

The screams could be heard through-out. Moans of pain echoing and following the halls.

Osiris could feel his jaw tighten, and pull forwards slightly. His teeth grinding together in order to help alleviate the pain. Every so often when he would yell small pieces of tooth would combine with blood. His insides, too, were wrecking havoc.

A black haired blue eyed man named Jack, shackled directly next to Osiris was wide awake after he heard the first scream. His attention focused on the man writhing on the ground. Drygr hadn't even laid a hand on him yet, maybe it was accumulative damage and his organs were seriously harmed.

Jack had no clue, but his eyes shifted to look at Sarah, the only female of the group. Her eyes were wide in fear at the monster screaming next to them. The craziest part is he had no bruises they could see on his body.

While jack was the newest arrival, before Osiris, apparently Sarah has been here long before anyone. She was Drygrs favorite. Drygr always said he loved her red hair and the fiery burn of her green eyes, every time she was beaten and tortured. Jack was taller than Sarah, at around 5'10" but she would always try to fight back anytime Drygr used her as a punching bag.

"What is wrong with him?" His eyes kept glancing between Sarah and Osiris.

"Maybe Drygr put a parasite on him, you know he's into weird shit," She scoffed "No one would be in this much pain otherwise.." Sarah never had a high opinion of Jack, but neither did he of her. What is the point of struggling so much when your fate has been determined. However despite their differences they were still companions in this situation.

At this moment Osiris coughed up once more and this bits of tooth had become larger. then the next cough a whole tooth had fallen from his mouth and spilled onto the ground.

Osiris body began to tremble violently into the most unbearable positions. Each time the man moved his bones would pop, joints would ache and his stomach would rumble. This seemed a bit too extreme for only a parasite... Jack and Sarah both looked at each other and then looked to mark, who was Sarah's neighbor.

Jack had always been slightly jealous of Mark. They had all arrived here naked, but he was always right next to Sarah. In this darkness, he could only make out vague lines and imagine the rest of her body. Now, he'd have to use his imagination even more. The crazy new guy just so happened to be situated almost right next to him. He cursed his luck.

"Is he okay?" Sarah spoke softly staring at the black haired youth beside her.

"I mean.. He's probably asleep. He had been beaten for 5 days straight until the new guy showed up." Jack retorted. This is Hell, they're in. There is no way someone could die that easily. In this world it took a lot more than physical punishment to die. The only real time Jack had ever seen someone die was when they're heads were chopped clean off. The only thing is, you had to eat.

Hunger in this world was real. However, if you did not completely sustain yourself you could always die quickly. Water was not so important, but food.. Food was a must.

"When was the last time he ate?" Sarah flicked her gaze back to Jack, but only for a moment before returning to watch Mark carefully.

"Well.. When Drygr refused to feed you after you kicked him in the jaw.. He gave his food to you. That was almost 24 beatings ago."

Their sense of time was skewed in this "dungeon". Sense there was no sun, or any hint of the outside world. The only way for them to tell time was through counting Drygrs accursed sessions of "playtime".

"Have you ever had someone use your breasts as a punching bag," She screamed. Her embarrassment and anger towards Drygr only grew. As well as herself.

"I've used my whole body as a punching bag, even the bits you don't have.." Jack sighed and stared at Mark. "I think he's de--"

'Don't say that!!" She cut him off quickly. Small tears forming down the sides of her face as she stared at the lifeless corpse next to her.

She reached out her foot and kicked him. Marks body shifted but only upon impact. No signs of annoyance, no signs of flinching, no signs of life. So she began to kick harder, and harder. The soft thuds turning louder.

"Sarah he's dea--"


Her kicks becoming more furious as all the anger in her began to come out. She was here the longest, out of the group, and the first one to become a companion to her in this room of misery was Mark. Even after the beatings, even after being fed raw meat, even after being captured he had always found a way to make her laugh. Now he was gone. With one last kick, mustering all her energy, the corpse turned upwards showing his lifeless face.

Her body seized. Her breathe caught like a balloon in the top of her throat. Her stomach dropped into the deepest pits. She cried harder and louder, this time without care or concern for those around her.

Jack just looked away and stared at the new guy. He was done seizing for the moment, but who knows if that would start back up soon. However, his body did seem to be different. More refined. Since he was the closest to the new guy he could see his musculature all too well.

'Did he grow a tail..?' Jack was puzzled as he stared even harder. A small, three inch long protrusion from the back of Osiris body was slowly but surely growing longer. Until finally, it stopped at 9 inches. No hair, no fur, just a pink tail.

'It might suit me best to keep my mouth shut about this..' Jack turned his head away and stared at Sarah. 'There's nothing i can really say to her, though..' Listening to her wails he just curled his knees to his chest and dropped his forehead. Maintaining silence right now, was probably for the best.

[../Genetic Metamorphosis Complete

[../Status Update



[../Physical Attributes--






The pain had subsided again. Osiris caught his breathe and the sobs of the other prisoner caught his attention. Though he had been aware the whole time through-out their conversation he was too preoccupied with his own pain to feel any sympathy towards them. At this point she was just an annoyance.

'Did the room become lighter?' As he stared around the room, even in the once absolute darkness, he could make out much more detail. The woman sobbing in the corning against the ground was skinny, incredibly skinny. However, she still had the feminine curves to her.

When he started to observe her neighbor, to him, it was obvious this guy was dead. The vacant expression in his eyes. The complete lack of color and the faint smell exuding from his body.

Jack lifted his head up when Osiris began to move and their eyes met. Jack had blonde hair and a set of light blue eyes. His skin was incredibly pale, and his body was healthier and more fuller than the woman across the room.

He slowly sat up and pushed himself against the wall.As he tried to relax against the fleshy surface a jolt shocked through his system as he quickly moved away from it.

"Ow!" He turned around to look at the wall to make sure nothing was sticking out to poke him. Sweeping all the chains from behind him he went to push his back against the wall. Yet another shock.

Reaching behind his back he felt his hand rub across a long slender protrusion coming from the bottom of his spine. It felt like a tail..

'Isis.. Did I grow a tail?' In his shock the only person, or thing, he could turn to was her.


[../You have gained a tail, as well as, sharper teeth, sturdier fingernails, and sharper eye-sight.

[../Genetic Modification will adapt your body as necessary to become suitable for acquiring new genetics.

Osiris shook his head in disbelief. If he was to become stronger using Isis, he would very well look much more like a Demon than Drygr. 'If it's necessary for me to live,' He reasoned 'then there is absolutely no question about it.'

"What's your name mate," whispered the man to his right.

"Osiris, and you?"

"Jack, that woman over there is Sarah, and that gu-- Corpse," he corrected, "was Mark."

"You move on rather quickly.." Osiris mocked.

"Don't get it wrong. I liked the guy, he was funny, and he kept things lively around here especially when it was dark. This is Hell, my friend. You move on, or you get left behind. Plus, everyone who ends up in this place most certainly deserves it.."

Osiris at Jack quietly. A sense of resolution scarred across his neighbors face. His words made sense, and according to the people from the white room, he deserved to be here too.

Slowly he pushed his back against the wall, mindful of his newly acquired tail and closed his eyes. A new, yet old, question coming to mind.

'Who was I..'

[../Memory Storage Scan Available

[../Retrieving Memories

[../Would you like to review?


A long sigh left Osiris lips. He opened them, closed them... Opened them once more and whispered softly to Isis..


'Whoever I was, doesn't matter. Whatever I did, doesn't matter. The reality that used to be isn't the reality that is now. Now,' He resolved 'I need to get out of here, and get stronger.'

With his resolve now firmed. He needed to make a plan.

'Isis, Show me the functions once more'

Hey Guys, March here.

If you have any Ideas for Demons, Devils, or Beasts, Post them in the comments. Although I really enjoy taking inspiration from religious sources and texts, it's much more enjoyable to make this book come to live as a community.

Bonus Chapter

Gifts (0/10)

Power stones (6/10)

RomanMarchcreators' thoughts