
Supreme (The rise of the supreme)

"Nether Absolute, Nether Emperor, Old man severance, the creator, the desecrator, Ruler of The Nine, blah blah blah, I have been called by so many names that it's hard to keep track of all of them, but the single constant has always been that no one no matter how great they may think themselves has ever shown even a hint of disrespect towards my magnificent self, then how in the nine Hells did I end up here, a servant to a bratty spoiled young miss, how did this happen, how???

Dagan · Fantaisie
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136 Chs


Back in the cave ,a crack in space opened up and a wolfish creature came out in a hurry.

The creature under scrutiny looked malnourished .It ribs could easily be counted and its limbs looked frail as though they could barely support the creature .

The creature opened its eyes and two red beams of eery light came out at quick speeds .The beams penetrated the cave and passed through the bloody forest destroying everything in their paths .Trees ,people and even mountains all disintegrated on contact with the light .

When the beans were done bisecting the battle zone ,they made contact with the zone walls but even the walls of a grade nine spirit treasure were not able to stop the beams .They penetrated the walls and went out of the zone .The beams either by coincidence or destiny ,were headed towards the Calm sea emperor .When he saw the sinister beams , even the calm sea emperor lost his calm and prepared to meet them head on.

He pulled his sword from its sheath and slashed at the beams. The world became calm with everything becoming still.

The sword was covered by a layer of shimmering water.

The beams clashed with the sword in a soundless impact .The sword and the beams struggled for supremacy with the beams wanting to return everything to the origin while the sword wanted to make the whole world calm .

The two forced fought until the emperor increased the power he was using and deflected the beams into the sky.

The beams penetrated the heavens and disappeared .

When the surrounding people cane back to their senses ,the emperor's grade nine sword had been disintegrated with only the handle left in the emperors hand.

Everyone was astonished ,emperors were the most powerful beings in the world ,having achieved heavens mandate .For such a powerful being to be threatened by anything

other than another emperor or heavenly dao was unheard of .

The Calm sea emperor looked at the origin of the attack on the floating screen only to realize that it was the place were the brat who had had his way with his daughter had been hiding for the past months.

"Not even such a weapon will save you from my wrath little bastard ."the emperor's voice was heard through out the battle zone.

All the participants shivered at the mandate qi in the emperor's words .

In the cave ,it was as though the creature had none of this. It transformed into a swab young man whose features were the envy of the sculptors of Yunun.

The young man was undoubtedly Xerxes but his entire being seemed to have transcended his former self .

His hair was snow white with his eyes now just red gems in his eye sockets .

His body was muscular in all the necessary places giving him a compact look filled with obvious power .

His ears were pointed as though belonging to a bat and his nails were now metallic claws .

"I have achieved something impossible,the perfect unification of three primordial bloodlines to form a better bloodline .The Nether race bloodline and the eternal Draugr bloodline .Not to mention the wolf bloodline ,although not a primordial bloodline,the hatred between the wolves and the Draugrs is a truth both races have accepted as a heavenly truth .Killing each other on site. For the two bloodlines to be unified into one is all the proof I need to celebrate the success of the supremacy dao art paired with the greatest body ever created by god or devil.

Xerxes inspected his body for sometime until he was content.

He began to fill hunger ,a hunger like nothing he had ever known.