
Undead of the Desert

The Undead of the Desert were not to be underestimated. There were countless of them, and none of them seemed weak or timid.

There were Skeleton Spearman wielding spears and carrying shields. Nehkarabia Warrior Skeletons with two sabers, great combat prowess and spatial awareness, Tomb Guard Skeletons wielding halberds, Crypt Ghouls that were as large as Elephants, Skeleton Archers and many more.

However, the ordinary defensive units of the Primedival Pyramid were only slightly annoying for most. They wouldn't be enough to wreak havoc in the rows of the four Lords' armies.

That was different for the Undead Cavalry, the Desert Warbeasts, the Monstrous Infantry, and the Monsters of the Primedival Pyramid.