
Supreme Demon

Dexter Kirk, a teenage pauper who lived in the outskirt of an humble abode, Lonbridge Town. Despite merely living in the streets of the outskirts. Dexter and just like any other paupers all had the dream of being able to control the enigmatic power known as Zephyxr elemental magic. Yet reality was cold, ruthless and cruel. In a world where to become a Zephyxr elemental controller seemed to be even rarer than phoenix feathers, to have a talent for it seemed even harder than ascending the Nine Heavens. Due to a tragic encounter, Dexter was left for worse. Destined to die while trying to protect his friends who just happened to later on betray him Leaving him in an half dead state. Yet as fate and luck would always be so mysterious and have it. Dexter seemed to have been given a second chance by an enigmatic being. Now armed with the talents needed to be a powerful Zephyxr elemental controller. Dexter now embarjs on a journey of not only revenge but also a race against time. The clock is ticking, and he only had mere years to accomplish the almost impossible goal set by the enigmatic being. Would he accomplish this goal and become a supreme Zephyxr elemental controller or would he succomb and be washed away by the passage of time. Hence the beginning of the Great Demon started. One who would do just anything to get stronger...one who Is greedy for life. And would destroy any that stand in his way. He is known by the name: The Supreme Demon

_Levi01 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

And The Winner is

His face could show how angry he was, he went to this academy and the exam turned out to be a fight, he didn't even know how to fight, he now finally understood why he had a sword, he thought the sword was just for fashion, but he can finally see that it was meant to be used for fighting. 

The two men on stage began fighting, but that was none of his business, he paid no attention to the fight, he was sweating furiously. 

"I can't even control any Zephyxr magic, but he could see how the two participant on stage were using it to control the sword as they like. Just at that moment, another thought came in, how come that they could still control Zephyxr magic in another world, he was very confused. 

The only thing that rhyhme up was that he was still in the same world, but didn't die, either he forgot his memory, or he was transmigrated to someone else body, the first one was not correct, cause he remember everything, except how he got into this body, so which means that, the only reasonable explanation was that he was transmigrated into this body. But the question was how?. 

Before he could see, No2 knocked out No1 off the ring, declaring No2 winner. 

It went on like this till about the 5th hour in the evening, his turn finally reached, he was to challenge No79. 

She was a young lady who managed to defeat them all so that she could be the winner. He walked majestically into the ring, unsheathed his sword and made a powerful pose. "Let the fight begin" The refree said. He jumped up into the air and swiftly landed his sword towards her, she brought out her own spear too, and evaded his attack with a block. 

Dexter did not know what he was doing, he just charged forward forcefully without thinking, all was in his mind was to win this thing and see what was going to happen next, he kept receiving cuts on all part of his body, until he could no longer move and rested his hands on his sword while kneeling down. That fateful moment, as the enemy sword was about to cut his head right off, he suddenly felt a type of energy surging through him. The sword was so close to his neck, then he suddenly disappeared from that place and appeared on her back, he gathered all his energy into the sword and said "This is the end" He gave her an overbearing slash which pushed her off the ring. It was that moment, the moment of glory, he had emerged as the winner. 

He had a proud look on his face, for once in his life, he had achieved something, he thought to himself. Master Francis stepped down from his chair, he held his hands and announce him the winner, he was the new Mr.Thirteen of the academy.

He told Mr.Twelve to take him and show him round the dormitory, and should also explain some things to him. "All rise" The assistant said, as they all rose for Master Francis to leave. "Come with me" Mr. Twelve said as he walked away. "I know you must be wondering who am I or who we are, we are the twelve disciples of Kraven Academy, the twelve disciples are called With respect, hence the name Mr. Twelve. The first disciple [Ben Emos] is already a master of Zephyxr Magic, he can control the wind at a high level. The second disciple [Oliver ré] is not a master of Zephyxr magic, but he's a master at swordsmanship. The third disciple [Miss Rosetta aurthur] she's a master of disguise, she's also good at controlling fire. 

About an hour later, he was done, and during this time, darkness has filled the bright sky's. "This is your room, it looks messy, so you'll have to manage it for the night, maybe by tomorrow, you can clean it" Dexter nodded his head in accordance to show that he was listening, he went into his room and locked the door. 

Dexter sat down and began treating his wound, then he heard a noise from outside. He immediately off the candle light and went silently towards the door, he heard someone jumping through the fence. But the fence was blocked by a very high wood, so how did he or she get in? 

Nevertheless, he kept looking through the door, the door was made of silk and wood, which made it possible to look through the door. 

He saw a figure wearing black shirt and a mask, it was he was looking for something. 

"Is that a man, nah, he's definitely a girl" she went towards the first room, but noticed nothing and heard a noise from Dexter room. She went towards the room and saw a shadow from the outside looking at her, she brought out a knife and stabbed the figure, which made the figure to fall to ground. She opened the door and went inside the room. She thought that Dexter was dead, but then a figure appeared in her back after she had entered the room, the figure held her mouth and her hands tightly and asked Her "Who are you?"