
supreme online

when the humanity discover that there is a new game in the world, they enter it like the ants, not knowing what is waiting for them, only one, Particular person, the story will unfold for him, to lead him to a road, to the authority, to the heavens. a note, this story is my third trial, hoping to succeed, i tried to make a unique novel, even if that's only a fantasy, and imagination of my own, but this novel is not related, or will , be related to any religious matters, also, if there is a covver, if i succeeded to ad one, please tell me in the comments, also, i am a blind, so if the covver is not yours, please tell me. please vote for me, so i can see if i am a good writer or no.

DaoistOrnzVQ · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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2 Chs

chapter one, a word in the world

in a small shop, located on the main streat, two people are talking.

person 1, did you hear about the upcoming game?

person 2, yes, supreme online, they say it's one of the greatest virtual reality games.

person 1, hahahaha, what do you mean by one of the greatest, it's the greatest one, they even say it's the same as reality, but do you know what supreme online means?

person 2, actually, i am the same, i don't know anything about the game, but they say it will launch tomorrow, on 10 oclock morning.

in a car, a family members are talking, the children are laughing and the parents are talking seriasly.

father parent, you know that this game will change the balance of the world yes?

mother parent, yes and while we are talking here, some people are talking somewhere else.

child girl, hahaha, brother, do you know that you can play with npc's?

child boy, oh, is it true?

older brother, you even can make biznis with them.

father, i didn't realize that,, but, will we buy a helmet to our brother, he can enjoy also, you know he is alone in the house most of the day,and our younger sister is taking care for him.

father parent, oh that's great, why we didn't think of that, also, you know elen don't want us to take care for him, she says that she is his twin and no one will take care of him other than her.

and this type of talking in all the world, in a house, in a bar, even in a shops, streats, gang baces and others.

in every place in the world, you can see this topic.

let me show you some examples, oh that's a note, i will not appeer in all the novel, as the writer, you may not see me everytime.

gang member1, we can even enjoy with npc girls hahahah.

gang member 2, i don't know but i hope it will be like this.

gang boss, you bastards, don't you think of something else other than this stupid game?

gang members, sorry boss, you can't find other than this topic in the world.

gang elete, sorry boss, but they are saying the trooth

gang boss, i am outa here, go and do something useful, rob a bank or anything like that, i don't want to see your square heads anymore.

in other place.

do you think the Economy of the country will rise if we allowed the children to play this game in they're schools?

yes, i think that they can allow recharging, and we can open our own servers so we can rise our economy then.

and what the prime minister thinks.

President, because all the ministers voted for the same, i can't say anything.

make this a declared law, every child will get from 1 to 4 hours playing the game, and if they can play more, it will be better.

yes presedent.

near the trash.

ah, where do i get this VR helmet now, i am too poor and i can't pay even 1 dollar.

i am like you, i really hope the country will give us a helmet.

poor people, the presedent decided to give any poor person a vr helmet, so, thank him and make sure to prepair for tomorrow.

thank you manager, thank you presedent, we can finally play this game.

and now, let the adventure of the humanity begin.

that's the first chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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