
Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!

DaoistS4DVbU · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
160 Chs

Chapter 142 300 Billions exp Points

"He made similar lecture as the Ancestor."

Spoke Ying Bing with shock in her beautiful eyes.

"Even his pills are unmatch." Added with a tremblelimg voice Cai Weixi

Making all of the Core elders look at Lin cheng with awe and respect.

"I have seen the Alchemy saint." Ha li previous attitude change and bow 180 degree while solemnly calling Lin cheng.

He didn't have the heart to even raise words.

"We see the Alchemy Saint!"

After First #1 Genius submitted millions of people also submitted.

Millions of people call Lin cheng the Alchemy Saint with deep awe on they eyes. Now they understood why in so many millions of year since the Alchemy guild existed. There has never beeing a Saint Alchemist because the qualifications were not enough until now.

They saw with they own eyes how the alchemy saint use a wonder full technique to concoct not only one but six! Pills with pill veins and in a mere 15 minutes.

How many of then yearn for that,and to finally add the cherry to the cake, Lin cheng lecture them making them taking a step forward in their Alchemy way. The same way the Ancestor of Alchemy can do but sadly is very rare for the Ancestor Alchemy to do a lecture.

"Very well this is for all of you." Said Lin cheng while making the pills that he just made.

Float and land in one palm of each winner of the F3 making them excited. For them this was a previous pill perhaps not at the level of the Alchemy ancestor.

But they still treasure, they could even study them to see if they can break through in yhe Alchemy way.

Millions of people look at Ha li, Ying Ling, Sal Teng, Kin Tao and Zou De with envy.

Lin cheng calmly walk to his seat and lift the tray containing the reward and went back to the stage.

Seeing the 5 of the were trembling and not daring to take stepforard Lin cheng speechless.

"C'mon guys come and pick your rewards, don't worry i don't eat people yet." Joke Lin cheng with a handsome smile.

Making millions alchemist of laughs.

Holy Academy, Core area houses.

"Oh my he is so handsome!"

"Than that candy came from."

The female next to Tang sun commented.

While Tang Sun had a happy smile on her face seeing the figure on the mirror.

Demon Fox Clan.

"That's husband of yours is something else." Spoke for the first Qu Jianying with a serious face.

Even Shui Wuhen had a solemn expression, how this old foxes not seeing what just happened.

"Still you were able to pull down the alchemy saint." Spoke Yan Shuiyi with a shick expression.

Seeing Baishi didn't respond the 3 of them look at Baishi who had heart eyes and was looking affectionately at the mirror.

"More like he pull one of our Saint down."

Commented Qu Jianying.

Feng Family Residence, Feng Fei palace.

"My cheng'er is domineering." Spoke Feng Fei.

"And charismatic too." Added Feng Xin while looking at the millions of people laughing because of Lin cheng joke.

"Not bad brat, this aunt is proud." Said Feng Yin while nodding her head in approval.

Back to Lin cheng side.

Lin cheng quickly left the venue and decided to go back home. Sweat could be seeing on his forehead.

45 mins later....

Lin cheng was standing with in front of his mom palace.

"I'm finally here." Sigh Lin cheng with a pale face.

Lin cheng didn't even call out to his mom. He went straight to his room.

"Ohh God what a headache." Spoke Lin cheng.

Lin cheng decided to leave fast the alchemy guild because he could feel his body shutting down. And the reason was very simple in order to make those 5 pills Lin cheng made 50 pills instead.

Which as always the system would give his 10% but the problem is that's Lin cheng was able to concoct 50 pills at the same time thanks to depleting his 3 powers, spiritual Qi, Divine sea Qi and Soul Qi.

Different from his body injuries in which he could recover fast the Divine Sea Qi and Soul Qi was not a joke. And it would take a long time to recover.

So Lin cheng probably would have to wait about 2 to 3 days to fully recovered.

[Ding! Task (Completed): Grade None: Give the rewards to the winners of the Alchemy Holy Rank 3 geniuses contest:(Rewards : 50 billions exp)]

[Ding! Make all the alchemists on the F3 competition acknowledged the Alchemy Saint of the Guild (Completed) : Grade None : Rewards(500 billions exp points)]

[Ding! Host earn 50 billions exp points]

[Ding! Host earn 500 billions exp points]

Lin cheng who felt cold and a headache after he hear the notifications. A smile was form on his face.

"It was worth it." Muttered Lin cheng before falling into a deep sleep.

10 mins later....

"Sister that brat came back 10 mins ago but after going to your he has not come and said hi." Pouted disatisfied Feng Yin.

"Perhaps he is doing something important."

Spoke her toughts Feng xin.

"Important? Mom what can it be so important on my that he needed to do it in his mother room?" Spoke Feng Yin with a disatisfied look.

"How about we see." Suggested Feng Xin.

"Yeah but let's be quiet to as not disturb my Cheng'er." Spoke Seriously Feng Fei.

The 3 of them dissapeard instantly and reappeared on Feng Fei room.

Knock! Knock!

"Cheng'er food is ready, are you busy?" Said Feng Fei after Knocking.

After seeing he didn't respond she open the door and saw Lin cheng with a pale face.

"Cheng'er!" Scream Feng Fei with worried eye while she quickly check her son body.

"What happen to my nephew?" Ask worriedly. Feng Yin.

After checking Lin cheng body Feng Fei and Fen xin breath sigh of relief.

But femg sat in the floor and put Lin cheng head on her smooth thing to use as pillow.

"He over exhausted his 3 powers Spirit Qi, Soul Qi and Divine sea Qi." Said Feng xin.

"I guess it doing 5 Alchemy pills drained him completely." Spoke Feng Xin while Feng Fei doting caress his son smooth forehead.

"Oh.. how about we give some nutrients to refill himself qui-" suggested Feng Yin while looking at her storage ring.

Not only her even Feng Xin was about to take out something.

"No need, thank you mom and sis but i have some already." Spoke Softly Feng Fei while taking out 3 crystal vials.

One had a green glowing liquid, the other had a transparent liquid with sparkling dots and the last one had a blue substance that look also sticky.

"You must be careful daugther after all, that contain too much energy and it might explode." Said with worriedness Femg xin.

"I know mom." Answer Feng Fei while opening Lin cheng mouth.

And one by one she open the each vial and give a small drop like a tear to Lin cheng.

After giving him 1 drop of each vial she put them away. And in the ink of Lin cheng who had pale face return back to normal and a little red.

[Ding! Host has absorb 100 billions exp from Soul Qi flower liquid.]

[Ding! Host have absorb 100 billions exp points from Heavenly Essence]

[Ding! Host has absorb 100 billions exp points from Wood Essence]

But Lin cheng who fall in a deep sleep state didn't know that earn an extra 300 billions exp points from his mother care.

Lin cheng who was sleeping after a long time he was finally able to dream. Weirdly for Lin cheng he was dreaming of his old life in earth. The internet, the smart phones and the many college parties he missed because he was focused on studying.

Back to Feng Fei side.

After dismissing her mother and sister Feng Fei stay caressing Lin cheng face while his head rest on her smooth and thick thighs.

When suddenly Lin cheng who was sleeping start making sniffing sound on her thighs making her feel tickle.

"Mom." Said Softly Lin cheng while having a happy smile on his sleeping head.

"Mhwa." Lin cheng who was sleeping kiss his mom sexy thighs and with his left hand touch Softly his mom thing until his hand stop moving.

"I love you mom." Muttered in his sleep Lin cheng.

Making Feng Fei giggle and lower he beautiful face with her sexy lips plant a kiss on her son forhwad while looking at him with her glowing phoenix eyes.

"Mommy loves you too Cheng'er." Said Sotfly Feng Fei.

Back to Lin cheng dream.

Lin cheng who slee was dream that he was not crush by that truck. And instead went out on his date in which he was about to lose his V card.

But when he saw his date, he was suprise to find that it was not the previous woman. But his actual mother rin the Central Continent!

"Mom!" Call out Lin cheng.

"Hey Cheng'er come to mom." Said tenderly the beautiful Feng Fei who was dressed in office uniform with sexy stocking and high heels.

On the dream Lin cheng kiss his mother thighs and did naughty stuffs before falling as sleep.

"I love you mom." Said Lin cheng before using his mother thing as pillows.

"Baby wake up." Lin cheng who felt he was sleeping inside his dream heat a charming but sweet voice that Warm his heart.

"Baby wake up is time to eat." The voice sounded again.

Making Lin cheng open his eyes, biy after opening what he saw was not the room in which he experienced list with his mom in earth.

He realized that was a dream and he seeing his beautiful mom face looking at him from the top.