
Supreme (The rise of the supreme)

"Nether Absolute, Nether Emperor, Old man severance, the creator, the desecrator, Ruler of The Nine, blah blah blah, I have been called by so many names that it's hard to keep track of all of them, but the single constant has always been that no one no matter how great they may think themselves has ever shown even a hint of disrespect towards my magnificent self, then how in the nine Hells did I end up here, a servant to a bratty spoiled young miss, how did this happen, how???

Dagan · Fantaisie
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136 Chs


She looked stunned for a moment then she spoke breaking the silence. "I am your fiance, Princess Evelyn Chu of the Chu Empire, now why don't you explain this nonsense about you having a wife already, as far as I know, she is utmost your concubine."

It was now my turn to go silent.

I looked at the prime minister and he knew what needed to be done.

"Your Highness, you surely remember that on your last birthday celebration, you agreed to the Chu Empire's marriage proposal making Princess Chu your fiance, for now, let's get you inside the palace and the rest can be sorted later" he spoke giving me a temporary way out.

I took it immediately announcing that we shall solve the marriage issue the following day.

I led Lui, Ella, and Diana to my chambers where we spoke at length enabling the two women and child to get to know each other better.

Ella introduced Diana as my daughter and the subject was left at that.

I later led Diana and Ella to their chambers whose grandiose appearance excited them to no end and I told them to change the chambers to look as they desired.

Later at night, I was in Lui's chambers examining the unborn child and getting more and more excited as my examination proceeded. Lui became pregnant when I was still not much different from an undead. I was between life and death making this child a miracle of legendary proportions. Should the child survive, she would no doubt become a great power in the multiverse but for the child to survive its birth, the conditions to be fulfilled are endless and a lot more qi will be required but the barren continent of Eden can not provide such a large amount.

For this reason, I made up my mind to finish dealing with issues on this continent and travel to other continents.

The night passed with me explaining to Lui what we must do.

In the morning, I cleaned up, groomed my white hair, and put on pitch-black clothes and a black robe before heading to the court meeting.

When I reached the meeting hall, I found it filled with all the officials. But the atmosphere was a bit off. When I noticed them shivering, I realized that they must have seen the death and destruction I left in the Minister's mansion the previous day. I smirked then continued walking to the front where there was a large extravagant throne and a smaller chair by its side. I ignored the small chair and proceeded to sit on the throne.

An audible gasp was heard throughout the hall making look at the officials who immediately shut up.

"Before we begin, I want the most learned of you to come out and tell me everything they know about the continent in detail"

After looking at each other in confusion, the prime minister moved from the side where he was standing and moved to the center of the hall. He wasted no time telling me all he knew.

After hearing his report, I was truly disappointed, Eden seemed to be the lowest level a continent could be.

They even called ninth-level mortal realm cultivators demigods and when I heard that first-level qi realm cultivators were thought to be gods, my laughter could be heard throughout the palace and beyond.

Even at my peak, I didn't dare call myself a god, and yet some insignificant qi realm cultivators think of themselves as gods. I laughed and laughed making the officials shudder in fear

After realizing that these lower beings do not know cultivation, I ordered an official to go and bring the unknown woman whose name and identity I now knew clearly and to also bring Lui, Ella, and Diana.

I didn't have to wait long before they were presented to me.

"First things first, since I was already engaged, Princess Chu will be my first wife, Lui second, and Ella third, the wedding will be carried out after one month. Diana is my daughter and she will be given the proper title and respect. "

" Before any of you protest, you should know that my cultivation already broke through to become a god. "I said that while suppressing laughter. The hall went quiet. All the officials looked at me in understanding. They wasted no time in kneeling and congratulating me.

As for Princess Chu, she was horrified at what this meant for the continent.

" You can all get up, and send my declaration to the whole continent, on the day of my wedding, all kingdoms and empires on the continent must come and surrender, all who resist will be annihilated. "

The hall went silent at my words but then the atmosphere became more excited.

" How about my Chu Empire, do we need to surrender even though I am to become your wife?. "asked Princess Chu suppressing the atmosphere in the hall.

I looked at her in admiration of her beauty and rumored cultivation prowess.

" Yes, you also need to surrender but the Chu Empire will become a Dukedom ruling over everything in the Southern part of the continent. This gives the Chu royal family more power and authority than you currently hold"

my reply was swift.

The meeting was finished and my decree was sent to the entire continent.