
Survival Of A Background Character

So, you think you've got life all figured out? Well, imagine waking up in the body of a third-rate villain from a novel you once scoffed at. That's exactly what happens to your not-so-average high school student turned reluctant anti-hero. Picture this: transmigrate into the body of a suspended student from school, banished from his noble family, and now trapped in a world where magic reigns supreme and destiny calls the shots. Oh, and did I mention he's got a one-way ticket back to reality? All he has to do is complete a series of tasks to fix the messed-up storyline. Easy, right? Hell no!! But hold on a second. This ain't your typical hero's journey. Chris isn't exactly the noble, tragic figure you'd expect. Nope, he's more of a sarcastic, self-aware protagonist who's not afraid to ask the real questions. Like, why bother with destiny when you can't even get your morning coffee right? Or how about facing your past mistakes when you can just blame it on the plot? And don't even get me started on trying to outsmart fate itself. As Chris stumbles through this twisted tale of magic and mayhem, he's forced to confront his own shortcomings, forge unlikely alliances, and maybe—just maybe—find a way back to the life he left behind. But with every sarcastic quip and sardonic remark, he's also asking you, the reader, to join him on this wild ride. So, buckle up, because in a world where reality is just a plot twist away, Chris Harrison is about to rewrite the rules and show destiny who's really in charge.

wondering_boson_04 · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

Training Is Not Easy! [2]

'System open my profile.'


NAME : Chris Harrison

AGE : 16

SPECIES : Reincarnated Human

AFFINITY : Fire Elemental Lv. 2

ABILITY : Dagger Mastery (Beginner)

PHYSICAL STATS : Stamina (3), Agility (4)

DESCRIPTION : You are an extra in this story.

TASK (1) : Rescue the perpetrator, Emmeline Neville, of the upcoming terrorist attack on the Royal Academy.


Seems like the description is different from last time. And my physical stats are visible now.

Only stamina and agility in physical stats?

Well whatever. Questioning this system is the like drawing line on water surface.

[You are an ungrateful one, aren't you?. What about when I t-]

'System open my physical stats'


PHYSICAL STATS : Stamina (3), Agility (4)


Heh~ This is a quite useful function. It seems like an automated response can overwrite a self generated response.

From the system provided to MC, I have known that stats of 10 points is considered average for an adult.

So, from this brainstorming session, we have come to the conclusion that I am physically on the level of a kid. Yeah, that's quite terrible.

Time is an important and variable factor in this mission. So, I think I have to give up on being physically fit.

[What happened to the first and foremost rule of work out?]

It's important to realize one's own capabilities. 

As I struggled to catch my breath, sprawled out on the ground like a dramatic actor in a Shakespearean play, I couldn't help but chuckle at my own expense.

"Note to self: running is overrated. Stick to walking, or better yet, teleportation if I ever figure that out."

The system, seemingly amused by my antics, chimed in, [Teleportation? Dream big, my friend.]

I shot it a mental glare, then continued my internal monologue, "Oh, I'll dream big alright. Maybe I'll even dream of flying next. Though, with my luck, I'd probably end up crash-landing in a pond somewhere."

As I contemplated my questionable athletic abilities and penchant for finding trouble, I couldn't shake the feeling of being a character in a poorly written novel. But hey, at least I was entertaining myself.

Rolling onto my back, I stared up at the canopy of trees above me, pondering the complexities of life, friendship, and why I had decided to embark on this adventure in the first place. It was like being trapped in a fantasy novel written by a procrastinating author who couldn't decide on a plot.

"Life's like a box of chocolates," I muttered to myself, channeling my inner sage wisdom. "You never know what you're gonna get. Sometimes it's a delicious truffle, and other times it's that weird cherry-flavored one that nobody likes."

With a sigh, I pushed myself up into a sitting position, brushing dirt and leaves off my clothes. "Well, enough philosophizing for one day. Time to get back to business."

But just as I attempted to stand, my legs protested with a chorus of groans and protests, reminding me of my earlier declaration of being "fit" in my previous life.

"Lesson learned," I muttered, giving my legs a sarcastic pat. "No more impromptu marathons for me."

As I made my way back to my makeshift hut, thoughts of impending doom and magical mishaps swirled in my mind. But amidst the chaos, one thing was clear: if I was going to survive in this crazy new world, I was going to need a healthy dose of humor and a hefty supply of snacks.

And maybe, just maybe, a little bit of magic wouldn't hurt either. After all, who doesn't love a good old-fashioned fireball spell to brighten up their day?

Alright! Let's go for magic training.




This is okay right? I would be able to survive right? Right?


With that back and forth, I utilized my precious day time and gained meagre results. Then its time for info exchange with Christiana.

When I came back to Cecille's house at the designated time, I saw Christiana swinging her sword. Despite meeting a few times , I didn't notice her appearance before.

Christiana's appearance was as striking as her swordplay. She had long, flowing black hair that cascaded down her back in glossy waves, framing a face that was both delicate and determined. Her emerald eyes sparkled with intelligence and determination, reflecting the fierce spirit that burned within her.

She carried herself with a regal air, her posture straight and confident, and there was a grace to her movements that spoke of years of training and discipline. Despite the intensity of her training session, there was a natural beauty to her features that seemed to glow in the golden light of the setting sun.

If this would have been a female oriented novel, then she would definitely be the protagonist.

"What are you staring at?" Christiana retorted, probably, noticing my presence.

"Nothing. Isn't Harald with you? And what about Ms. Cecille?"

"He couldn't come here because of some other matter. Ms. Cecille is still at the academy too."

Well, that's a surprise. I thought for sure that Harald would come no matter what. Him being overprotective of Christiana and all.

"Is it something related to what we are going to discuss?" I asked sensing something wrong.

"Yes. Let's go inside."


From our discussion, I learnt various things. There have been many incidents after that kidnapping. 

But the most prominent one would be the dispute between students. 

In the academy, regardless of position and power, students are divided into course 1 and course 2. Well, course 1 is usually for brighter students above a fixed threshold level, and course 2 is for the rest. This academy is purely based on meritocracy. 

That leads to discrimination and tension between the student body.

However, it is news to me. As there was no such thing in the novel. 

No, that doesn't matter right now. What's important is this is an opportunity for the terrorists to act freely during the confusion. 

By the way, in exchange I told her about the ritual where I found Harald. Well, not in detail, because that might cause her some anxiety too, due to same trauma and all.

Moreover, should I ask her about Emmeline? 

"What about you all in the student council? Like what other members are doing?"

"Management and faculty members are mostly turning a blind eye. And second years are preparing for their outside training. Third years are already on a trip overseas. So, most of the work is done by us 1st year representatives. Everyone is busy right now."

"Sounds like a pain. Then how did you sneak in here?"

"Brother covered for me. Moreover, I have something to tell you about Emmeline Neville."

Yeah, that's what I wanted to know too. Now then, let's hear what is the deal with her.

Moving into the main arc. Please comment below if you have any thoughts.

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