
Supreme Bloodline Genes In The Apocalypse

Going shopping when the world was about to be hit by an apocalypse might not be the smartest thing but how else was he supposed to prepare for the said apocalypse? And that was how Lucas was transmigrated into another world, far different from Earth. A world where the Bloodline of your ancestors will determine your standing. They are called the Rashakas. Fortunately for him, he got lucky here but when the flood of memories of the new body came, Lucas wasn't so sure. Because he was now in the body of a coward Rashaka. If he wants to survive, he must build his reputation, save himself and his new mother from the schemes of the Elders, and most importantly of all build a new reputation for himself. To do all this he must apply for one of the most brutal places in the new world, 'The Academy' a place where the Scion of the Great Clans come together to shed blood without consequences. And the reward for the Academy? It just might be the glorious honor of bringing the apocalypse to Earth. Follow Lucas ( now Kyrexiel) as he tries to save a broken Great Clan and build a new thing for himself.

DukeWriter · Fantaisie
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108 Chs

Well, fuck.

The golme tilted its head as the hourglass was about to run out. "Well, this is new. You simply accepted your death." Then it nodded as if it just dropped an Aristotle-worthy quote.

Kyrexiel sat where he was, he was thinking about his situation. He needed to stop thinking like Lucas and now as Kyrexiel if he wanted to survive in this world.

He ignored the golem until the hourglass ran out and then he stood, his axe on the right shoulder. "Where is the room for the next challenge?"

It blinked, looked at the hourglass then back at Kyrexiel. "Y...what did you do? You should be dead now!"

Kyrexiel smiled, a flash of fangs. "My Bloodline. Poison is like water for my body. It even helps." Then the door opened in a far corner and he left the stunned golem behind. He even ate one of the flowers.

Kyrexiel was surprised himself, it was something basic to his body. Normal even. He has a very high tolerance to poison. Especially the natural one that filled the garden.

So he just decided to trust Kyrexiel's body and waited it out.

The next challenge was almost like the beast one but this one was different, it was bigger and faster and when the beast opened its mouth, fire jetted out.

Kyrexiel decided then that he didn't like fire, in fact for some reason, he was weary of it because of his Bloodline. 'What exactly is this Bloodline thing?' He mused.

From what he understood from his memories, Bloodline would determine your sanding in a society that was built on blood and hunger for power. And revolution.

So he ran from the fire-breathing monster and set a trap of his own. The challenge place here was filled with rocks, big rocks that allowed hiding.

Kyrexiel removed his robe and hung it on a large rock, he placed it so it was on a bend, then he waited patiently until the beast came to breathe fire, then he jumped from where he was hiding at the top without any sound.

He reached the beast before it knew it was a trap, his axe bit deeply into the creature's neck, and the weapon's handle soon became slick with it.

But the beast wasn't done, it turned and tried to bite his head off and Kyrexiel did the only thing he could, he punched it below its jaws. Stunning it enough that he removed his axe and sloppily cut it up.

He was breathing hard when he was done, standing over it but a savage smile spread across his face. To be a Rashaka was to find joy in dominating your opponents.

Kyrexiel took a bit of the beast and munched on it as he entered the next one which was a trap kind of challenge. There was this long hallway and he had to run the whole length, avoiding traps as he ran.

He broke his axe trying to deflect an oversized sword. "That's why I used a hammer!" He shouted and growled with frustration. "They are made for withstanding forces and made for bashing!"

He managed to make it through with swollen eyes and numerous cuts. Even his healing didn't know where to start.

He went through three more challenges like this and Kyrexiel was growing frustrated with each one. Why was the school or whatever giving him this much trouble?

Without his axe, he relied on whether he saw, rocks, body parts of beasts, and his claws.

He got through it all and at the end, he found himself in a large chamber with high roofing that ended in darkness. In front of him was a statue of a beast with the body of a dragon but with seven heads, the eyes on the seven heads glowed purple with the jewel that was put in.

Kyrexiel kept his distance, he didn't know if it would come to life too and he didn't want to find out either. Around the stone are smaller, almost identical statues, most of them with different numbers of heads. Three, four but none of them was seven.

His memory stirred, there was something very important about this place. This statue in particular but just as usual, the memories relaxed again.

Kyrexiel sighed. "Is there a challenge here too or everything is done?"

As if in answer, the eyes on the bigger statue glowed a deep purple. Kyrexiel stumbling back but still, the back ink that rose from the statue coiled around his right hand and the thing stopped glowing.

Kyrexiel looked at his right hand, a black ink band covered it, seven heads arranged like a rope to encircle his wrist. For some reason, he felt proud of it.

"Maybe this means the school approved of me." He said.

A door opened again. This time directly in front of him, and he knew this was the final one. His body was still bleeding, and it stung but he straightened as best as he could and entered the swirling darkness of the door.

It took him into another chamber but this one looked bleak in comparison to the one he had just came from, this wasn't a chamber because where the door to the outside should be was covered in metal bars.

Kyrexiel blinked. "You are right again, Lucas. This body is criminal."

Beyond the bars was a long hallway that led to a more normal-looking door. Fire on standing touches line the wall. And the prison was the only one there. "Hey! Anyone there!" He shouted, moving closer to the bars.

Nothing answered him. And he growled. "What type of school is this? I will report you! Badmouth you outside!"

That finally got a reaction as he saw feet slapping on the stone floor as they hurried toward him. The first door was thrown open and three guards entered, they were dressed in sharp blue armor and carried weapons.

They took one look at him and turned back, then closed the door sharply behind them as if they just saw a ghost.

Kyrexiel blinked. "Well, fuck."