
Supreme Sin Emperor

******* Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MXzXh7AW ******* In a world where magic and several fantasy races existed, a boy goes into hiding in a forbidden land but finds something he could never have imagined. He comes out reborn and with a new identity and sets out on a journey to conquer the world. Along the way, he faces numerous challenges and battles, as well as other factions. But fuelled by the knowledge and power gained from the forbidden ground, the young man soon becomes a force to be reckoned with. He gains allies of different races and starts to uncover the secrets of the universe. As he becomes more powerful more questions pop up. How did he come to be? Who gave him his powers? What price shall he pay for what he has gained? Follow Rene as he dives into the world to find out who ly is while conquering worlds and doing as pleasesase with his brain and brawn. ******* All constructive criticisms are welcome, and I will try my best to read them it. ******* Please note that there are several dark scenes in the novel including and not limited to rape, gore etc so read at your own risk. ******* Note the picture is not mine if the owner wants me to take it down message me.

Golden_Wolf_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Reincarnation or transmigration? (edited)

*Planet Earth*

~beep beep beep~

The sound of alarm pierced the silence causing Felix to look up from his book.

He glanced at his clock and it only took him a millisecond to realize that it was time for him to leave for his boxing class.

He looked hesitantly at the book then at the wall next to him.

A rare smile broke across his face as he felt proud of his accomplishment. The shelf was lined with several evidence of his achievement in karate, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu, Judo, Tai chi as well as the weapons he was proficient in.

He stood up, grabbed his boxing gloves changed his clothes before returning to the table to grab his book intending to return it to the book shelf.

He paused his actions as he stared at the book shelf containing hundreds of books and comics and thought, 'It doesn't hurt to read it as I walk, right.'

Coming to this conclusion his gaze focused on the other wall lined with his action figures, he moved towards it in daze but was pulled out by his alarm going off again.

He ran out of his room down the hall, he crossed path with 4 people but they all ignored him and he did the same.

A few seconds after he stepped out the house, he glanced back at the massive Mansion he exited, it brought back a lot of memories. He turned back as he walked towards his boxing centre.

Felix was a typical 16-yrs-old boy. His parents divorced when he was 6years, his father moved out the country as his mother cleaned him and he never saw or heard of him again. His mother remarried to a super rich guy who had two children from his previous marriage and that was when his pain began.

It wasn't physical pain as you would expect rather it was an emotional one.

Since then he was ignored, the only thing his so called mother did was give him a fat pocket money.

This is when his love for anime began. In order to fill the emotional void he threw himself into reading.

He had been preparing for his reincarnation since the first day he read reincarnation novel. He studied every thing he could get his hands on.

Like any other otaku once they set their mind onto something they always do it until they have accomplished and he did just the same and even accomplished more.


The sound of horns pulled him from his thoughts. He looked back thinking he was the cause only to see a little girl crossing the road as a truck barrelled down the road.

Without thinking he immediately ran towards her while shouting.

"Little girl, leave there"

He managed to save the girl but as he raised his head he realized he was in front of another truck. "Fuck!!!"

*Tires Screeching*


The driver tried to apply the breaks, but it was already too late. He never expected two random people to appear in front of his truck on a clear road and He couldn't turn the truck to either side of the road because of the large number of pedestrian on both sides.

"Ugggh! Truck-kun since when did you begin to tag team, though I did request you to hit me in a few of my comments, I just did that because I thought it would make me look cool… you weren't supposed to take it seriously…"

"Fuck! It hurts!"

Felix, who was hit by the truck felt his whole body searing in pain.It took him a lot of strength to look up from the ground towards the little girl he saved.

"At least she is saved", he murmured. "But which bastard left his child on the road? Parents of this generation."

"At least I will definitely reincarnate into a parallel world were I will be the mc with a cheat... Hopefully."

{Ding~ This is origin}

{Ding ~ The "Era of Origin" has officially started. World is found to be unable to support evolution and mana}

{Ding~ Teleportation target has been selected: Planet earth intelligent species…the teleportation has begun.}

{Ding~ The teleportation has been completed. The number of participants this time is 20 billion.}

{Ding~ Welcome to the Era of Origin}

{Ding~ In this World they practice magic and everything you can think of.}

{Ding~ Everyone can become lords or adventurer and participate in the war among empires…}

{Ding~ Every lord will be given an initial military type according to your race and 100 gold. You can use resources to recruit soldiers and build an army.}

{Ding~ Every adventurer would be given complete armour set and weapon of choice along with 1 gold and a week worth of ration}

{Ding~ Choose carefully}

{Ding~ The personal strength, resources, supplies, money and treasures are the five most important things in this glorious universe. Please explore them on your own.}

{Ding~ Everything is possible. You may choose to live or die. You may either remain impoverished or aim for the crown. You may pursue the demonic path or ignite the celestial fire. You can even become immortal…}

Felix could only watch helplessly while others disappeared.

"HAAAAA... TRUCK KUN YOU BASTARD, PIECE OF SHIT" Felix shouted with a sudden rush of adrenaline before going limp.

He had planned for this day for a long time but unfortunately all that has now been done in vain. At least that is what he thought as his soul rose from his body before been snatched away from the cycle of samsara.


*Planet Noxus*

Azaroth was genuinely startled at this discovery. He tried to control the Dark energy but to no avail.

"After thousands of years of waiting, my hope came only for it to be SNATCHED FROM ME!"

The fact that Azaroth couldn't even control the consciousness of Rex anymore annoyed him. Since he wasn't the real owner of the body he could barely walk with it.

That was why he wanted to carefully disconnect the soul and consciousness before absorbing them. The only reason he could use the body was because he was controlling the Rex's consciousness.

Now he couldn't even move while in this weak and defenseless body. His soul and consciousness was forcefully dragged from the body.

Azaroth last thought before losing consciousness was 'Karma is a bitch'

As the spirits of Felix, Rex and Azaroth floated above the body which was on the throne, the Gold substance entered into the body and broke down the body.

The energy released from the Gold substance purified the dark energy, body and the liquidized bone, neutralizing all the impurities in them.

The spatial rings on the ground suddenly rose up and all resources of value within it was emptied. All the herbs were collected into a group, the impurities were squeezed out living only the purest of the pure essence which then flew to the body.

The body absorbed the essence before it began reconstructing itself before breaking down again. This process repeated itself seven other times before finally stopping.

The body had finally been refined to perfection, although it still looked the same the skin was softer.

The remaining energy which was left over from the reconstruction of the body, were then been condensed into a mana core.

The mana was repeatedly purified removing all impurities in it, then condensed repeatedly until it formed a stable core which was located in the heart.

Finally the spirits of Felix, Rex and Azaroth were surrounded by the mana and another spirit rose from the body, joining them.

All 4 spirits were grounded into pieces before merging with together.

The new spirit that was formed from the combination of all 4 spirits was then lowered into the body.

The new being slowly opened his eyes which was black and glowing glanced around before snapping his fingers.

A ray of light appeared on the left over essence from the herbs. A black wolf cub appeared on it.

The wolf looked towards the throne howled before looking below itself. It instinct took over and it immediately indulged in the leftover.

The being on the throne watched as the wolf consumed all of the leftover.

When the wolf was done consuming the essence, it wobbled around as if it was drunk before finally falling asleep.

The being smiled before snapping his fingers again and both of them disappeared from the throne room. The room returned back to silence which it had once been.


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Please this will go a long way to help me

I only changed a couple of things so no worries

Golden_Wolf_creators' thoughts