
Leaving the Passthrough Town

I head to the grocery store nearby and I find it ransacked as well. I shake my head and go in anyways. That group of four can not have possible ransacked and eaten all the food in here there could possibly be more groups in this passthrough town, unless they all up and left.

Bless you idiots. Some seasoning! Iodized Sea Salt, Cinnamon, Paprika, ginger, basil, oregano, italian seasoning, etc. I put two of each I can find into my bag though they aren't everything and I wouldn't take it all it would take too much space. I continue searching the grocery store. No waters or other sports drinks or anything else that I need. I walk out of the store and this time I luckily don't run into any more threats.

I go to the general store. Finally needles! And some spools of thread. I take 3 of blue, black, red, white, and gold. I take two variety packs for the needles and place it all in my bag. I don't find any other containers for gasoline. There isn't anything else I need in here except some spare toothbrushes and toothpaste which it take. There wasn't any toilet paper here either. I take a tub of vaseline on the way out and put it in my bag. I don't want to get chapstick often, this is not for masterbating.

I return to my truck and unload my bag into the truck before driving up to the auto store they have here. I found nothing I need. Everything here is for other vehicles. So I guess I am still in search for a topper, floodlights, spare tires, different containers for gas Hopefully a SHA approved one that deals safely with increasing and decreasing pressure for heat change. Some weapons and a bow and arrows. A machete and axe will be nice to since I'll be working with wood.

I grab the air hose and squeeze it. There is some air in it but it won't be enough to put in all my tires. I looked around and found something I didn't even think about. A generator. "I am sure as hell going to need that!" It is a Ubaru SGX3500 Portable Gas Generator. I bring the truck around and make space to load it up. My truck is becoming full. I am going to need a headquarters soon to offload this. I won't be going many places until I feel I am strong enough to handle myself with the unexpected. Thinking about it now it is going to be a really long while. I look towards the distance and spot Rock Titan mountain. I go back to the gas station and take the other gas containers and fill them with gas for my generator. I also fill the generator.

I finish up and start driving back to where I was previously hunting. Except I stop at a house and search it to luckily find an axe in what used to be a back yard. "Crash!" I run out of the house I am at and search with my eyes for what is going on with my gun drawn. It is just a house collapsing from being in the wrong orientation. I holster to my .45 Pistol and walk to my truck with my new tool with a wide smile on me. Once I am by my truck I see 15 or 20 Direwolves starting to come into the passthrough town. "That is my cue to leave." I jump and and start driving away quickly. One Direwolf notices me but ignores me considering how far I am. I sigh and continue on my way to my previous hunting area. Which is around 12 miles away from here so I should be a fairly good distance from this pack. This area is what I know most so I am sticking to here. It is 16:37 (4:37 PM) {Authors note: Personally I use Military time and I will eventually stop providing regular time.}

I arrive at my spot without running into any creatures or Goblins. I exit my truck and grab some dried fruit and a water. So now what I need to plan out my survival here. I toss some food into my mouth and lower my tailgate and sit on it.

I need to build a base here a headquarters that is safe and I can stay in besides just my truck. I shouldn't rely on my truck and I should save it so I can go out and scavenge. I throw some more food into my mouth and look back to my new generator. I have the stuff to make a base considering everything I have seen so far there is not any building that is still standing normally so everyone has to rebuild. I look towards the forest and toss some more dried fruit in my mouth along with some water.

My long term goal is a tree house up there in the trees for some safety from all these creatures. My short term goal is first to find a freshwater source. I am by the coastal region so I should be able to find a source of freshwater easily. Then I can build a ground building. I will find some water jugs, which I think I saw in the grocery store in the passthrough town, to keep around the base for drinking and hygiene. I will need to create traps for food, snares traps of all kinds should be pretty simple. I will need to build a perimeter fence so I will need either barbed wire or a lot of rope and sharpened wood or bamboo. If I can find a lot of bamboo that would be highly wanted as it is highly versatile. Bamboo has been dispersed throughout the coastal area in 2019 and grows pretty well in areas so it shouldn't be that hard to find. I don't need to worry about an immediate base as I can sleep in my truck but I don't want that long term so I can build a good base. I take my jacket, bulletproof vest and flannel off and showcase my four pack and toned body. Woah! I have a six pack! What the hell? My muscles look like they have way more power than before. When did this happen? Was it the blue light? That would explain it! I am already extremely happy with the blue light energy, this is a plus. I grin as I use the last couple hours to sow my clothes where the Horned Rabbits cut it. Now that I feel it on my skin it doesn't feel that cold without a shirt but protection first.

It didn't take that long maybe like 15 minutes. I suit up and arm myself before I go and scout out my surroundings. I am looking for a place to build my base, a place to set traps, some bamboo and a water source. As I am scouting I find a weird looking plant I have never seen before. I squat down and poke it with a stick. I don't know if this is poisonous or not. I note it in my memory where it is and then continue searching. I find a bunch of strange plants, mushrooms, and other vegetation that I have never seen before. So far I haven't run into any monster groups so that is not that bad.

Then I encounter it. A thick tree that would take five grown me to barely hug it's circumference or in simpler terms 30 foot circumference or approximately 10 feet in diameter. It is taller than all the other trees in the area too.

"Now this is the tree where I will build my tree house." Now I need to make a route from here to the road. Also is it me or are there more trees now than there was yesterday? Whatever first thing's first I need to find… "SHHHHH!" There is a clear river about 200 feet away from the tree. Well how much more perfect can this be. I walk towards the river and see some massive fish inside. I reach down dip my finger inside of it and taste it before spitting it out. Fresh water. Fantastic! I look up and spot an bigger than average sized alligator staring at me. Haha bastard you can't sneak up on me when the water is clear enough to see through to the bottom. Seems Like I will have to get rid of some pest before I can jump in and enjoy a good swim though I won't bath in it.

I walk back to my truck and it is about half a mile or 2640 feet away from the road. I am not going to clear a straight path but a curved one so I am not so easily found. I'll also leave these few trees here alone for now so it is a hidden bath. I grab my newly acquired axe. I still have water so I will clear a half mile pathway towards my destination of the tree so I can drive my truck there. I will also have to shovel out some trunks. I walk towards the first tree and sigh. This is going to be a lot of work but worth it. I swing my axe back and then swing low angled down towards the base as hard as I could. The axe goes in a third of the way. Woah, this will be easier than I thought. I swing up to make a > shape on the tree and successfully connect. I kick out the piece chopped out, I then chop into the angles to make the angle cut better. "Crack! Kirrr!" The tall tree starts to fall over. "Bam!" It lands on the floor roughly.

"GRRR!" I turn around quickly and spot a dark red Direwolf running at me. "Damn! No choice but to fight now!" I swing my axe at it as it leaped at me. I connected in mid-air and barely managed to divert its course from landing on me. It snapped its jaws at me and I barely dodged. I grab my .45 Pistol and set it to semi-automatic. "PRRRPRRRPRRRR!" I release a full 10 round magazine into it. It whimpers loudly in pain and then stands up to leap at me again Jaws wide open. I swing the axe in my left hand and jump upwards and hit it on top of the head driving it to the ground I let of my axe and reload my .45 Pistol with full metal jackets for full penetration and switch to single fire before I land. The axe barely draws blood and falls uselessly to the ground. The thing lands and leaps at me again. I land and jump to the side quickly while turning around and firing at its face. "Bang!" I miss and it hits it in the ear making it even angrier. It Growls and charges at me. "GODDAMMIT!" I roll to my feet and sidestep barely dodging its snapping jaws and bad breath. I grab its neck fur and jump onto its back clenching it with both my legs to stay on top of it. It jumps around trying to get me off like a raging bull. I fire upward and it grazes its face. The Direwolf then jumps sideways smacking us into a tree. I feel immense pain but I don't let go because if I let go I die. I tighten my legs and grip on its fur while it snaps at me and jumps towards another tree. "URG!" I smack it hard and I can feel my ribs creaking. One more of those and the are going to crack. The raging Direwolf then jumps again towards another tree way harder than before. I shift my body to the side it doesn't hit and jump off with my feet.

I push it harder with my feet towards the tree and do a backflip while touching the floor with my hands. I then land on ground and fire the rest of my magazine onto its face. "Ba!Ba!Bang!" It smacks into the tree and knocks the tree down as it half unroots the tree with all the fOrce it has. I drop my .45 Pistol and draw my Katana. I run towards the dazed Direwolf as it tries to stand. My bullets have pierced it's left eye and some parts of its face have flown off. I thrust my Katana with all my power and pierce through its eye into it's brain. It snaps its jaws a few times and squirms a bit. It clawes my bulletproof vest while squirming and utterly ruins it and my clothes. drawing some blood from my chest. "AHHH!" I twist the blade and it suddenly stops moving. I fall on top of it with my chest. "Soft." I wish I could close my eyes as if feel super tired from that fight but no not right now I am injured and I will die out here if I stay here. I am glad my Katana didn't slip out with all my parkour movements it seems the seal is better and it doesn't draw unless I intentionally draw it.

I roll over onto my back and take a deep breath. I feel my body in pain. Suddenly I feel a massive amount of blue light energy enter my body through my back from the Direwolf. "AH!" It is so dense and feels so good I cannot help but yelp out a little. My Katana and the Axe glow yellow as well but my .45 Pistol didn't so it didn't level up. I also notice the two trees that fell also send over a slight amount of blue light and only one of those split off into the axe. So the light really does only distribute after the battle finishes. I wonder if other people can see this light. I stand up and I only feel my ribs ache slightly, I check my chest and wipe the blood only to see that it has stopped bleeding and is already healing over. "Wow, so it improves my healing too." I stand up and fly into the air a little before landing on my hands. "What the heck? I put too much fOrce?"

I think I gained such a massive boost in power that the increments in strength I am using are wrong now. In other words I don't have full control of my strength. I calm down and start standing up slowly. I grip my hand closed slowly and then open it again. I am loving this getting used to my strength feeling. I've only ever read those cultivation novels that say about effects like these. Am I a cultivator now? Nah, I don't even meditate I just absorb the blue light energy from everything I kill. I jump up and I launch up 12 feet into the air. "Yeah! Woohoo!" I land and jump towards the nearest tree, and then land on it only to jump off of it towards another tree. I bounce around like that for a bit and then land on a branch. "I am like a ninja now! Awesome!" I jump down from 20 feet in the air and land perfectly fine. I am like superhuman now. I go over and pick up my axe.

[Low Normal Titanium Axe Level 2]

I didn't even know it was a Titanium axe. I just thought it was all metal with gripping rubber. How lucky. I go pick up my .45 Pistol and the magazine I unloaded. I walk over to my kill and step on the head before pulling out my Katana.

[Medium Normal Katana Level 3]

I am really happy right now. Though I don't know exactly what the leveling up does I know it improves it and that is all I care about. I sheathe the blade and then look at the Direwolf. "You brought me up to superhuman levels. I am keeping your hide as a keepsake and an armor since you ruined mine." I go an easily lift up the easily thousand pound Direwolf and throw it over my shoulder. I walk towards my truck to fetch my knife. I will need to kill some things to level up my knife so it cuts better. I throw the Direwolf down, "Thump." It makes a very audible noise. I seriously messed up its face so I don't want to keep that but I will for sure make some leather Direwolf armor. I skinned it and started experimenting. This is where my non-iodized salt comes in. It was very hard and I kept messing up but eventually I succeeded. I created hair on leather that is hard. I used my knife and didn't manage to puncture through it. I then used my Katana and after applying all my fOrce I did manage to puncture it but it is still good since I put like a thousand plus pounds of fOrce into puncturing it. I shot a bullet at it to test it and it stopped it no problem besides some lost hairs.

This is good, very good I also noticed that it was only malleable while it was still hot so I had to work quickly. I made cut outs and preshapes before working with all the hide. I continue making it and finally finish it after a whole day has passed. It is crude but for my first work it is fantastic.

In all honest it was just two pieces that I sew together. It covers my back and my front has arm holes and a head hole. It looks a bit like a vest except I use some tooths to keep it closed and they overlap. Creating the button like tooths were something that I had to think about how to do. I went over and over with the stitching to make it strong because I only have regular thread. I am happy that I could use the regular needles to work with it while it was hot. I now have a bulletproof dark red Direwolf leather armor. It is relatively simple to take it off and put it on because it bends at the stitchings, which I would say are the only weakness but it is like metal and stays in shape, so oh well. Another thing is that when I finished it, it glowed white. I can't believe it.

[High Inferior Deren's Direwolf Torso armor Level 1]

I am sad it is Inferior but I am assuming the materials gave it the High status because this was my first time creating an armor like this. I eat some food and check the time. 15:27 (3:27 PM) of Day 4. I slept during the late hours so I am fine. I take a piss and go and take a crap. This is why toilet paper is important! Though I have been going a whole lot less since I've been absorbing the blue light energy I used two go once a day but now now this is the first time in four days. I was a little fearful I was constipated but It seems I am fine and I didn't feel any pain in my gut. Another thing is that my appetite is higher as well I already ate the entire Direwolf, I have to say it was delicious, and I am still a little hungry. I eat some of my non-perishable rations.

I shake my head and then go off to start clearing the path way again. I grab my axe and continue. I head to my first felled tree an clean it up before I try to pick of the 70 foot log. I can't even get it to budge. I tried 20 foot cuts but I could only make this 30 in. diameter wood budge. I cut it up into 10 foot pieces before I could lift it up. This thing around the same weight as the Direwolf though I can only carry one at a time and drop it by the big tree where I will be making my treehouse.

I and suddenly inspired and rush to my truck grab the shovel and run back half a mile towards my soon to be new home and dig a two foot deep hole and bury the tree into the hole. My first fence post. I toss a bunch a rocks into the hole then I pack it tight. I push it and after some fOrce it starts to move. Damn not deep enough. I yank the log out and redig the hole 3 feet deep and reinsert the log violently. I place rocks and bury it. I push and bamn! Sturdy 7 foot high wood fence. I wish it were higher but for now this is all I can carry on my own. I leave the shovel and return and cut the next tree down in two strokes. Sweet!

I repeat the process and by 21:00 (9:00 PM) I have finished one side. I leave a two foot gap in between each post. I will either place another log there or place barbed wire. Honestly I want barbed wire but the log will have to do for now. I don't know if this will keep the Direwolves out but it will keep the goblins, Horned Rabbits and any other small monster. I head to my truck with shovel and axe in my hand. I am not leaving this out. It is already night time, though I can still see pretty well. Not night vision but I am not left totally helpless. Now that I think about it I haven't really run into any goblins, maybe the Direwolves ate them all. That would suck they are my prey too. I'll even leave the corpses for you Direwolves don't kill my prey.

I reach my truck and I suddenly duck into the bushes. I see a person looking through my stuff. This bastard is trying to steal my stuff. I sneak around and get directly behind them before unsheathing my Katana. I am trying to be silent during the night don't want to attract any Direwolves. Once I reach my truck bed I grab a rock… this rock thing works for every situation it seems. I toss it and hit a far off bush the person is alarmed and draws a gun with a silencer on. Oh nice. Within that time frame I manage to hop onto the truck and position myself directly behind the thief and have my sword to their throat and have the other hand in my grip. Being enhanced by the blue light energy is such a blessing I do things a crapton quicker than I have ever before. I put my mouth by the thief's ear under the black jacket hoodie."Drop the gun and don't try anything, I will kill you." The thief sudders but they comply and drop the gun into the truck and raises her free hand. I stay in said position, "What makes you think you could just up and rob someone of their things." The thief turns her head a little towards me, "I didn't know it was anyone's. The truck looked abandoned and I was trying to find some water and food. Look I didn't take anything. You don't need to kill me. Aren't we all human." It's a woman's voice that surprisingly emits from the thief. So I have a female thief here, no matter if they are a danger to me I will be merciless.

"Well it is not obviously it's my stuff. Though it is a little hidden so how did you spot it from the road. Also that is precisely why I don't trust you."

"I was walking off of the road because of the Goblins on the road and that's how I ran into your truck. I come from the city." After that she doesn't talk so I ask another question. "Do you have any other weapons on you?"

"A knife on my belt." She looks straight forward again, "Should I get it?"

I think a little, "No. I will let your arm go and grab it. Don't try anything funny." I bring my blade closer to her throat and she steps back into me. She chuckles, "I should be saying that to you." I let her arm go and search her belt and find a fixed tactical knife. I take it out of its sheath and toss it. "I am going to search you then I will let you go, Understood? I will be touching everything but just know this concerns my life so I will not hold back. I do not mean to be rude and I am not feeling you up." I try to clear that up before anything happens a woman will fight back if she thinks she will be violated even if it means death. She stays quiet for a little, "Okay." I stay close to her body still and spread her legs apart with my foot. I bring her hoodie down, I can't see her face but she has long black hair. I feel around her neck and on the hoodie and collar. I then touch her hair to make sure there isn't any hidden weapons. I then feel down her arm. The jacket is troublesome I can't get a good read on anything. It is too thick. "I need to take this jacket off I can't search you properly." She nods. I reach forward and grab the zipper and pull it down slowly. One arm then the other. I toss the jacket onto the hood of my truck away from us.

I restart my search. She is wearing a short sleeve dark colored shirt so her arms are clear but just in case I feel anyways. "I am searching you torso now. Nonsexually I promise." The woman stays quiet. I start at the shoulder and go to the other shoulder. I pat her breast then search in between and under them I then squeeze the bra on both sides to make sure nothing is hidden inside, besides the bra nothing. "You are quite thorough and slow. You sure you aren't feeling me up considering how you handled my boobs."

"I am not." I feel around her stomach area. She is also fit, though that could just be the blue light energy. "How many things have you killed?" She seems surprised then thinks, "Ten goblins so far." So she is weaker than me still. I search her front pockets and her belt area. Then I mercilessly reach down and feel where vagina is and she tenses up nothing suspicious so I quickly remove my hand. I then bend down a little and feel her legs down to her knees I can't reach any further without endangering myself. I back up a little and feel her entire back and rear… cough butt quite big. Okay Deren remember non-sexual, I am a man of my word.

"I am going to remove my blade from your throat by do not move I can still kill you instantly." She nods. Good. I remove my Katana from her throat and keep it aimed at her as I bend down and feel the lower half of her legs and her shoes. I stand back up. "Did you absorb the blue light?" She looks back at me a little, "Yes, I got it from when I killed the Goblins."

"We are getting down from the truck move slowly." She starts moving, "So I am not the only one who sees the blue light I am happy about that." She gets off the truck and I after her. "You can turn around now." She has no other weapons on her person my caution level has gone down from red to a yellow. I sheathe my Katana. She turns around and grins a little. "You were VERY thorough and I think you felt my butt a little longer than you should've."

"Well one cannot be too careful and it took so long because I was only person searching you. It is a little harder alone then with other people helping." She pauses, "Are there other people here?"

I ignore her question, no way am I letting a stranger know if I am alone or not she could have accomplices in the area waiting to jump at me. "Are the Goblins the only things you've killed?" I see her eye twitch a little, "Yes, they are the only thing I have run into so far. I am Rosy with an I by the way."

I look into her eyes and then put the tailgate down and reach for a water bottle and a granola bar in my truck bed. "Deren."

"I am sorry to tell you that Goblins are not the only thing you should be worried about. Are you alone Rosy?" She looks at the food and takes it before eating it quickly. She seems to show mild trust at least. "Yes, I am alone. I barely escaped the Rock Titan but everyone else I know was killed. I was walking towards the passthrough town up ahead as my uncle and cousins live up there." I keep a straight face. "I was just up there I don't recommend you continue heading in that direction." Then suddenly I freeze up. Rock Titan?! I thought I made that name up in my head, but if so then how did Rosy come up with the same name as me. Wait how did she name the Goblins the same thing as me too?! "Why can't I go there Deren?" She rubs her arms as she says this.

I respond without even thinking "Because there is a pack of Direwolves up there. Rosy, How did you come up with the name Rock Titan?"

She looks at me curiously, "I made it up why?" Suddenly I am stunned and Rosy can tell, "What Deren?" How is that possible?! Wait! It is not impossible, whenever I focus on an object that has leveled up something similar happens and I can automatically tell what it is and at what level it is. "Rosy, What did you kill the goblins with?" She looks towards her weapons in my trunk and points at them. "Those."

"Did you notice them level up?" Now she looks confused, "What do you mean level up? I saw them both glow yellow but I thought that was part of the blue light spectacle." I facepalm. Okay here is risking it. I take out my .45 Pistol and immediately Rosy backs away with her arms raised. "I am not going to shoot you." I unload my magazine and the bullet in the chamber. "Come here." Rosy slowly approaches me. I don't know why but I am slowly trusting this girl. So far no one has jumped out of the bushes to try and kill me so. "Grab it and focus on it." Now besides showing her this function I can also test to see if someone besides myself can see my weapons levels or even this function itself. Confusedly she grabs my gun and focuses on it before going wide eyed and yelling. "What the ****!? What does Low Normal mean?! How do I know this is a Low Normal .45 ACP M1911 Pistol Level 3?!" I quickly react and grab her mouth with my hand much to her surprise. "Shh! Don't yell you could attract monsters." I look around, still safe. Let's talk inside the truck. She nods quietly.

I go to the passengers side and open the door for her. She climbs in and I reach to my glove compartment and lock it, I close the door. I walk around the back and grab her weapons.

[Low Normal Tactical Dagger Level 2] [Low Normal 1911 Gold Cup Lite Semi Auto Pistol 9mm Level 2]

I then put them in a cooler before I close the tailgate. I then go grab her jacket and search it thoroughly, also clear. I hop into the truck, I am going to place some trust into this girl though not a lot. I hand her the jacket Rosy smiles, "Thank you." I then turn on the truck, leave the lights off and turn the heater on. I don't really feel much cold but she is shivering a little. I will leave it on a little before I turn it off. I am happy this truck doesn't make too much noise. "No problem. I just don't want to attract any Goblins, Direwolves or other monsters. It is too much of a disadvantageous."

She looks a little scared, "You're right, sorry. Also I wanted to ask, what is a Direwolf?" I look at her, "It is basically a really big, really strong wolf." I turn off the truck as it is now warm inside. I can see her surprise and at the corner of my eye I spot one far ahead on the road. "Get down, speak of the devil there is one now." She looks where I pointed and I see fear spread on her face. "It's going to find us! That thing is huge! It's a monster!" I quickly shut her mouth as she starts to panic. I need to hide her and reaffirm her so she doesn't let of any fear. If it can smell fear then we will be in danger. "Shhh! Be quiet and hide. You will be safe in here as long as you are quiet and hide. I said earlier it is hard to spot the truck from the road so it should just pass by. If I have to I can fight it as i've killed one before but I prefer not to especially in the dark." Rosy quickly nods and hides. I keep a watch on the wolf. It smells into the air. I check my watch, 22:40 (10:40 PM {Author's note: Last one I am translating into regular time.})

"Awhoooo!" A loud howl resounds through the forest and the Direwolf looks in a direction and runs in that direction. Considering how Rosy reacted I am judging she doesn't have any friends out there or she would've panicked for them. I literally smell some of her fear, that was real. I lower my guard a bit more. "It's gone Rosy, It looks like it got called somewhere." Rosy looks up at me after removing her hands from her head. She buried herself into the foot space. "It's late. Do you want to sleep here with me or leave?" I see her eyes widen and she responds quickly, "Stay!"

I smile a little. Yeah, no one would want to leave into the night after seeing that. "Haha, I thought You'd say that. Look Rosy, I still don't trust you one hundred percent so I am kind of in a bad spot here. This is the end of the world basically. You've seen the movies too." She looks at me in a slight panic, "No! I don't want to go out there! Those are just movies! People aren't like that in real life! So far I've only met one person so cautious and that's you! Though you are the only other person I've run into in the past four days." She looks down. So she is still naive. "No Rosy. It has been proven to me already that humans are like that. I've had to kill a few humans to defend myself." Now she looks at me with wide eyes and her mouth open struggling to reply to me but I now also notice slight fear in her eyes. She does that often but I cannot clearly tell her eye color because it's dark. My vision is better but telling colors apart is difficult still. All I can tell is that Rosy is pretty. "How are we going to work this situation out?" I ask her.

She sits in her seat. "I-I don't know. You already searched me, I don't have any weapons or anything." I look towards her. "Can you tell me why you had a gun with a silencer?" My dad was a gun fanatic. When everything was thrown into the air our house was destroyed and my dad's small safe landed in front of where I was. I knew the code and grabbed the Knife and Gun with the silencer already attached. I had two of the ammo things and I used one on the goblins but I mostly missed I only kill 5 and I had to defend myself with the knife. It was a hard fight and my friend that was with me died fighting them with me. I finished off the last one but my friend didn't make it." I see tears fall down her cheeks.

Nothing she says sounds fake but woman have lied to my face in the same manner so I am not sure. "I am sorry for you friend. What was their name?" She looks at me, "Cloe."

We stay silent for a little while, "Look Deren... I will strip naked and sleep like that. Will you trust me then?" It is my turn to look at her surprised, "You are putting a lot of trust on me, a stranger, to not do anything to a beautiful naked woman." She shyly looks down. "I know but this is the only way I can think to earn you trust. I don't want to sleep outside where those Direwolves can get more and it is really cold and dangerous."

I sigh and look her straight in the eyes, "I am fine with that, but I will look at you as you strip as the final search to make sure and I will trust you more so tomorrow you don't have to do the same thing."

She nods and turns towards me she takes off her shirt. I uncontrollably blush a little but I have enough self control so I am not worrying me. I turn the light on and she looks at me. For the first time I clearly see Rosy. She has beautiful blue eyes like mine, black hair, pink moist lips, a cute nose and a straight teeth. "Sorry I can't see clearly in the dark." She nods again and takes off her shoes, socks and pants.

She then takes a deep breath and takes her bra off and her panties. She has some sexy pink areolas with hard nipples due to the cold. She is also shaved and has some tanlines, nice. She then covers herself with her arms. I reach back and grab one of the blankets. "Here use this." She covers and wraps herself with the blanket. I grab all her clothes and open the back window before tossing them outside. "Now if I don't wake up dead tomorrow you will have earned some of my trust." She smiles, "Okay and I hope you got a good view of everything."

I turn off the light, "I did and if I have to be honest, I liked what I saw." Rosy blushes and then turns away. I lift the seat in between us. "Hey." She turns towards me. "I want to make the inside into a bed. Help me out. There is a lever on the side of your seat. Push it down, then up." I reach over to the side of my seat and do the same. "Now push you seat back." We push the seats together and the seats start going back. As the seats go back the headrest fold back and tuck into the notch for them in the back it fits perfectly with the back seats. The middle seat goes down lower and it all turns to a single big bed. "Nice right?" I look at Rosy and she is staring at me. I start taking off my Direwolf vest and I see Rosy drop the blanket while still staring at me. Well I just wanted to get comfortable but this is way better. I unarm myself and take my shirt off. Rosy closes in on me and touches my newly acquired six pack. I can't help but look at those sexy double D boobs. The car is steaming up a bit. Rosy looks up at me adorably. I lean in grab the side of her face with one hand and kiss her while bringing her closer to me with the other.

Her breast lay on my chest as I continue kissing her. I then softly touch her skin down to her butt and grab her butt before spanking it. She moans lightly. Rosy reaches down and starts feeling me up before undoing my belt and pulling my pants and boxers down. She looks down and widens her eyes briefly before grabbing it. What was that? Was it too big for her? I do have a bigger than average gun but it is only nine inches. She kisses my neck and then gets down and services me. I have to say she feels like a she has never given a BJ before but it is still good.

I then pull her up and kiss her before going down to service her myself. I kiss all around her breast before sucking on her nipples and playing with them with my tongue before I continued down onto the female treasure. I was able to complete an order with only my tongue considering all her squirming and moaning. I then stick a finger in, she is wet.

I go and kiss her lips on her face again and she kisses me intensely. I then start to insert it and she tightens her grip on my arms. I then go all the way in and she yelps a little. I smell blood in the air. I look down and then at her, "Rosy, were you a virgin?"

Rosy looks into my eyes, "I figured if it is the end of the world, why not? I don't mind giving it to a handsome gentleman like you. Even when you had me at by the throat you made sure I didn't misunderstand and you didn't take advantage of me, except my butt a little." She smirks. "I don't mind, you even opened the door for me. I am happy to give you my virginity."

What can I say I was raised with the right manners and like I said in the beginning I am lucky with women. I smile at her, "Okay then Rosy, I will take it all since you so willingly gave it to me." After that we have sex for an hour then we knock out.