga first and it reaches Leo.


He groaned in pain, having a tiny hole in his body.

"What the heck!"

"Hahahaha, did you forgot that my body is made of blood? Of course it's gonna pass through me!"

He laughed while getting more aggressive, causing Leo to get pushed back further.

Leo then channeled mana into his sword, covering his left sword with fire and his right sword with wind.

Seeing this, Yuga stepped back and Leo didn't miss his chance to launch an attack.

He pointed both of his sword at Yuga and chanted a spell.

His right sword then generated a tornado towards Yuga and his left sword put fire into that.

-Combination Magic, Fire Tempest.
