

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
32 Chs


Su Han was surprised to find that many families are still doing pretty well. But if this hyperinflation trend continues, it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

Old He was smiling from ear to ear; he obtained a lot of food and necessities today.

Su Han gave him a look, then she raised her voice and said, "Today was a lucky day, we caught 11 fish. Why don't you cook some fish soup for everyone to have a taste?"

Old He wanted to reply that no one cooked him soup when he didn't catch any fish, but he suddenly froze and had a look of understanding. He immediately fixed his tone and said, "Yes, yes, this is something I should do."

In the next second, he showed a look of distress, "But I have no pot or firewood, it can't be cooked, so…."

Everyone listening to their conversation immediately started giving suggestions, "There are homeless people who lived in the park, we can borrow a pot from them."

"Not only a pot, you also need to borrow a stove!"

"Also get some vegetables and seasonings too."

When this group of foolish people heard that they'd have free fish soup to drink, they were no longer willing to fish anymore. They got busy borrowing various things.

When the fish soup finished boiling, its fragrance floated ten meters away!


The group of people couldn't help themselves. They walked over to the stove, exclaiming loudly, "It smells so good, let me have a sip!"

A bunch of people circled the pot, tasting the fish soup. After a while, a kind person finally remembered about the owner and turned to say, "Old He, why don't you guys have a taste too?"

This person looked back but was surprised – Old He and the girl with the backpack had already left at some point.

Old Ding said with a sneer, "Do you think everyone's a fool like you? If they didn't leave secretly, can they still leave here safely afterward?"

Everyone was silent.


On the other side, Su Han carried her backpack and a fishing rod. Next to her, old He struggled to hold several things. Both of them finally got away from the crowd.

Su Han helped him carry the iron bucket, "Why didn't you bring a backpack with you?"

Old He's expression was particularly innocent, "Before… I never had a reason to bring a backpack…". He felt it was a waste of energy to carry a backpack since he had never caught any fish.

Su Han didn't say anything.

"What's your name? Where do you live? Are you coming to the park tomorrow?" Old He asked all these questions in one breath and watched her eagerly.

"My name is Su Han and I don't have a place to stay for the time being." Su Han replied with a sigh.

Old He suggested enthusiastically, "How about staying at my house for a night? Tomorrow we can work together again?"

'Although the other party was the one that caught the all fish and he is only responsible for talking to others, …that also counts as working together to fish probably…'

Su Han was moved, but she still asked politely, "Will it be convenient?"

"Very convenient, there are vacant rooms at my house. You don't need to be polite at all." Old He sounded very eager, "Besides, I haven't thanked you yet. Thanks to you, I could exchange a lot of things today."

As for "Inviting a wolf into the house" (bring disaster upon oneself) or whatever, old He was not worried at all. Because it's obvious this girl is someone with many talents. He had a feeling; she was much wealthier than him. If anything, Su Han should be the one to feel wary.

"Then sorry for the trouble." Su Han accepted the offer, 'If there's a safe place to stay, at least I wouldn't have to worry so much when sleeping at night.' The older man hopes to continue fishing with her tomorrow, and it wouldn't make sense for him to harm her.

Because Su Han had reminded him in advance, old He especially took the remote path. They didn't meet anyone on the way home.


"Old lady, come out and help, I've brought a guest." As soon as he entered the door, old He opened his mouth and bellowed.

Old lady Jiang doubted her hearing. 'Are we in a position to entertain guests? Has the old man gone mad?!'

When she hurried out to take a look, old lady Jiang was shocked. "Rice, tofu, fish, shower gel… old man, did you go rob a supermarket?"

She knew how "skilled" her old man was at fishing.

"What kind of nonsense are you saying? Come here and help me put away the goods." Old He smiled awkwardly.

"Why is this tofu all crumbled?" Old lady Jiang couldn't help but feel distressed.

Old He rolled his eyes, "It's already fortunate enough to bring it back, why would you care if it's crumbled or not."

The two kept squabbling, but their hands didn't stop. They soon finished putting everything away.

"Eh, why are you still standing there? Come sit down." Old He beckoned Su Han.

Su Han thanked him and sat down on a chair. She found a six or 7-year-old girl poking her head out from behind the bedroom door when she looked up.

Old He called his granddaughter over cheerfully."Nan Nan, come here, we are eating fish today."

'Fish?' The little girl's eyes lit up, and her mouth was instantly filled with saliva.

"Old man, come and help out." Old lady Jiang called old He over.

Old He quickly walked into the kitchen.

Although the old lady deliberately lowered her voice, Su Han had good hearing and could still hear their conversation.

Old lady Jiang said, "I went to the vegetable market today and picked up some rotten vegetables. This thing can't be eaten by the guest. But without the vegetables, what kind of dish can I cook?"

Old He said, "Stew the soup with tofu and cook some rice."

"Cook rice?" Old lady Jiang hesitated, "If we simmered this rice into porridge, it's enough for us to drink for several days…"

"If it weren't for that girl, where would you have rice to make porridge?" Old He was a little displeased.

"That makes sense." Old lady Jiang released a sigh.

Then there was no more voice coming from the kitchen. Su Han just pretended not to hear the old couple's talk. She turned her head to tease the little girl, "Where are your mom and dad?"

"They went to work somewhere." The little girl spoke softly.

"Do you like to drink milk?" Su Han asked while flipping through her backpack. "Here."

"Like, but I can't take it." The little girl desperately wanted the bottle of milk, but she refused to take it.

"It's okay, I'm giving it to you."

Su Han wanted to put it in her hand, but the little girl ran back inside the bedroom in a hurry and resolutely shouted, "Grandpa said, you can't take other people's things casually."

Su Han, 'Since this family can teach such a young child to be upright and honest, they couldn't possibly be bad people.'


Soon, dinner was ready.

"Come sit down for dinner." Old lady Jiang said with a smile.

Old He urged Su Han earnestly, "Don't be so polite, help yourself to some fish."

Su Han smiled. She served herself less than half a bowl of rice, poured some fish soup on the rice, took two pieces of tofu, and then said, "You guys eat, you don't need to worry about me. I ate a big bowl of noodle at noon, I'm still full from it."

The old couple exchanged a look understanding.


"I'm afraid it's not convenient to go to the park tomorrow. Do you know any other fishing spots?" Su Han asked in the middle of dinner.

"Yes, I do, I'll take you there tomorrow." The old man patted his chest and promised, "I know a deserted fishing spot, people rarely go there to fish and no one usually passes by."

"Alright then." Su Han smiled with satisfaction.

After today's event, old He completely understood the importance of concealing one's wealth.