
Chapter 67: Attack On Central Mall (Part 3)

Don racked his mind for a solution as he heard the chants of "Green Justice" and "Nature Strikes Back" echoing from outside the store. 

He knew they had to do something quickly, but what? 

Before he could formulate a plan, he heard a sudden shuffling noise behind him. Spinning around, he lifted his bat, ready to strike.

But he stopped short as he saw that the noise came from Samantha, who still looked shaken and pale. Her wide eyes met his, and she opened her mouth as if to say something. But before she could speak, her eyes widened further, and she yelled, "Look out!"

Don's senses snapped to attention. He turned to see the remaining two Green Thorns in the store, now menacingly facing him. One of them, particularly tall and muscular, held an unconscious and naked Fabio by the hair. 

Fabio's body hung limply, covered in bruises that told of a fierce struggle.