
Last Wish

"Looks like this Senator Keltos sent multiple people to search through the Untamed Jungle without attracting anyone's attention. His interest in the Untamed Jungle is pretty high," Michael murmured quietly to himself.

He recalled Lilica's words and began to frown deeply.

'It is not only the Senator, but the rest of the Zentika Empire is looking for something as well! It's just that Senator Keltos is more proactive…Are they looking for something else, or is it actually the Temple of the Forgotten they're looking for?'

One way or another, Michael figured that Senator Keltos was a piece of shit and that he wouldn't receive much peace in his territory anytime soon. Even if he and his territory were now strong enough to survive the dangers of the Untamed Jungle's outer region, his territory's location was too close to the Zentika Empire.