
Survival Evolved: Incarnation

*ALL CHAPTERS ARE FREE* With little to no explanation for their wiped memory, several survivors, referred to as Arkians, wake up on a beach on what seems to be Earth. These survivors have many differences, but the most defining one is Sky; The one with a White Stone on the back of his left hand. What kind of journey will Sky undergo because of this White Stone? My Twitter is @Twitchy_Asterio, please follow or feel free to contact me with any questions! My Cover Artist's Twitter is @Bombyixmori, follow if you like their work! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: 1. Survival Evolved is meant to take place through the eyes of a teenage boy (mainly), meaning that some things he doesn't pick up on or connect in his mind are done ON PURPOSE. 2. Survival Evolved often describes gore/wounds in a gruesome way. There are many scenes in which slavery, human trafficking, or torture are talked about, so read with caution!

Twitchy_ · Fantaisie
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704 Chs

Depend on The Arkians

"I was just heading over and I saw the explosion... what the hell happened? Is everybody okay?" Umbra asked, looking around.

"Well, truth be told, it just hit a large sum of people, including Faith," I mentioned to Umbra.

"Quake is being handled... I wasn't watching when that explosion hit, but if it was Cole, then I'd have to gut him. Why are you here? Did somebody call for backup?" Sky asked next, peering out of the hallway. It looked like a ton of people were there as well.

"We'll be evacuating whoever we can to Karia out of this bunker to clear house and protect others. Women and children first, then men last. I'm here to join the fight against Quake," Umbra stated. Sky smiled and then looked back down at Faith.

"You'd be a useful ally," Sky said, holding the radio up to his mouth.

"Jeff, tell me, who's still able-bodied in our ranks, and then tell me about Quakes. Anybody else dead from Zeka?" Sky asked.

"Reporting, I'm not certain, I don't have eyes on Cole or The Masked Girl, but all other members of Quake besides Zeka are still standing. On our side, Illya is uninjured, Carl looks like he can keep going, Rin is flowing with strands, and Lia, Fudo, and Alatus are still in. Ren and Mandi are out of commission due to an attack from Austin and Amy. From what I see, other than Fico and Kire, they look like the biggest threat before us. Ellie is out of commission as well, Moon is watching over her, and Noboki is pushing it. Amera, Tavian, Dante, and Noboki are still technically able-bodied. I don't have eyes on Alexia, however," Jeff summarized through the radio.

"I have Alexia... so, this is the new plan," Sky said, he walked over beside Umbra, and handed her his radio.

"We don't have an extra, so you'll take mine. Ruby and Umbra, I want you two to head over to Kire and relieve Lia and the others. I want Alatus and Fudo in here, helping the people here and playing defense. If the bunker is under attack, that means Quake is starting to kill civilians. What we need to do is start setting up here as well. I think Alatus and Fudo are perfect for the job," Sky said.

I could only agree with him. He wasn't wrong in the slightest, he was just calling the shots for me.

"You're not going to put me on Fico?" Umbra asked. She knew a little about Quake, especially that Fico was the de-facto leader, somebody we needed to be careful of because of her insane speed, and Unknown Incarnation.

"No, I trust Group Orion. At first, I thought they wouldn't be okay because of the hit Noboki took, but she stood strong and proud. So long as Fico has the Incarnation of Null on her, I hardly believe she won't run in fear," Sky stated. He cleared Faith's face of any strands of hair that fell on top of her.

"Can I ask, Sky... why won't you let my soldiers interfere? Do you think that through all of our training, we wouldn't be able to handle Quake? I mean, sure, they're strong, but does that constitute a complete surrender on my front?" I asked him, watching his body language to see his true intention.

"In the most honest part of my mind, I will admit to you, that I don't think your soldiers would last. In the most aggressive part of my mind, I'll tell you that the reason I won't let you interfere is that we deserve this revenge on Quake, and we want to enact it before any others. It's not you who brought Quake here, it's me, and my friends have joined my fight to push them back and end the threat. Had they not offered to join, I would've killed all of Quake myself," Sky explained.

"That doesn't make sense, why would any of your friends risk their lives like that, when you're simply so powerful?" I asked him again. There was no malicious tone in my voice at all, which I hope he recognized.

"Sky has done a lot for us... we'll be in debt for a long time because of what he has done for us. Umbra, Ruby, you weren't there with us, but he defeated two Deities, held off all of Quake, and pulled the Arkians off of The Isle with his skill, sacrificing part of himself to the Corruption we've all gone through in one way or another. Had it not been for his sacrifice, we couldn't enjoy this life, to begin with. This is the least we owe him, to fight alongside him, even if death is certain," Alexia mentioned.

I was remembering events while she explained that to me, imagining Sky braving all of these disasters, facing off against the Wrath of so many White Stones I used to know, The Deity, Providence, All of Quake, and so many other challenges.

This little kid... are you kidding me?

I had a change of heart at that exact moment... those people who talked about him, they were right. There was nothing more clear in my mind now. I trust Sky Asterio, and I acknowledge his hardship. Zealous is his ally and will stand with him against everything.

The leader of this city was an interesting person before he was killed, and it was passed down to me. That stress, cornered me, doing it so well that I was trapped in a room in a mountain and I was okay with it.

That can't last... the people of Zealous cannot see their leader cower in fear while a little kid takes on all of these disasters. I will not let it stand. No matter the fear that may flow through my veins, there is a job to do, and it will be completed.

"I will fight with Umbra and hold back Kire. I leave it to you. I will depend on the Arkians," I told him.