
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 100 - End of the Story...or Just The Beginning?

---The Battlefield---

Sending them back to Presence, I decided to see how far I could take things. Tapping into the Speed Force, I sent myself back to just before Mandrakk sent me here. Merging with myself, I stopped the advancing energies that he was releasing. Redirecting the energy back at him, he strained to keep his footing as it started to push him back.

"What the hell!?", he growled, "Just a moment ago you were losing!!"

"That's power of Fri-", Prime One Million was going to say before I cut him off.

"No it isn't the power of friendship...you pissed me off Mandrakk. Sending me back to watch my parents die was a fatal mistake!!", I snarled narrowing the energy into a beam, "You son of a bitch!! I am going to hear you scream before I send you to the Pits of Tartarus!! Every time you show your face in front of me after I am finished torturing you, I want you to remember just how much pain and suffering I can inflict!!"

"Clark!?", Prime One Million and Cosmic Armor Superman shouted in confusion.

"Boys, I wouldn't try to argue with him.", Lucifer said showing up with a bag of popcorn, "It won't turn out well for either of you."

"Why is he-"

"Let's just say he knows the future where you lost this fight.", Lucifer said, "He-"

A hand reach out from behind him, and firmly gripped his shoulder. Turning back, he saw Presence glaring at him.

"I told you to stay away from this fight...didn't I?", he inquired.

"Come on, I am not helping him!", Lucifer retorted, "I am bored, and want some entertainment."

"You are bored?", Presence said with a smile.

Remembering what happened last time he said that Lucifer threw the popcorn, and teleported out of the area immediately. He didn't want to get stuck in Hell again for two thousand years so leaving was the best option.

"Gentleman, I suggest just letting him vent his anger.", Presence chuckled, "It isn't like Mandrakk didn't have this coming."

"I mean...", Cosmic Armor Superman stated.

"Just let him do his fucking job!", Rumi shouted, "If you weren't holding back he wouldn't have needed to come save your sorry asses!!"

"Rumi, calm down!", Sonico said.

"Hell no!!", Nemuri remarked, "Those two meatheads should have been able to take this guy down, but no...our Clark had to go through all that shit!!"

"I have to agree with that.", Kara and Raven stated with a nod.

'Poor kid...he's got it rough...', the two men thought listening to them argue on the otherside.

"Clark, please don't take too long. They are about to blow a gasket.", Presence chuckled.

"I understand.", I stated smashing Mandrakk's face into the World Barrier connected to the Dead Earth, "I will do my best to make this go as quickly, and painfully as possible!!"

---Subspace Pocket Dimension---

Repeatedly smashing his face into the wall over and over, I opened up a pocket dimension and threw him into it. Closing it behind me he got back up, wiped the blood from his face.

"You can't kill me, as long as someone knows about me I can bring myself back!", he shouted, "You are nothing to me mor-"

Grabbing him by the throat I gave him a cruel smile.

"I have sealed us both in here. The only way you get out of here is if you kill me, and that isn't possible now.", I growled seething with anger, "You have nowhere to run, and I have all the time in the world to kill you...over and over. You see, now that I am an Energy Being...I can split myself indefinitely."

Making several more copies of myself he started to back up.

"I have all the power in the Omniverse at my disposal.", I chuckled as my clones started to change into various colors, "All the Seven Forces of the Omniverse answer to me...I could simply erase you from every mind in the Omniverse, and kill you...but where is the fun in that."

"We...we can...be reasonable...", he said as panic set in.

"I had to watch my mother and father fly off to their death because of you. I watched hundred of innocent people die in my arms because you sealed my power.", I shouted grabbing him by the throat, "You and I are going to spend the next two thousand years in here...then I will allow you to die. No one is coming to save you, and no one outside of this room remembers you anymore. The Collective Unconscious made sure not a single soul in Omniverse will ever remember you, or what you have done. My main body out there will fix the damage you all caused, and I will exact a very painful cost from you."

"I won't go down without a fight!!", he snarled trying to attack me but my copies blasted him with Life and Willpower energies.

"Struggle all you want...this is the end Mandrakk.", we all said as our eyes glowed red, "Vengeance is a dish best served cold, but for you...we will make a Hellish Hot Dish."

Roasting him with Eldritch flames, he howled as his body burned then regenerated itself over and over. Screaming to stop it, all of increased the output as we forcibly made him use his reserve energy to heal himself. Once he had nothing left, the real punishment would start.


Severing my senses from my copies, I erased my own memory of him ensuring he'd never return. Making the Omniverse believe the three of us had slain Batman Who Laughs and Venomsday, along with their goons everyone was relieved that it was over. Sending the two men home, I went to see my family in Heaven.

"You fucking bastard!", Rumi howled hitting my chest, "You scared all of us when you got sent back home!! We thought you might have forgotten about us, and when you had to go through all that shit..."

"I...I can't believe your world was so...cruel...", Blackfire said with a shiver, "I...I can't believe how they treated those people."

"It wasn't something I was really wanting to tell you. My world was a shithole...well a polished shithole.", I sighed, "My world's looks were made on the backs of all those poor souls. The wealthy used them as replaceable labor, and scapegoats when needed. I never wanted to see that place again after I died, too many painful memories for me. So long as those kids were able to recover and survive, that's what matters to me."

"That's a shitty way to live.", Kara stated, "Are you going to go back, and help them?"

"I intend too, even if the kids I raised made changes there are still going to be people that don't want to respect that.", I replied, "That is something I want to do personally instead of sending a clone."

"About that, how exactly do you know this body of yours isn't a copy?", Natasha asked.

"It's hard to explain, my consciousness is everywhere so it kind of makes this a copy...I guess?", I chuckled, "Still though, this is the main body I use."

"You'll get used to it.", Presence told me, "You did good, better than I expected you to do."

"...really?", I asked with a concerned tone.

"Yes, it would have taken you a lot longer to recover without your family here. You should really take them out to eat after this.", he chuckled.

"Yeah...", I said with a downcast look.

"Worried about your physical body no longer existing?", he inquired.

"Yeah.", I replied, "I am not sure how my future self got past this problem."

With a snap of his fingers, Presence put me back in my normal body again.

"You can freely change yourself from energy to physical with just a thought now.", he told me with a smile, "Now then...on to something very important that involves all of you."

Thinking it was something serious, all of us paid attention to what he was going to say.

"How would feel about taking my place in a few million years, Clark?", Presence asked me with a serious look.

"I...I...I don't know.", I answered, "I really don't think I am qualified to run all of reality. Besides, I want to focus on helping people and my family."

"That is precisely why I want to leave it to you.", he proclaimed, "I have been doing this since the before time began. In my time I have seen unfathomable numbers of universe rise and fall, and I have started to grow weary of it. I am in the position you were on your world, I truly want to help my creation thrive but I can't do that from my position as God. If I want them to live and grow, they have to learn for themselves. I want to leave the Omniverse in good hands, and retire someday. Lucifer and Michael aren't the right type of people to take my place...none of my children are really, but if it's you I feel like the Omniverse would be in great hands."

Looking to my family, I didn't want to make this decision alone. Asking him a few questions like what would be restrictions, or what all was entailed with it he answered them promptly. Effectively he wanted too completely hand the reins over to me, and wander the Omniverse seeing his creations. He wanted to see everything they had to offer personally along with spoil his grandchildren, our children, rotten.

"Michael and Lucifer will never settle down, and give this old man grandchildren.", he complained, "I have sat up here all this time wanting a little slice of what I gave my creations. I made my children to accompany me, and look how that turned out. Clark here has no issue with making me grandchildren so I will be more than happy to cherish all of them."

"If that's the case...", Ochaco said as the other's nodded in agreement, "You should take it Clark."

"If they are fine with it, so am I.", I chuckled with a smile

"Great!!", he replied with a smile, "Take the next few thousand years to spend with your family. We can start your training afterwards."

Agreeing to that we left it at that, and headed home.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Returning home, I sat down with my family who refused to let me go. Lecturing me on scaring them senseless, I ended up owing them several spa days, vacations, and plenty of family time with them. Deciding that now was the best time to speak with their parents I made several phone calls to them asking them to meet us for dinner tonight.

"You sure you are ready to tell them?", Momo asked.

"Not like I have a choice with all of you caring children.", I replied, "I want to own up to this, and show them that I want to marry you all. It needs to be clear that I want you in my lives forever. Not about to have them think I am a playboy or something."

"Haha.", the women laughed, "I think having one hundred women around you is a bit of a playboy."

"That said.", Yu stated, "We wouldn't have it any other way, we love you just the way you are."

"Oh really now.", I said checking to make sure the children were asleep in their room, "We have a few hours till dinner, and I do owe you all for helping me. Could we...make a deal?"

"Depends on the terms.", Selena purred.

"You know the terms, right?", Carol said straddling me.

"Yes, the terms for our continued relations!", Starfire giggled wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Once we cross the line, there is no going back.", Jennifer informed me.

Lifting them up with telekinesis, I carried them to the bedroom with a grin on my face. Dropping them on the bed, I locked the door behind me and took off my armor. Spending the next few hours pleasuring them, we proceeded to get ready for the big announcement.

---High Class Japanese Steakhouse---

Booking the entire place for dinner, I made sure that all of us could sit without any interruptions. Helping the children pick out something to eat, all of us got our orders placed and their parents placed their drink orders. Judging by the strength of the alcohol their father's ordered, it appeared they had a pretty good idea why we were here.

"I called you all here because we have an announcement to make.", I told them.

"Can it wait till I get my drink?", Melissa's father pleaded.

"Dad!", Melissa huffed, "Be serious!!"

"I am...I don't think I want to hear the news.", he replied.

"Me neither...", Ochaco's father sniffled.

"Dad...", Ochaco said giving him a smile.

"As you have all probably assumed...I called you here because your daughters are pregnant.", I told them calmly, "They only told me today, and I was shocked when I found out. I wanted to make it clear that I love them, and wanted to ask for your blessings to marry them. As it stands, I can't see myself parting from any of them."

"You did it dear!!", Momo's mother shouted with a smile, "You finally made him tie the knot!! That's my little girl!! You make sure to cherish our daughter, and the children you have."

"Waiter hurry up!!", David cried.

"Dad!", Melissa sighed.

"Your mother would be happy about this, but all I can see is my little princess growing up!!", he sobbed, "It was only yesterday you were riding around on my shoulders in my workshop telling me about all the inventions you wanted to make. Now you are having a family of your own, and I...I don't want my little girl growing up so fast!!"

"Haha!! Congratulations Melissa!!", All Might laughed with a smile, "You found yourself a good man in Young Clark! Make sure you keep he smiling brightly!!"

"I fully intent to make sure all of my wives are happy.", I promised.

"You better keep an eye on our daughter.", Mina's father said, "No telling what crazy child she will produce."

"Dad!!", Mina shouted, "I am not that bad!!"

"Oh my, do we need to bring out the baby pictures?", her mother asked, "You put holes in walls, in floors, almost fell out of a window, and electrocuted yourself more times than we can count."

"That actually explains a lot.", Fury snickered.

"Hey!!", Mina remarked, "I am not that bad now!!"

"Yeah, now she blows up ovens and stovetops.", Harley laughed.

"You all are teasing me too much!!", Mina complained looking to me for help.

"This is true.", my mother said giving me a smile, "It's a husbands duty to share in the suffering."

Plopping a book of photos on the table, I started to sweat.

"What are those?", Dorothy and Toga asked.

"These are all the cute photos I took of you all with Clark when you were just children.", she laughed staring at me.

"Now...now hold on mother, you don't have to share those pictures.", I stuttered.

Looking at me out of curiosity, all of my wives to be smiled.

"If it's enough to make you stutter, it's got to be juicy.", Natasha stated, "Let me see."

"Me too!", Harley and Sonico said.

Sitting there as my mother passed around pictures of me as a child, I wanted to die. Since I had to act like child back then, I wore the most ridiculous outfits that she could find. Snapping pictures of me on the toilet, in the tub, and playing in the pool with the others I listened to the girls talk about all the memories we had as kids. What was more surprising was that she had photos of my individual dates with the girls, and the Heroic deeds I did as a child. Looking at my Dad, he gave me an apologetic look.

"Your mother insisted we document everything son.", he told me, "Your mother has people all over the world that could were able to follow you."

"...what?", I gulped.

"I had to make sure that our darling boy didn't go down the path of criminal with his powers. Young children are easily manipulated so it was important to make sure nothing bad was happening.", she informed me.

"Just how many photos of us do you have..?", I asked.

"Don't ask...", my dad answered.

"Damn kid, hope you don't have anything incriminating you want to keep secret.", Spectre snickered.

"I don't have any porno mags, or pictures. I had all of them around me so there wasn't a need.", I told him.

"That's true.", Ghost Rider stated.

Celebrating the children on the way, and the girls engagements to me the dad's took their anger out on me by running up the bill. Ordering everything they could eat and drink, their daughters just sighed at them. Escorting the families home we turned in for the night as well.

---Several Months Later---

With the events of some random villain I killed behind us, I spent my days caring for my family and working to repair the damage done by the two factions. Rehoming people, revitalizing worlds, and repairing the World Barriers were just some of the tasks that I had been busy with. In addition to that, the girls and I graduated early with the assistance from the Japanese Prime Minister. The day of the graduation I announced my engagement to all the women I was currently with. As expected the public wasn't too concerned about it as rumors had been floating around that I was in relationship with many women.

During the months that followed, I ended up in a relationship with both Ryuko and Mitsuki. Both of them started showing up daily after graduation, and had sort of melded into our group by helping out around the Agency. Her daughter and Izuku took it in stride telling me to make sure I did a better job of keeping her happy than her first husband did.

Joining our agency, Tsunade, Mei, Ino, Hinata, and Sakura started helping refugees from other worlds settle in our solar system. Since not every world I was getting too could continue to sustain life, many people ended up staying on Venus, Mars, or a new planet I pushed into the solar system dubbed Atom, as the way way it's moons orbited it looked like electrons. The people from Bleach settled in well, and the former Soul Reapers worked under me now. They went on ahead of me to do intelligence gathering, and make contact with people on the worlds I would be visiting next. Kenpachi really enjoyed it as on several occasions he had run into very strong opponents that left him in the Medbay for days as he recovered.

"Here is the list of refugees that we just settled on Atom.", Natasha told me as she handed me the paperwork.

"You sure you are okay?", I asked.

The baby bump was now very visible, and it had forced her to take a break from field work.

"I am fine dear.", she said giving me a kiss, "They are inducing Rumi and Nemuri today, don't forget that."

"I have it on all my calendars, and I have it burned into my mind.", I chuckled, "I am not going to miss the birth of my children."

"I know, I am just reminding you.", she teased, "Rumi would have your ass if you didn't show up."

"I know she-"

Hearing a crashing sound in the yard, we walked over to the window to see Esdeath, Akame, Leone, and Harley giving child delinquents tough love. With the formation of our Agency the police formally handed the duty of helping children with troublesome issues, like Toga had been. Taking the opportunity, we introduced ourselves only to have them blow us off. When one of them back talked Esdeath, she froze him solid and turned to the other boys. I can still remember the fear in their eyes.

"You will either learn to respect your elders, or you will ice cubes...pick!", she growled.

Since that day none of them ever raised their voice to any of the staff. To keep them preoccupied and out of trouble, the women took turns raising and training the kids to be proper members of society. When it was these four's turn...they enjoyed making the kids put sweat equity into their recovery.

"Move it!!", Esdeath shouted as the middle school aged kids cleaned the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am!", they shouted.

"Where did that crashing sound come from?", Natasha asked.

"Looks like they broke some dishes.", I sighed.

"They love being tough on the kids.", Natasha laughed.

"Well, for those kids this is better than being on the streets or home.", I remarked, "Anyways, I better get going."

"Make sure you send pictures.", she said, "It's ridiculous we all can't be in the room together."

"I know.", I chuckled, "I am working on addressing that."


Going to the room Nemuri and Rumi shared, both women were more than ready to get the children out. For the past month they had been on bedrest as they could hardly move around without being in pain.

"I blame you for this.", Rumi laughed.

"Yeah, you did this to us.", Nemuri giggled.

"So you keep telling me.", I chuckled, "You both okay? Do you need me to get you anything?"

"No, just stay here and hold our hands.", they told me as the doctors came in.

Inducing the women, the two of them squeezed my hand tightly as the doctors told them to push. Helping them a little with my telekinesis, soon little cries filled the room as Nemuri gave birth to twins and Rumi sextuplets. The first to come out were boys, but the rest were girls. Cleaning them off, the doctors handed us our children. Nemuri's children had her hair and my eyes, and looked at us full of curiosity. Reaching out with their little hands I let them hold my hand tightly. Feeling their strength, it was clear they would have Superhuman Strength as one of their quirks because they had some serious grip.

"They are strong.", I chuckled lightly kissing their foreheads.

Giving me a smile, the two of them giggled at me as they examined my face.

With Rumi's children, two of them had her rabbit features while the other four didn't. Having their mother's tan skin the six kids looked around the room like they were coming to terms with something.

"We make cute babies.", Rumi said admiring our children.

"They get their looks from my beautiful wives to be.", I informed them.

Hearing my voice, the six of them turned to look at me. Reaching up to me, one of the rabbit girls acted like she wanted me to hold her. When I didn't move fast enough for her she started to cry which made me hurriedly take her. As soon as she was in my arms she stopped crying, and just stared into my eyes.

"Oh no, she is going to be a Daddy's girl.", Rumi teased.

"I hope all of them are, because they aren't allowed to date till they are married. No one is allowed to date my daughters, they will remain single and become nuns.", I stated.

"Haha!", Nemuri and Rumi laughed, "You wish! We won't let you, our girls can follow their hearts."

"And that will be to stay with dear old dad and their mothers.", I reminded them, "I will put the fear of God in any would be boy that lays a hand on my daughters."

"We are going to have a talk about that.", Rumi said staring at me, "That isn't going to-"

Before she said more, our daughter reached up and squeezed my nose tightly. Letting go she laid back down immediately while staring at me.

"She told you.", Rumi teased.

"Ugh...", I sighed giving our daughter a smile, "You are going to give your Dad a heart attack."

Enjoying the moment of being around my children, it was unfortunately interrupted when Kara and Diana came in to get me. Telling me that they had an emergency call on the network that the Reed's setup, I answered the phone.

"Hello?", I asked.

"Hello, yeah I would like to place an order.", a familiar voice said.

"Uh...this is an emergency helpline...not a restaurant chain.", I told him.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say buddy. Your website says you serve beer, sushi, and ramen. I want to place an order for one-"

"Gin-chan, what about me!!", a young girl said.

"Fine...", he sighed, "Make it two-"

"What about me!? I am the one paying!!", another man shouted.

"You aren't going to make your sister eat your leftovers, right?", a different woman laughed.

"If you want, I can buy you whatever you-", a perverted man said before something bashed his head in.

"I wouldn't even touch anything you bought me you gorilla.", she remarked with a laugh.

"Who are they?", the four women asked me as I wire a glazed over look.

"Listen Gintoki, this isn't a restaurant. Look at the number again, and call the right line. I got other calls to worry about.", I stated.

"Shit, I hit the wrong number.", he said then hung up.

Connecting to the next call I heard someone chewing on food.

"Oh!! It's connected!!", a man laughed, "Hey is this that really strong guy that was on the television a few months ago? You are a hard guy to find yah know, Bulma had to try all sorts of different-"

"What are you doing in my wife's lab you clown!!", an angry man shouted, "How many times do I have to tell you to ask her first!! The last time you started messing with stuff you blew our house up!!"

"Ah come on Vegeta, I got ahold of that Super...Superpie...Superfly...I don't remember his name, but he is that really strong guy!", the first man told him, "I am gonna see if he will come over, and have a match with us!!"

"What!? Why didn't you tell me you got his number!", Vegeta shouted.

"Calm down Vegeta, I had to ask King Kai for his number.", the first man said.

"Well did he say yes!?", Vegeta demanded.

"I don't know, you interrupted me before-"

"Give me that", he said taking the phone from Goku, "Listen here you, come fight me this instant!! I demand a match against you in combat!!"

"Why would I come to your world?", I asked.

"Because there is...there is an invasion going on here!", Vegeta shouted.

"What invasion?", Goku asked, "Everything is fine here."

"Shut it Kakarot, do you want him to show up or not!", Vegeta spat.

"...fine, I will come and deal with that in a few days. I just welcomed some of my children into the world so I am busy.", I told him.

"Ah...congratulations...", he said softly then hung up.

"What was that dude's problem!?", Rumi asked, "Why was he so angry?"

"He has a lot to prove.", I told her with a smirk.

Taking the other calls I had Rimuru asking to meet me, Anos asking for a meeting, Guts wanted my assistance, Spike was looking for assistance in his world as apparently a lot of shady people had moved in, and many more were calling in asking for various things. Once I finally got through all the calls, I looked at the four women with confusion.

"The Emergency Line was only published to Alliance Members, who gave out my number?", I questioned.

"None of us did.", Kara promised, "Maybe someone in the Alliance is upset with you?"

"No, they'd tell me and they wouldn't be this childish.", I stated, "It would have to be someone that wanted to annoy..."

The perpetrator immediately popped into my head. Handing my daughter to Kara, I started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?", Nemuri asked.

"Lucifer is handing out my number, I am going to turn him into a freaking Muppet!!", I told them, "I will be back shortly...I promise."

Heading off to hunt down Lucifer I wore a smile on face, and looked forward to the next chapter of our lives.


Author Note: Hey all!! Thanks for coming along on this ride with me. I will probably write a few extra chapters on this novel over the next few months, but over all this series is done for now. I will do a sequel, but it will be after another fic or two. My next fic should be up towards the end of the month as I want to take a short break before jumping into the next one. Moving forward I will probably write shorter chapters, but write a chapter a day as that seems to be the norm on Webnovel...and it's easier than trying to make a 4500+ word chapter every other day.

Either way, thanks for reading and hope to see you on my next work!!