
Supernatural. Locked inside another.

Twin sisters Kelly and Kaida Kline are innocent women that get caught up in the deadly world of Supernatural as they both made a terrible mistake sleeping with the Devil, Lucifer himself, and his brother, Archangel Michael. They both have children, Jack Kline the son of Lucifer and the first Nephilim. His cousin, Alexandra Kline, the daughter of Michael and the first Nephalem, (half angel, half demonic) in existence. Two kids born to the most powerful Archangels. Michael and Lucifer.

TravisLaRowe24gmt · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

(Powers and abilities. )

1= Nigh Omnipotence.

2= Absolute Existence.

3= Creation.

4= Destruction.

5= Medieakinesis.

6= Omnifarious.

7= Shape Shifting.

8= Transcendence.

9= Immunity.

10= Blood Consumption or Empowerment.

11= Angelic and demonic control.

12= Angelic and demonic possession.

13= Tactile Exorcism.

14= Pyrokinesis.

15= Holyfire control.

16= Angelic and demonic Immunity.

17= Rapid aging.

18= Twilight Manipulation.

19= Photokinesis.

20= Umbrakinesis.

21= Hightier Angelic powers.

22= Hightier Angelic powers.

23= Nigh Omniscience.

24= Cosmic Awareness.

25= Higher Consciousness.

26= Omnilingualism.

27= Spell Casting.

28= Photographic Memory.

29= Clairvoyance.

30= Spell casting.

31= Energy blasts.

32= Energy Perception.

33= Astral Projection.

34= Biokinesis.

35= Conversion.

36= Chronokinesis.

37= Portal Creation.

38= Dream Walking.

39= Electromagnetic.

40= Interference.

41= Elemental Manipulation.

42= Empathy.

43= Healing and Purification.

44= Immortality.

45= Lie Detection.

46= Mental Manipulation.

47= Molecular Combustion.

48= Nigh Invulnerability.

49= Pathokinesis.

50= Power Granting.

51= Power augmentation and negation.

52= Precognition.

53= Reality Warping.

54= Resurrection.

55= Regeneration.

56= Sedation.

57= Advanced Demonic Smiting.

58= Soul Channeling and Absorption.

59= Super Senses.

60= Super Speed.

61= Super Strength.

62= Super Stamina.

63= Supernatural Concealment.

64= Advanced Telekinesis.

65= Demonic/Holy white light.

66= Voice Mimicry.

67= Weapon Manipulation.

68= Weather Manipulation.

69= Wings Manipulation.

70= Teleportation.

71= Chaotic Fire.

(Alexandra's unique powers. )

1= Power Absorption. 2= Camouflage. 3= Toxickinesis. 4= Thermokinesis. 5= Death Prediction. 6= Telepathic Resistance. 7= Telepathic Torture. 8= Induced Healing. 9= Lunar and Solar Manipulation. 10= Aviankinesis. 11= Forcefield Generation. 12= Opening gateways to other dimensions. 13= Cyrokinesis.

(Eighty four powers all together. )

(Supernatural Information. )

Race: Celestial Hellish being.

Faction: Angelic- Demonic Hybrids.

Species: Nephalem.

(Psychical appearance. )

Hair color: Brown.

Eye Color: Hazel brown.

Height: 5'7.5

Skin color: Light olive skin.

(Alexandra Kline is portrayed by Phoebe Tonkin. )