
Chapter 629: Detailed Dissection

After settling the matter of recruiting Tang Shun, Yang Ping felt much more relaxed.

In this way, with a member focused on basic research, many tasks can be carried out much more easily in the Stem Cell Laboratory.

Yang Ping's experiments in the system space laboratory are ongoing, and he takes advantage of the suitable times to continue his work almost daily.

Yang Ping continues to collect the inducers for stem cell directional differentiation, discerning and recording each one with a cryo-electron microscope. He then further verifies them with reverse experiments. Much of this work is trial and error in nature. Without strong interest as a supportive drive, it would be challenging to make such tedious work exciting.

For some repetitive tasks, such as slicing muscle into single-cell layers, Yang Ping delegates this work to robotic arms. The robotic arms, lacking subjective initiative, perform tasks according to Yang's arrangements and serve as excellent laborers.