
Supreme Waifu System

Auteur: Jake_Makvana
Anime & Comics
Actuel · 144K Affichage
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  • NO.200+

What is Supreme Waifu System

Lisez le roman Supreme Waifu System écrit par l'auteur Jake_Makvana publié sur WebNovel. the original name of this ff is 'Hongmeng System Shuttles Through the World'(here is the link https://www.mtlnovel.com/hongmeng-system-shuttles-through-the-world/ written by Emperor Shenyan )I message...


the original name of this ff is 'Hongmeng System Shuttles Through the World' (here is the link https://www.mtlnovel.com/hongmeng-system-shuttles-through-the-world/ written by Emperor Shenyan ) I messaged him to ask permission about writing this ff but no reply has arrived yet, so I'm not going to wait anymore and write it. I read the original ff but I was disappointed that's why I decided to write my own version of this ff. The title of the ff will be 'Supreme Waifu System' (even if you don't like the name, make do with it) Some necessary things you should know before reading my new ff. 1. It will be copy past and editing 2. The original ff is machine translated, so there will be many grammatical and spelling mistakes, I'll try to improve it but no promises. 3. This will be huge harem and there will be lots of stealing girls, wives and mothers of other in other word mc will be degenerate and with the help of system he will collect girls like Pokemon(you have been warned.) 4. About relationship development, I'll try but no promises. 5. About Lemons, there will be but they will be short.. Ps. The characters or not my original work they belong to their respective creators. ps. This is not my original work (there will be some of my original ideas within this ff.)

3 étiquettes
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SniperHunter02 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Author please keep your hard work.i really like this fanfiction . please update lord author ...,------________******""""''::;;!!((() please--------_____


If I do a lot of updates, I'll give them all 5 stars


When the chapter When the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter when the chapter


Good [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


God god god god god god god god God god god god god god god god God god god god god god god god God god god god god god god god God god god god god god god god


More chapter more chapter more chapter more chapter more chapter more chapter plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!


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