
Survival of the Second World

Year 2045, the world was going as normal, until a sudden phenomenon threw the entire world to chaos. Human were tasked to entertain the Gods ruling over this phenomenon called Second World. Humans are thrown into a world of full anarchy, and the slightest mistake could kill thousands of humans. Among the humans, a college student by the name of Cassius Lee is tasked to survive the Second World, but he is the first victim of many to realize the devastation this Second World would bring to humanity. The only way forward is to either kill all humans, or to prove to the Gods that Humans are worth living. May Cassius find hope in this apocalyptic future.

Alternative_Otaku · Fantaisie
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Cassius Lee

[September Fifth, Two-Thousand Forty Five]

"Cassius!!!" Shouted a Sophia.

"Hmm... Yo, what's up?" Asked Cassius as turned to see his girlfriend.

"Cassius, I was wondering if you wanted to join me and friends to go for some drinks?" Asked Sophia.

"Sorry, kinda have some place to be. Maybe, next time." Said Cassius as he continued forward, but was interrupted by his girlfriend as she grabbed his arm.

"Cassius! Please! You haven't been joining me and my friends in events that often what's wrong?" Asked Sophia.

(Because they are annoying as hell!)

"Oh come on, we went for mini golf on Saturday, it's only Tuesday, give me a break." Jokingly pleaded Cassius.

"Cassius, seriously, enjoy life, we are only Twenty-one! We are at the prime of our life! We should be partying every night and getting wasted!" Exclaimed Sophia as she saw Cassius looking at his watch.

"Sophia, sorry, but my class is about to start. Sorry." Said Cassius as he waved her goodbye and headed off to his next class.

Sophia watched as he jogged off to next class, and was angry that Cassius had refused to join with her again. Although Cassius did hate the idea of hanging around Sophia's friends, he did always manage to hold his act together for her so she would have to make a choice between him and her friends. Cassius truly did want to attend his classes since even though he is viewed as a King in the school, he does originate from a lower standing. His father works to support him and his sister so his does guilt himself to keep up with his classes and attempt to get a good career in his life.

After a bit of rushing to his class, he managed to arrive on time to his class. His professor paid no attention that he was nearly late to class, and just began his lesson. Cassius was studying to be an engineer and was already three years deep into his classes. He only needed to complete this year and he would finally get his degree. As he was drifting asleep due to it being a note taking class, he sensed himself vibrating. He slipped his hand off his face and smacked his head on the desk. Cassius woke up, and felt himself vibrating. He went to his pocket and found the source of the vibrating. He pulled out his phone and saw that he had two missed phone calls, three now.

(Huh? Why the hell would she be calling me at this hour. She knows I can't answer her during class.)

Cassius sees that Sophia actually left him voice messages, so he pulls out his AirPods to listen to the messages.

He plays the first message, "CASSIUS!!! ARE YOU SEEING THIS!!!"


He plays the second message, "CASSIUS!!! RESPOND QUICKLY!!! THE SKY HAS TURNED PURPLE!!!"

(What the hell is she talking about?)


(Is she already drunk?)

Suddenly alarms start going off.


Cassius was about to run off until suddenly a screen appeared in front of him.


[Choose: Class or Item]



Suddenly a second screen appeared in front of the other and revealed the truth to Cassius along with everyone else.


[Welcome to Second World, Humanity is being challenged by Gods to survive the new world. Human will need to improve and prove to the Gods that Humans are worth existing. Welcome Players, to the Second World.]


Cassius then swiped the screen away and returned to the choice screen and pressed on his option.


A new screen appeared and revealed three things about him.


|Human: Cassius Lee|

|Age: 21|

|Fate: Resister|


Suddenly a loading screen appeared, and Cassius was left waiting to see his Class. He had no choice and whatever was controlling this world was deciding for him. The loading screen then disappeared and appeared with a new one.


[Player's basic gift ][Given]

[Class: Levelist]


The screens in front of Cassius disappeared and he was left with only one new screen.


[Welcome Player, Cassius Lee. May you survive the Second World.]


Cassius then packed his items as his professor spoke.

"Students! Stay put! Help me block the entrances! We will get through this together!" Commanded the Professor.

Cassius finished packing and started running to the exit.

"MR. LEE WAIT!!!" Shouted the Professor as Cassius continued running through the halls along with some other students who decided to run.

Cassius began pulling out his phone and calling his dad. He await the response and his father finally spoke.

"CASSIUS!!! SON, GO GET YOUR SISTER FROM DAYCARE!!!" Shouted Cassius's dad over the phone.

"DAD! What about you! I'll go get her, but why can't you?" Asked Cassius as he managed to get outside.

"I can't leave the apartment!" Said Cassius's dad.

"Why?" Asked Cassius as he saw his truck and headed to the parking lot.

As he ran, he saw everyone ahead leaving campus and abandoning their cars, but as Cassius was about to leave, he hit a red wall. He looked at the wall and tried to leave, but he couldn't budge. All college students began trying to escape the campus, but were stuck due to the red wall blocking them.

"We can't leave the apartment! A Red Wall is blocking us from leaving! It says that a new event has started." Said Cassius's dad. "Cassius…"

A new screen appeared in front of everyone in the college and Cassius hands trembled as he saw the new screen.



[A Player has killed another player. This has triggered hidden event.]

|Last One Standing|

[In order for the Barrier to fall, only one player must remain.]

[Remaining Players within Barrier: 17,641 Players]


Cassius eyes twitched as he realized the danger he was in, but then he saw a second screen appear and destroy all his hopes.



[This event is an event to prepare all players for the Second World.]

|Zombies will begin to rise in 5 Minutes.|

[Horde of Zombies will continue to rise during the days. To clear this event, kill the Necromancer in control of the Zombies.]

[Necromancer Health: 100/100]
