
Supreme Magus

Derek McCoy was a man who spent his entire life facing adversity and injustice. After being forced to settle with surviving rather than living, he had finally found his place in the world, until everything was taken from him one last time. After losing his life to avenge his murdered brother, he reincarnates until he finds a world worth living in, a world filled with magic and monsters. Follow him along his journey, from grieving brother to alien soldier. From infant to Supreme Magus. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Male MC, Western Fantasy Schedule: 12 chapters/week (unless I'm ill or stuff happens) Chapter Lenght: 1200 - 1400 words Warning: The MC is not a hero nor an anti-hero. He is a broken, cynic and misanthropic person looking only for his own gain. If you are looking for a forgiving, nice, MC that goes around saving people in distress, this is not your cup of tea. Same if you want an unchanging MC with no character development. ------------------------------------------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/suprememagus ---------------------------------------- Cover of Tiamat form Lith Verhen by josh groban aka manohar aka Animustw. My new Pfp was made by Josh (same as above). Visit the official discord for his official portraits of the characters.

Legion20 · Fantaisie
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3143 Chs

Father of Fire (Part 2)

"Gentor, who is this guy and why did you bring him to my home?" After dealing with Salaark and Leegaain long enough, no matter how old he was, no Dragon could impress her.

"Ba?" Elysia asked, trying and failing to break out of the crib.

Valeron the Second joined her, afraid for their mother, but not even Origin Flames could put a dent in the Doomslayer crib. Yet the artifact reacted to the children's distress by aiming a battery of plasma cannons at the intruders.

"No!" The old man staggered back like he had been slapped. "How can you call me bad, Em'har? I'm your uncle by blood, brood, and heart. Not like that scum! He's afraid of you and only seeks to exploit you."

He pointed his finger at Kaz who felt dying again as Dragon Fear gave him a stroke.