

Michael was exhausted as well, but he decided to purify the Summoning Cores and install them in his Summoning Gate before going to sleep.

Eight additional purified Summoning Cores meant that he would receive eight more daily summons – each with the prospects to be a 2-Star Summon. That meant he could summon 11 2-Star Summons every day if he was extremely lucky. That was amazing!

The gains Michael made from fighting the Kitsun Lord were tremendous. He could make up for the losses of 1,500 combatants quickly. That was, of course, only in numbers. It didn't make up for the fact that three-fourth of his army died in the Elementals Cave.

'I really hope that everything will be alright.' Michael thought as he finished installing the Summoning Cores. The hatch of the Summoning Gate closed automatically, and Michael went to his room in the wooden manor.