
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

The Dictator

"Hello reader, In the long life that I have lived, I have seen a great deal of things. Men who turn into wolves during the full moon, greedy politicians, demons who acted so selfless that they could be saints, and angels who were the very devil himself."

"But, out of all the wickedness that has transpired on Earth. None has been more responsible than Delta Command, these former men and women have long since abandoned their humanity for their selfish pursuits."

"This is why I have made it my mission to find the truth from their web of lies and secrecy. This journal is the collection of information that I was able to gather about Delta's locations, powers, potential weaknesses, aliases, and the true names of all but two council members."

"All that I ask is that you trust no one with this information. Delta Command has populated this Earth with spies, some even in the very groups that opposed them."

"Even I can not be fully trusted, while the information in this journal contains nothing but the truth. If you managed to find out my identity and I'm still alive, then I have failed my duty and have also been corrupted."

"I don't know what you intend to do with the information, but the fate of this dying world is in your hands, Liberator." The last watcher faithful to his duty,---J"

Delta Command log: Δ-13-The Dictator

"One of the reasons that Delta Command rose quickly into power, was due to their immortality that they gained in a pact with death."

"I managed to get my hands on some early Delta Command meeting records, the story goes that after the assassination of the Knight, formerly known as Cain at the hands of the Avenger, Delta was terrified at the prospect of Death."

"The members of Delta came together and called a meeting with Isaiel, each one of them gave him their reasons for immortality. Isaiel agreed, intrigued at the thought of controlling Death itself." 

"Delta then used an ancient spell to manifest and bind death, they began to negotiate with the entity. It was unclear what the full terms of the contract were, but in the end, Death agreed to stay its hand from the mortal delta command members."

"But the council wasn't satisfied, they needed a way to ensure that the contract wouldn't be broken and that Death would follow their orders. They needed a strong vessel, something that would restrict Death to this mortal coil."

"Delta debated amongst themselves to find the best candidate to restraint Death, in the end, they picked Adolf Hitler to be the vessel."

"Isaiel went to hell and made a deal with the tortured soul, he would be the vessel and gain the council's newest 13th seat, and in return, Germany would become a great power on both the world and the chaos Insurgency."

"In my research, I found out that the one they call the Ruler firmly opposed the decision and tried to offer different candidates for the vessel. I think he only did that because he felt threatened by another country being a part of Delta Command."

"Perhaps something you'll take interest in, is even since the deal with death was stuck, all communications between Delta and the Insurgency, originate from Hitler's castle in Germany."

"On the other side of this page, is a map with all the locations of the radio towers that belong to the Insurgency, as well as any prison camps."

"I hope that you put this information to good use, I highly suggest you watch yourself in Germany, not because it's the Insurgency's most fortified base, but because if Death has truly gone to the dark side, then you should be prepared to fight."-The last watcher faithful to his duty,---J

(Isaiel pov)

When we got out of the rift, all we could see was dark skies, signaling that it was nighttime.

"Alright, I know where we are, we are five Mike's from the G.O.C headquarters. I suggest that we just walk, if they learn that an angel is on the island, then they will shoot before asking questions." Vincent began to walk towards the entrance of a large forest.

"It's great that you carry so much about my safety, but I'm sure that I can handle this group, since they failed to handle low ranking angels. Anyways, why did you guys pick this desolate island for a base? Aside from whatever magic that is distorting my vision.

I looked at a particular area in the forest that looked like it was covered in fog, I could see the headquarters that Vincent was talking about. Then for a brief second, it looked like an ordinary forest, An illusion.

"This island is one of the few places that is not occupied by the Chaos Insurgency, and is the only place that is invisible to angels. It has saved us from numerous raids in the past." Vincent informed me as we were nearing the gate.

"Halt! Show us your hands and identify yourself! Failure to comply will result in us opening fire." Two heavily armed soilders aimed thier guns at our heads.

"This is Agent Vincent Giffth, from Killsquad-1, and this person is someone above your clearance. High Command is waiting for us." Vincent ordered the two men, as one reached into his pocket and began communicating with someone.

The gate opened and the both of us walked inside humanity's last bastion of sanctuary, kids were playing without an once of worry in their eyes, families walking down the street, it was quite peaceful despite all the chaos outside their walls.

We reached a building and entered a big conference room, two men were sitting at the table, I could recognize immediately that they were angels.

"Agent Vincent, you were presumed dead after we found what remained of your dead teammates, now you come back from the dead and bring our worst enemy right to our doorstep." I could feel the tension in the air but I held my ground, I wasn't going to allow two angels that had the grace of a fallen angel to intimidate me.

"It's ironic that two angels are working with humans, while the rest are busy trying to exterminate humans. Also, I'm not the Isaiel from this universe, but I do know of his crimes." I let my grace flow through my body, as the two angels observed intently.

"He is right brother, even though I sense the grace of him, it's more...pure, and gives off this feeling of warmth." I looked closely at the vessels of the two angels that looked familiar.

One of the angels looked like Gabriel, but he looked so battered with scars, that his eyes which were once filled with mischief, were now dull and soulless.

The other angel, had a tall dark-skin vessel that looked like they were in their mid-teens, wearing a pair of glasses with a black suit.

"I suppose that introductions are necessary, we were once referred to as the Archangels Raphael and Gabriel, but we no longer go by those names after being cast aside by this version of you." I could hear the bitterness in his voice, Gabriel let out a soft whimper. 

"Sirs, I know that my team was killed in action, but I truly believe that we had a traitor within, because no matter how many times we changed the plan, they knew. somehow they knew." I slid the journal across the table and placed the vial of water from the Fountain of Youth.

"But, now that I'm here, we have the water, and I have already thought of a plan to kill the Dictator and weaken the Choas Insurgency for a while." I pulled the map with the radio towers and prison camps.

"These radio towers are the only communication between Delta Command and the Insurgency, so If we rig the towers to explode, and kill the Dictator simultaneously. It will cause a disturbance between the two groups for them to properly mobilize, allowing us to free the captured prisoners and escape." explaining the fastest escape route and what everyone's role was.

"Okay, that seems like a solid plan, but how am I supposed to know when to detonate the bombs? It's unlikely that you'll be able to send me a signal during the confusion." Vincent questioned as I smiled.

"Trust me, you'll know, breaking a contract with a cosmic being like Death, will not have a small penalty to pay " The four of us continued to plan out the operation, before me and Vincent were cleared to go with three more people.

We were waiting outside the gate when three soilders approached us, and introduced themselves. Their names were Makenzie Valock, Trevor Goliath, and Benedict Arnold.

"So, what's the mission? They didn't tell us much except that we had to follow your orders." Benedict asked as we loaded up the ship and got ready to set sail.

"You don't need to know the exact specifics of the mission, just enough for you to execute it properly. I'll tell you the rest when we get there." I inputted the coordinates to the nearest safehouse in Germany, before checking on the jeep that we would be using on land.

We got to the safehouse safely, and drove off to the checkpoint outside the stronghold. When we were just a couple minutes away from the checkpoint, I began discussing the fake plan with the group.

"Listen up! This is a top-secret infiltration mission, our orders are to infiltrate the prison camps in this stronghold, and free the captives before escorting them back to headquarters. Is that understood? A chorus of yes, sir answered me.

"The plan will be simple, we will have two teams. Ground and recon, Vincent and I will take the western camp, Benedict and Makenzie will take the east, and Trevor will relay with headquarters to secure an exit point for us and the captives." I explained more in detail about the plan, before sneakily passing the detonator off to Vincent.

"Freeze! Identity yourselves, and state your purpose for being here." Ordered the leader of the security guards.

I stepped out the jeep, and walked forward towards the guards, letting off a bit of my grace to let them know who was in charge.

"My identity and mission are none of your concern, me and my squad was ordered to enter the stronghold by order of Delta Command. I have orders to kill anyone in the way of our mission." I lit up my eyes, and glared at the guards.

"We were not given orders about your arrival, I need to contact my supervisor to let you in." The guard reached for his radio, I grabbed the radio from him and stared him down.

"You Imbecile, you do honestly think that Delta Command will tell you low-ranking trash of our arrival? I was given strict instructions to not make our mission known, now stand down unless you wish to meet the wrath of the Édra Dímion." I didn't know who this word refer to, but I heard some G.O.C members speak in fearful tones about them.

The leaders face paled as he ordered his men to open up the gate, I went back to the jeep and drove until I was far enough from any guards.

"Everyone, you know what to do. You have 30 minutes to free as may hostages as you can, then rendezvous to the the evac point." I gave them a farewell before heading towards the the first radio tower.

I stealthy passed any soilders, or patrols, before making my way to the base of the radio tower.

I used my grace and my power over souls, to create a soul bomb that could destroy the surrounding blocks, before climbing up to the top of the tower and placing the bomb.

I flew to the next radio tower, made another bomb and placed it were it could do the most damage. I completed this process ten more times, before I sure that I had placed a bomb for each and every one.

I went invisible and walked through the front door of the building of the Dictator, I couldn't teleport inside due to angel sentries that were posted around the building.

I evaded the sentries and had a couple of close calls, before making my way to the elevator. Once inside, I press the button to the top floor and waited until the doors open.

The doors revealed a long corridor with a metal door with strange symbols etched on the door, the only way to open it was to place your fingerprint on the biometric scanner.

"Please scan your finger on the scanner." I placed my thumb on the scanner, and the pad flashed green and the door opened.

"Welcome Lord Isaiel, I am the A.I in charge of handling communications, would you like to activate project Death? A robotic female voice could be heard on the intercom, I could see a large box in the middle of the room that read: "The 13th seat, the Dictator."

"Yes, I also wish to see all the commcation logs, and the locations of all the members of Delta Command." I ordered as the screens flashed with maps and countless data logs, dating back to the start of the Insurgency.

The box opened up to reveal Hitler, sitting on a Throne covered in chains across his body. His skin grey like the color of pavement, his eyes white like glass, and the only sounds he would make was the small twitches of his fingers.

I knew that he wasn't truly dead, he was most likely in a state of near death. Allowing him to properly maintain the power of the contract.

I walked up to the terminal with all the maps and data logs, and downloaded all of it to a flash drive for the G.O.C. After that was finished, I ordered the AI to delete all the data and shut down the program.

I walked towards the near- dead Hitler, and opened the vial full of life, and poured it down the man's throat and made him swallow.

The effects were instant, the skin quickly became lighter, the eyes were restored back to its previous color, and his face looked much younger than before.

"What-what, how am I alive? No-no-no, you! Do you know what you've have done!? Hitler screamed before breaking the chains that binder him.

He raced toward me, eyes looking for blood, but quickly stumbles to the ground due to this being his first time using his legs for so long.

"Death! Please don't leave me! Honor your word, and keep the contact!! I will make sure that the world will down to your feet." Hitler's pleas when on deaf ears, I could see his body rapidly aging before nothing was left but a skeleton.

The air suddenly turned cold as a figure in a dark black robe stood infront of me, I could tell that this was Death, I could see under its hood that it was amused with the situation.

"So, it is you who has broken Delta Command's contract with me, I appreciate that, being lock up in a prison against your own will is not very fun." Death twirled her scythe, keeping her eyes locked on me.

"I thought that you were with the organization, but you let me revive him and break the contract, so where does your alliance really lie?

"Are you seriously asking me this question? I serve the natural of the Universe's, I make sue that thing that should be dead, stay dead. I only agreed to their deal, to watch how much influence that they hold, but it seems that I was tricked and now it's time for revenge." The entire building shook as the twelve radio towers blew up. I could already hear the confused shouts of help in the streets.

"It seems that our time is coming to a close, I won't get in the way of you killing the members of Delta, in fact, I wish that you kil the root of all this poison, the angel Isaiel."

Another explosion shook the country, I could feel the presence of oncoming angels, and I could tell that if we didn't leave now, we were dead fish in the middle of a red zone.

I broke a window and jumped down to the ground, I quickly used my wings to rush towards the rendezvous point.

Vincent and the rest of the squad were waiting for me, they had a bunch of men and women who wore orange prison jackets.

"What the fuck did you do!? Ever godamn angel is coming this way, and everybody is on high alert." Benedict yelled at me but I didn't have time to argue, I found a truck that was able to carry everyone, and hurried got us out of Germany.

(Apocalypse Isaiel POV)

Two hours, it's been two hours since the attack in Germany, and the deal with death being broken.

I was furious, I had spent much time and effort to convince Death to agree to this deal, only to have it be broken and our communication channels be shut down.

I walked through the white corridor of the origin, the official meeting site of all the members of Delta Command.

I scanned my fingerprint and went inside, the room went silent with my arrival, all members of the council were here except for two, and five, The Avenger.

"It seems two is still not joining us, I knew that I should have gotten her replaced after the Choas Insurgency was created, the old thing has already served her purpose." I scanned the faces of the council, some were angry, others were anxious, and the rest looked impassive.

"Now, I'm only going to say this once, how in the name of God, did something like this happen? The room shook as evidence of my rage, these selfish maggots had complained about not wanting to die, yet they couldn't even protect the contract of their immortality.

"It is all Three's fault, it was his mission to infiltrate the G.O.C and inform us of any missions against us, yet we have reports that say he freed the prisoner's, and staged a riot alongside them." All eyes turned to the third seat, who looked at four with hatred in his eyes.

"My apologies, I wasn't informed about the mission until we were almost at the checkpoint, and even then, that was nothing but a lie to cover up their agenda." I felt nothing but annoyance, this maggot had the audacity to give me an excuse, and then come to this council without fixing anything.

"That means nothing, you could have radioed for backup, told us that you were getting closer for Germany, or just try to minimize the damage caused. But instead, you let our key to immortality and the protection of my kingdom, go to waste with the death of the vessel. What else should we expect from a traitor? Living up to his namesake." Four muttered under his breath, lound enough for everyone to hear it. Five jumped out of his seat, trying to attack the council member.

I pinned his to the wall, getting close to his face as I placed my hand on his cheek, acid flowing from my hand to three's cheek.

"Four is right, you have become more complacent with your duties, that you have forgotten your place within my ranks, you will make this right or I will have you replaced, is that understood? The council member nodded his head, I returned to the head of the table and focused my attention on eight, who watched the meeting in amusement.

"Siren, you were tasked with finding out what had happened in Germany, did you find any leads about the attack? The woman nodded and passed aurond a file containing the results of the investigation.

"Under a very thorough investigation, we found that they entered the country under the guise that they were members of Édra Dímion, sent on a mission by us." Whispers erupted from members of the council, some looking at various members of the council.

"We reviewed the cameras in thirteen's castle, and found no trace of anyone entering the manor or the elevator. But when we checked the fingerprint of the last person who entered the room, it was you,

lord Isaiel. "

Siren showed the council the fingerprint analysis, both fingerprints were nearly identical.

"That's impossible, even if me and one are the only ones who can access that room, I was nowhere on Earth at the time. Perhaps, it was an imposter? I was confused on how my fingerprint was found on that scanner.

"No,Siren contacted me immediately when we found the fingerprint, I checked both the print and the grace signature. They were both identical, with the one we found having a 100% purity." I listened intently to what one was saying, trying to think on who could be this imposter.

"I believe that there is another possibility, I have been researching this phenomenon for quite some time, and this event proves it." Nine rose his hand after getting the attention of the room.

"After learning from a...reliable source, I began experimenting on the notion of alternative universe's, after the raid on my lab last month, I tracked it's last coordinates to a another universe, even ten has found evidence of their existence." The entire room began theorizing about the existence of these other universe.

"So what! Even if this angel is from an alternate universe, or is another version of me, it's nothing but a fake! I will find this faker and extract all of his knowledge, before crushing his windpipe." I needed to kill this faker, I couldn't have anyone getting ideas about my authority.

"If this is all everyone has to say, then this meeting is----hold on! Four interrupted my sentence, pointing at five's seat.

"We still haven't discussed the matter of five, he is the only one of us who's name was on the contract, he acts like a wild dog, and I refuse to watch my kingdom burn due to that warmonger." Everyone's face flashed with irritation at four making another attempt of kicking five off the council.

"Is that all what your pompous ass can think about? You have been advocating for his removal since the death of Cain, you are acting like a spoiled little boy, in a man's world! Grow a pair and shut up." Eleven shouted as seven tried to calm him down.

"You know, it's funny that you have a voice to speak Eleven, you claim to be an Anarchist, yet you sit on a council, why don't you go back to your pack of rabid dogs, and let the real men work." Eleven stood up and began to shout many profanities about four.

"Look, fuck you, fuck the plane you flew in, fuck them shoes, fuck the suit, fuck your kingdom, fuck that gay-ass fairy-fagot accent, and fuck your seat, now get the fuck out before I shoot you dead." Four's eyebrow twitched before signaling someone and pointing at Eleven.

Two men in brittish uniforms rushed inside, they aimed their guns at Eleven, before they were erased from existence with a snap of my fingers.

"Enough! My true voice vertebrate through the room, making the council members chluched their head in pain.

"I grow tired with your insolence! We are under attack and all you could do is bicker like children, do your jobs or you won't have to worry about five or this alternative angel, because I'll kill all of you useless trash myself." I teleported out of the room and thought about this new predicament.