
Survival Of A Background Character

So, you think you've got life all figured out? Well, imagine waking up in the body of a third-rate villain from a novel you once scoffed at. That's exactly what happens to your not-so-average high school student turned reluctant anti-hero. Picture this: transmigrate into the body of a suspended student from school, banished from his noble family, and now trapped in a world where magic reigns supreme and destiny calls the shots. Oh, and did I mention he's got a one-way ticket back to reality? All he has to do is complete a series of tasks to fix the messed-up storyline. Easy, right? Hell no!! But hold on a second. This ain't your typical hero's journey. Chris isn't exactly the noble, tragic figure you'd expect. Nope, he's more of a sarcastic, self-aware protagonist who's not afraid to ask the real questions. Like, why bother with destiny when you can't even get your morning coffee right? Or how about facing your past mistakes when you can just blame it on the plot? And don't even get me started on trying to outsmart fate itself. As Chris stumbles through this twisted tale of magic and mayhem, he's forced to confront his own shortcomings, forge unlikely alliances, and maybe—just maybe—find a way back to the life he left behind. But with every sarcastic quip and sardonic remark, he's also asking you, the reader, to join him on this wild ride. So, buckle up, because in a world where reality is just a plot twist away, Chris Harrison is about to rewrite the rules and show destiny who's really in charge.

wondering_boson_04 · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

Feather Of A Phoenix

The next morning, I set out towards the mountain where the Phoenix Feather was hidden.

According to the novel, this legendary feather was an incredibly powerful enchantment tool.

Kevin discovered it in his second year in the academy. The feather had the ability to make a sword incredibly light and sharp, and revealed ethereal threads indicating the optimal path for a perfect cut. Since I couldn't use it on my dagger, and it was a one-time use item, it made sense to secure it for Christiana before Kevin did.

Honestly, I think its better to snatch the opportunities and cheats that Kevin found during his journey by the help of system, but I have some principles of mine. In these type of 'reincarnated as an extra' stories, protagonists usually having a tragic past life would think to do so. 

But neither did I have a tragic past life, nor I want to stay here for the rest of my life. So, its better for me to direct my full concentration to completing tasks.

The Phoenix Feather was tied to an ancient myth about the legendary bird, the Phoenix, known for its cycle of death and rebirth. According to the lore, the Phoenix would ignite itself in a spectacular display of flames, only to rise again from its ashes, reborn and renewed.

The feather I sought was said to come from a Phoenix that had lived a thousand years and had been reborn a hundred times. Each rebirth imbued the feather with immense power and wisdom, making it an invaluable artifact.

Due to travelling through the city everyday, I became familiar with some of the south parts of it. And I realized that this city is too big. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is of the size of some small European countries.

As I approached the base of the mountain, situated south east from the forest, I could see the path leading up to the cave. It was a treacherous climb, with jagged rocks and narrow ledges.

Perfect. Nothing like a life-threatening ascent to kickstart the day.

The first part of the climb was relatively straightforward, if you consider scrambling over loose rocks and dodging falling debris straightforward.

I slipped a few times, narrowly avoiding a tumble down the slope. My hands were soon covered in dirt and scrapes, and I could already feel the strain in my legs. 

"Ah, mountain climbing," I muttered to myself, "because walking on flat ground is just too mainstream."

Halfway up, the terrain became even more challenging. The path narrowed to the width of a goat's trail, with a sheer drop on one side. The wind picked up, howling through the crevices and threatening to knock me off balance. Each step required careful calculation, and my heart pounded with a mix of fear and exertion.

"Great," I grumbled. "If I slip here, at least it'll be a quick way down, then directly up to the heavens.....or maybe hell."

Eventually, I reached a section of the climb that was more vertical than horizontal. I had to find handholds and footholds in the rock face, pulling myself up inch by inch. My muscles burned, and my fingers felt like they were about to give out. But I kept going, driven by the thought of the Phoenix Feather.

"Why do legendary artifacts always have to be in the most inaccessible places?" I asked the mountain, which didn't bother to respond. This system was also not responding since I left Cecille's home.


After several hours of arduous climbing, I finally reached the entrance of the cave.

The air was thick with a mystical mist, swirling and shimmering with an eerie light. I knew this mist was the first of the cave's defenses, capable of creating powerful illusions that preyed on one's deepest fears and memories.

"Of course, an illusion mist," I sighed. "Because regular mist just isn't dramatic enough."

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside. Almost immediately, the mist began to play tricks on my mind. Images of Cecille, my mentor and the person who had been my anchor in this chaotic world, appeared before me. In the illusion, she lay gravely injured, reaching out to me with a look of desperation in her eyes.

"Chris... help me," the illusion of Cecille whispered, her voice filled with pain.

I clenched my fists, reminding myself that this was just an illusion. I couldn't afford to be swayed by these tricks. "You're not real," I muttered under my breath, pushing forward through the thickening mist. The image of Cecille faded, replaced by other haunting scenes, but I kept my focus on the task at hand.

"Nice try, mist. But I've seen enough horror movies to know a fake-out when I see one."

This illusion was something similar to holographic projection. But how in the world does it know the identity of someone's family or friends? Is it related to brain waves? I would love to some research on that but I don't have time now.

Finally, I reached the heart of the cave. There, bathed in a soft, golden light, was a small ornate box. I approached it cautiously, half-expecting another illusion or trap.

But as I opened the box, all I saw was the Phoenix Feather, glowing with a fiery brilliance. The sight of it filled me with a sense of awe and accomplishment.

The feather was exactly as described in the novel. Its radiant colors seemed to shift and dance, and when I held it, I could almost feel the ancient power contained within. I carefully placed the feather into my bag, ensuring it was secure, and made my way out of the cave.

The journey back down the mountain was just as treacherous, but the thought of bringing this powerful artifact back to Christiana drove me forward. 

That was a weird way to say it. What drove me forward was to see the effects of this feather on her sword.

It was already near evening when I reached at my home. 

Every time I see my hut, a sense of pride fills within me. Maybe I would build something similar to Cecille's house after this whole thing is over.

Then quickly taking care of washing my uniform, I started walking towards her house.

I entered the house, feeling a mix of exhaustion and triumph. Cecille was in the study, engrossed in a book. She looked up as I walked in, her eyes widening when she saw the feather.

Before going to search for it, I had already told her that I was going to be late due to some business.

As expected, she was startled to see this feather. Well, that's of course because of its unavailability in the whole human continent. Phoenix birds are inhabitants of elven continent only mentioned in books and stories here.

"How did you find it?" she said, her voice filled with wonder.

I nodded, pulling the feather out and showing it to her. "Pure luck. I stumbled upon a weird old man and he told something about it. Out of curiosity I went to that location and found it out."

This excuse should have caused suspicion, but she was too engrossed in this item to think straight.

Cecille examined the feather, a look of respect and admiration on her face. "This is incredible! Chris. The power contained in this feather... it's beyond anything I've ever seen."

I smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. 

"Has Christiana and Harald left already?"

"Yes, both had their council work to do."

I was hoping to see its effects, but seems like it has to wait. 

This feather would first assimilate itself with the sword. Then to activate it, the wielder has to chant a spell and the duration of its effect is probably...

Hm? How much time was it? It was not mentioned in the novel, I think. As my memory of previous life has been enhanced, I can remember each and every line of that novel, but there was no concrete data regarding its effect duration.

I hope it would be at least useful, during the terrorist attack.

Then, its time for my botany session with Cecille.


{Royal Magic Academy, Council Chamber}

Princess Alexia sat at the head of the large, intricately carved wooden table, her golden curls falling over her shoulders.

The council chamber was a grand room with high ceilings and large stained-glass windows that depicted the academy's storied history. The light filtering through them cast colorful patterns on the polished marble floor.

Around the table sat the members of her council, each representing different factions within the academy.

"We must address the rising tensions among the Course 2 students," Alexia began, her voice clear and authoritative. "Their grievances are not without merit, but their growing unrest poses a significant threat to the stability of our academy."

Scott Benjamin was the first to respond, his tone warm and reassuring. "I agree, Princess. We need to take their concerns seriously and find a way to bridge the gap between Course 1 and Course 2 students."

Christiana nodded. "The Course 2 students feel marginalized and mistreated. Ignoring their complaints will only make things worse. The problem lies in the disparity in both the curriculum and the behavior they receive from this academy. Both teachers and students of Course 1 treat them differently."

Harald's brow furrowed in thought. "We can't just dismiss their concerns. We need to show them that we are listening. Acknowledging their issues doesn't mean we have to concede to all their demands. What if we initiate a dialogue? A forum where representatives from both courses can voice their issues and propose solutions?"

"That could work," Christiana agreed.

"It would give them a sense of agency and show that we are committed to their well-being."

"But what about security?" Harald interjected.

"We can't allow this forum to become a breeding ground for more unrest."

Emmeline, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, chimed in.

"We can make it a positive event! A chance for students to come together, not just to voice grievances, but to share ideas and collaborate on solutions. We need to create an atmosphere of unity and cooperation."

Scott smiled at her enthusiasm. "That's a great approach, Emmeline. We can ensure that the forum is well-guarded and that any attempts to incite violence are quickly quelled. Additionally, we can monitor key individuals who might be leading this dissent."

Emmeline tapped her fingers on the table, her energy undiminished. "We should also consider adding two fixed positions on the council body for Course 2 students. This would ensure their voices are consistently heard and integrated into our decisions."

Alexia considered this. "We can start by reviewing the curriculum and resources allocated to Course 2 students. Perhaps we can provide more opportunities for practical training and access to advanced magical artifacts. This would demonstrate our commitment to their growth without compromising the academy's standards."

"And we must ensure that any communication about these changes emphasizes our shared goal of unity and progress," Christiana added. "The messaging will be crucial."

Scott's kind demeanor remained, but his eyes held a steely determination. "Very well. We will make sure these reforms are implemented smoothly and that they strengthen our academy's unity."

Harald leaned forward, his expression serious. "Our secondary concern is getting approval from the management. They might resist these changes, especially the inclusion of Course 2 students in the council."

"We will need a compelling argument," Emmeline said thoughtfully. "We must present these reforms as essential for maintaining the academy's stability and reputation. Highlighting the benefits of a more inclusive and harmonious environment should help persuade them."

Alexia nodded. "We will announce the forum and begin preparations immediately. Emmeline, I want you to lead the efforts in organizing it. Harald, enhance security measures discreetly. Christiana, work on drafting a plan for the proposed reforms. Scott, ensure we have a clear communication strategy. And I'll personally handle the discussions with the management."

The council members nodded in agreement, each already contemplating their roles in the plan. Alexia rose from her seat, signaling the end of the meeting.

"Let us move forward with determination and wisdom," she said.

"For the good of our academy, and for the future of all its students."

As the council members dispersed, the weight of their decisions hung in the air. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but under Alexia's leadership, there was a glimmer of hope for a more united and equitable academy.

The meeting had been conducted after Princess Alexia and her council managed to subside the anger of some Course 2 students who had initially refused to attend classes. This small victory served as a reminder of the importance of open communication and collaboration in resolving conflicts within the academy.

With that being said, everyone decided to move forward with the plan of conducting a forum.

Meanwhile, Emmeline Neville thought to herself, "Agh! My head hurts from this amount of info. How can 16 year old kids throw such difficult words and propositions. I don't think I can get used to this. Well, this might be at long last."

"It's finally time after all."