
Supreme Warrior God: I Shall Sever All Heavens and Realms!

Destroyed and translocated into the body of a deceased, low-ranking disciple from an illustrious sect—formerly timid, cowardly, and utterly useless—Sun Kang, whose soul was randomly transplanted into this specific body by a soul-relocating treasure, will endeavor to cleanse himself of every inherited disgrace and shame. He aims to achieve this by overcoming all that once oppressed and intimidated the former easily frightened, frail, and vulnerable owner of the body he now inhabits. Coupled with an unwavering motive to reach the peak of power, where all living or sentient creations in his universe and far beyond will bow before him with total adoration, fear, and reverence due to the inestimable, vast physical strength and dread-striking, overflowing despotic powers he would possess, he will endeavor to subdue, suppress, surmount, or eliminate all odds that he would encounter in his unstoppable climb to the zenith stage. His ultimate goal? To become sovereign and supreme, looking down upon all things with contempt. Yet, would he be able to achieve this in his weak new form, especially in a world filled with immensely strong, power-thirsting, arrogant cultivators who believe that only the strong survive? A world where the weak are considered prey for the strong, thereby creating continual situations and unfolding events where opportunities to grow stronger, to greatly surpass one's peers, are lustfully, desperately, and brutally sought after, resulting in overwhelming chaos, mayhem, carnage, and havoc that has become the order of the day. To learn more, join Sun Kang on his arduous journey to attain the pinnacle of power. He will embark on endless and perilous explorations into forbidden, abandoned, or sealed malevolent otherworldly sites, as well as uncharted concealed regions and dangerous miniature dimensions. These locations could instantly destroy him, but he is relentless, fearless, indefatigable, and overly curious in his quest for primal ancestral treasures of devastating potency, enormous amounts of exceedingly rare supreme sovereigns' cultivation manuals, and perfect cultivation resources. And, supported by numerous formidable entities—massive and astronomically powerful, highly intelligent cosmic creations that inhabit his body, including possession of the transcendent-tier superior Battle Art and All-Firmament-Severing treasure-sword of an unstoppable, venerable grandmaster Sovereign who is infinitely skilled in the fearsome, ominous, and domineering 'Ways of the Severing Sword', as well as owning thousand other sterling combat skills of devastating effectiveness, Sun Kang will endeavor to overwhelmingly subdue, ruthlessly humiliate, and mercilessly obliterate countless talented cultivation experts of diverse cultivating races or tribes that will act as obstacles or barriers to his acquisition of a vast and limitlessly great, tyrannical divine power. By all means possible, he must become a revered, radiantly dazzling, dreadfully imposing, and majesty commanding 'Supreme Warrior God'—an aspiration he has always harbored since little where he will possess the capability to instantly split, sunder, or rend apart every unbounded heavenly layer, realm, or dimension with disdainful ease!

koladeizdavid · Oriental
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24 Chs

Chapter 5 - Destroying the body's cultivation base and starting all over!

Chapter 5 - Destroying the body's cultivation base and starting all over!

"But I wonder if his enemies are still around. Anyway, I have to be careful and more observant, since I can't use the cultivation foundation that he possesses to produce Origin Energy attacks."

"Right now, I can be likened to a crippled cultivator, since my vast and fearsome soul power can't be used for anything in this world, even in the slightest, or the persecuting clouds of death will loom over me to ensure my complete destruction."

"But how was the previous owner of this body killed without any type of injury on his body? Was his soul instantly wiped out by a soul-targeting treasure, or was a soul-slaying technique used upon him by some high-level expert of this world?"

"Can the owner of this rather puny body even attract the action of such an expert? Besides, who owns all this blood on him, as it definitely can't be his, since no injury can be found anywhere on his body? Anyway, I can't be bothered about that right now. Since I have been given a new body to start over my cultivation, I will definitely train and nurture it till I reach my previous level of strength and even far surpass it to become that majestic and lofty, domineering figure that I have always wanted to be."

Once Sun Kang said that, he looked at the ripped uniform that his new body was wearing and said with a thoughtful gaze in his eyes when he saw the name of the sect and the emblem embroidered on the uniform, "Great Dragon-Elephant sect? Hmm. I guess that is where the previous owner of this body studied at. I can only return there to cultivate properly. Then in the future when I have grown powerful enough to be on my own, I will leave there to continue my journey to higher worlds."

"Although there could be well-hidden spies from other sects or factions monitoring states of things within the sect, I will surely be careful when I return."

"And I can only rely on myself in there which is why I need to cause this body to grow powerful very quickly and give me the strength to crush every enemy that I will come across in this planet before leaving for the advanced worlds."

Once Sun Kang said up to here, he quickly tried to recall a special, pinnacle-tier Battle Art that was recently transmitted to his memory by a particular Sentient Will that was left behind by a grand insurmountable expert of many eras ago.

Actually, the Sentient Will that would appear as a holographic projection of that expert, was laid down by the expert many epochs ago to transmit his entire legacy arts to whoever was worthy of completing his trials, which Sun Kang did after a lot of death-defying struggles, and that, at his revered and intimidating Ancestral Law God cultivation stage, showing that the expert's tests were really high in level and unimaginably difficult to pass.

He was the first, since the legacy announced its presence hundreds of million of years ago to actually complete them a few years back and fully obtain one of the strongest arts in the universe! And it wasn't by luck or by fortune that he acquired the art, but by strength, willpower, indefatigability and firm resoluteness.

Many powerful geniuses like himself and at his cultivation level that entered the inheritance ground to partake in the legacy acquisition test, couldn't come out alive as they were reduced to either ashes or pastes, or shredded to countless pieces by powerful formations that formed several levels of the test.

As soon as he looked through his memory like he were flipping through a book and saw the art, 'Unparalleled Nine Firmaments Severance Sword', Sun Kang couldn't help but have his previously darkened and gloomy face lit up with a great smile.

He was absolutely glad that he didn't lose the legacy that belonged to that astonishingly powerful expert who was basically the strongest in his own time.

Then after looking around him again, Sun Kang said, "Let me deeply examine this body to see if it has any talents worthy of praising."

He then began to check the body to see what it can do, in other words, what particular talent it possessed.


After carefully examining the body for a while, Sun Kang broke a delighted smile in his face.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." He said gleefully.

He then continued, "It even has a talent that my previous body didn't have. Although it's quite lacking when compared to mine, it is still okay. In fact, it's sufficient and should neither affect nor draw me back in my cultivation."

"Besides, upon further cultivation to achieve more breakthroughs in the future, I may discover more new talents that were previously hidden from me."

"At least, I fully discovered all of mine when I broke through into the Ancestral Law God stage. So, I might definitely discover more talents when I reach new and higher cultivation stages."

Sun Kang then sat on the ground to cultivate, which was obviously to replenish the lost Origin Energy that had been drained from his dantian.

But immediately he sat, he recalled that this particular body wasn't his, and that since he needed to practice the Battle Art of that top expert from the beginning, he would have to ruin the entire cultivation of this body by himself and start all over again.

Then with a decisive and ruthless action targeted at himself, he smashed one of his fist really hard at the area of his unprotected dantian to shatter the weak Cultivation Foundation floating within it.

However, he smashed it with less force so that he won't destroy his dantian, or that will be the end to his cultivation journey.

But Sun Kang's merciless action didn't come without pain, as he began to violently cough out many mouthfuls of blood with a severe form of head-splitting ache completely overwhelming his whole head and mind, which then caused his vision to instantly blur and his senses to be racked by a great and unbearable sensation that almost caused him to pass out on the spot.

But Sun Kang forced himself to remain awake. And after doing that, he began to rapidly expel the thin mist of Origin Energy that violently roiled within his dantian.

After all the Origin Energy that the body had accumulated over time by the past owner fully vanished, Sun Kang closed his eyes and recalled the cultivation method mentioned in that supreme sword art.

Immediately he did so, he began to follow the techniques described in it to create a new and more powerful Cultivation Foundation for himself, which he was sure will bring him limitless benefits in his path to the top, since the cultivation method that he was now using was one that was created by a peerless and impeccable, ancient-era sovereign-level expert.

But, what Sun Kang didn't know was that there were twelve well-hidden specks of light that had fused to his soul and shined almost vaguely.

If one were to look into anyone of these specks of light that had silently merged with his soul, one would see that these specks were actually miniature worlds that contained different forms of entities that looked incomparably monstrous in sizes, and radiated a type of bizarre immeasurable power that will cause even top experts to tremble greatly in front of them — These, were the Supreme Innate Spirits!

However, they were really weak at the moment and had fallen into a deep slumber to slowly recover from their severe fatal wounds and gradually regain their fully exhausted strengths.