
Battle for the fate of the wolves I

The power from the canons was enough to end all creation and in the instant it came into the world, the Desert Emperor understood that the very fate of the world was on the verge of being transformed. 

The peace that had been so abundant in the world was about to become scarce once again. What had come to the Spirit World? When the chaos from the canon fire settled, Huang Xiaoming stood like a pissed-off God from a time long past. 

He hid left hand was still raised up in a blocking manner indicating that he had just stopped the cannon fire with a single hand Huang Biren and Huang Shengyi stood behind him. He was not happy with the newcomers. 

Aboard the vessel, Yang Li looked down at Huang Xiaoming. 

It was clear that Huang Xiaoming was powerful but Yang Li was still not impressed. She still looked at him as though he was as insignificant as a bug beneath her boot. She could squash him at any moment.