
Supreme (The rise of the supreme)

"Nether Absolute, Nether Emperor, Old man severance, the creator, the desecrator, Ruler of The Nine, blah blah blah, I have been called by so many names that it's hard to keep track of all of them, but the single constant has always been that no one no matter how great they may think themselves has ever shown even a hint of disrespect towards my magnificent self, then how in the nine Hells did I end up here, a servant to a bratty spoiled young miss, how did this happen, how???

Dagan · Fantaisie
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136 Chs

56. Breakthrough

The city was a work of art. It was constructed with the living comfort of millions of people in mind. The streets were wide enough to allow five carriages to move side by side. Large aqueducts and underground pipes were constructed to provide an uninterrupted supply of fresh water to millions of people. The residences were built with all necessities and beyond.

Hakko crystals were mined from the Eastern mountains in large quantities and used to provide light at night in residences and along the streets. During the day, these crystals absorb light qi from the sun and at night, they let it out.

The city was divided into several sectors such as the administrative sector where all government offices were established, and the residential sector which was of course further subdivided according to wealth and noble rank, the commercial sector, and many others with the Imperial sector at the center of everything.

The imperial sector contained the Chamakdaar palace.

Its beauty was beyond compare on the continent.

It had sky-reaching towers arranged as though conveying some esoteric meaning, balconies wide enough to hold ninety soldiers, square turrets, semicircular arches, grand fountains, doric pillars ornamented brackets, decorative staircases, immaculate gardens with beautiful vistas.

The rooms were decorated with mural paintings depicting how I overthrew the corrupt kingdom and empires of the past.

Gilded ceiling paintings told the battles from my glorious past.

The rooms had large windows letting light stream into the palace.

Grand banquet halls and sculptures were all over the palace.

We toured every room in the gigantic palace until night.

In the night, celebratory parties raged with fireworks and musicians from all over the empire.

The following day, I went straight back to business with Ella as the officials relocated the important people to the new capital.

Instead of setting up our usual formation, we commenced the establishment of the greatest formation the on the continent.

This formation was a grade two formation the lesser world creation formation.

Its only function was to enrich the continent with qi by sucking it with great force from the surroundings. We began setting up this formation all over the continent with the five cities as the formation cores but the capital city as the controlling node.

The cities had been constructed according to my exact specifications using very rare materials such as Xishou stones known for their ability to absorb qi from their surroundings.

Since we had been practicing for years on end, it took us just twenty years to finish setting up the formation.

When we were done, a strong wave of qi but the continent ceaselessly for months until things normalized. After months of the qi wav, many things on the continent started changing. Plants became larger and greener, beasts became stronger and larger and cultivation became easier with experts being born left and right. As this qi revolution was taking place, I had already entered secluded cultivation to try and break through.

The world qi concentration was highest in the capital and higher still in the palace with an even higher concentration in my cultivation chamber.

The world qi I was attracting was visible to even mortals for kilometers beyond the palace.

I had been waiting and plotting for this for years and finally, there was enough world qi on the continent for me to break through.

Strands of qi entered my body where they were converted into Nether qi.

My entire being felt the changes occurring, my bloodline was evolving, my body and soul becoming stronger and the amount of energy in my body was rapidly increasing. Slowly, my body started transforming into my true form.

White hairs started appearing on my body which had already begun expanding. Claws as sharp as razors extended from my fingers and toes. My ears elongated and my eyes became bright yellow.

My bone wriggled around in my body and soon a white wolf with yellow eyes and larger than a horse appeared.

I lay there with my eyes closed as the world qi being attracted increased.

With the increased world qi, I quickly broke through to stage two of Rank one in my cultivation followed by breaking through to stage three.

Stage three was equivalent to level nine of the qi gathering realm.

I continued with cultivation for a full week with the quantity of Nether qi needed for my breakthrough becoming higher. I narrowly managed to reach stage four which was equivalent to level one of qi purification realm .