
Supreme (The rise of the supreme)

"Nether Absolute, Nether Emperor, Old man severance, the creator, the desecrator, Ruler of The Nine, blah blah blah, I have been called by so many names that it's hard to keep track of all of them, but the single constant has always been that no one no matter how great they may think themselves has ever shown even a hint of disrespect towards my magnificent self, then how in the nine Hells did I end up here, a servant to a bratty spoiled young miss, how did this happen, how???

Dagan · Fantaisie
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136 Chs


"I hate the world and almost everything in it. I have seen all manner of creatures but unfortunately, I have come across only a few who can hold my interest and these few almost always end up disappointing me. I have lived through the rise and fall of empires some large and powerful while most fizzle out at the start of their history. In all my time, this small sphere is the only thing that has held my interest to the point that I am disappointed by my current weakness, had I at least reached the realm of grand sage, I would have the capability to finish my creation in relative peace but now, I will have to finish one of my greatest creation in a haze with no input on how it turns out ."Xerxes said in a single sorrowful breath that left the onlookers with a sense of desolation in their hearts.

When the Dark sovereign saw the small black sphere, his heart was palpitated with a desire to possess the sphere as quickly as possible. He felt that with the sphere, he would become invincible with his might unrivaled and power unquestioned by both gods and devils.

Bang, spear clashed with claw shaking the heavens and blinding the onlookers with the energy given off by the clash.

The Dark Sovereign had mercilessly attacked the demon before he even thought through the consequences.

Xerxes had managed to defend himself but this was a sovereign.No sovereign was so weak that their attack could be stopped by a cultivator with a cultivation level as low as Xerxes'.

Tap, tap, droplets of blood fell to the ground creating massive craters while scorching the surroundings.

Xerxes was bleeding from the large wound on his finger.

"It seems that you know a good thing when you see it. I guess this is a good way to end this incarnation "said Xerxes with a grin on his face.

Instantly, Xerxes started burning his soul and blood essence. His power and cultivation rapidly improved reaching or even surpassing the cultivation level of the Dark Sovereign.

"Accompany me on my last dance, let's make it good," said Xerxes.

The two powerhouses jumped into the heavens and a massive battle ensured.

This was a low-level world with three heavens. The two powerhouses fought in the first heaven.

Their fight shook the heaven startling ancient powerhouses from their slumber.

Although the majority of the people in the vast world could not see what was happening in the first heaven, they were able to catch glimpses of the battle.

Clouds were dispersed and weather patterns were disrupted.

The sovereign had exchanged his black spear for a red spear of lesser quality but still, this was a weapon wielded by a sovereign.

As for Xerxes, he was using a secret technique that sacrificed his everything for power. This technique was only for those ready to meet their maker since after using this technique, not even a god would survive.

Boooom, a body was sent flying out of the first heaven. A wide crater was created on the ground sending dust and rocks flying.

The crowd was curious to see who had been beaten to such levels. In the crater, a disheveled figure stood up and looked towards the first heaven in shock and a weird sense of excitement. This person was the Dark Sovereign. Soon, Xerxes came out of the first heaven. He floated in the sky and stared at the sovereign with a grin on his face.

Xerxes was not in any better shape compared to the sovereign. He had holes in his chest and stomach and half his face was gone.

"Let's finish this," said Xerxes as he lifted his hairy arms toward the sky.

Qi of all the four basic elements started gathering in large quantities making the crowd gasp.

The more experienced people in the crowd moved away from the battlefield giving the two combatants space to destroy themselves.At5 this point, it looked as though the demon was on par with the sovereign.

The gathered elemental qi combined seamlessly forming a greyish mass of chaos which continued to expand as more elemental qi was absorbed.

When the sovereign saw this, he knew what must be done. He rose into the sky and with a wave of his right hand, light from the three suns went out covering the world in absolute darkness.

With a wave of his left hand, the darkness seemed to gain consciousness becoming thicker with time.

The two people looked into the eyes of each other and all they found was determination.

Xerxes launched his attack on the sovereign.

The sphere of chaos destroyed everything in its path. Space, time, and even laws were shattered by the grey sphere of chaos.

On the other hand, the sovereign pointed his right hand towards Xerxes and immediately, the darkness of the world flowed like the raging sea towards Xerxes. The two mighty attacks met in a collision of the age with the impact reversing yin and yang ensuring that the surrounding area would take thousands of years to repair itself.

When everything came down, the Dark Sovereign had disappeared and the demon was lying in a crater breathing its last.

"Hhahahahaahahahh, I know you are not dead, let's meet again. Hahahahahaha" said the demon as it laughed maniacally making the crowd feel chills down their backs.

At this moment, the demon brought to the small black sphere that was the case of the fight and started speaking in an unrecognized language.

"The words of Naraka ." said the old man to no one in particular.

The black sphere started glowing a demonic red light and the world started shaking as though it was on the brink of destruction.

Xerxes' body began disintegrating into black particles which flowed into the black sphere making it glow brighter with each particle.

Soon, Xerxes' body had disappeared and all that was left was the black sphere which continued to glow red. Although Xerxes was no longer there, his incantation continued resounding throughout the world.

Out in space somewhere in the universe, a man in white robes could be seen seated crosslegged on a gigantic arm that floated aimlessly in the vast endlessness of space. The man had a sword laying across his highs. Behind the man sat millions of similarly dressed individuals.

All these people had their eyes closed shut and a layer of rock could be seen on their bodies to the point that one may mistake them for statues.

Suddenly, the gigantic arm stopped moving before changing direction quickly. The arm then started moving so fast that no living being could hope to track its movement.

The man at the front opened his grey eyes and in them, one could see the vicissitudes of time.

"Finally, Old Man severance has shown himself, this time, we will make sure to destroy completely leaving nothing behind ." said the man as he stood up and held his sword in his right hand.

In the lower world, the black sphere quickly shot into the sky shattering space. To the crowd, it looked as though the sphere entered a yellow river that seemed to have no end or beginning.