
Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake

Inspired by the tale of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake begins the story of Bijou Luisant, who by her own hand thrusts herself into the militaristic webbing laid out by her father and close allies. What she experiences will change her life forever, as she unknowingly becomes a crucial part in a dark and twisted plot that will shape the TRAPPIST-1 solar system forever.

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Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 25

----CHAPTER 25----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Within the Daimondale Castle, Bijou and Rebecca are both seen to still be riding the elevator from before. As it ascends higher, the two are shown inside-

Bijou Luisant


Rebecca Luisant


As the two travel further up into the Castle, they will feel a tremor coming from outside-


To which Bijou will take notice of-

Bijou Luisant

!...What's going on out there!?

She asks, as the elevator has no windows of the outside. Rebecca now explains-

Rebecca Luisant

Caligula must've unleashed his "pet" onto the city...a Banebrute, to be precise.

Bijou Luisant

A Banebrute?!

Bijou will react with surprise to this, as Rebecca explains-

Rebecca Luisant

Yes. I saw it a few times, especially when he brought me here to do his bidding in the beginning. He had an entire hanger set up for that monster and it's kin-just as we started fighting the RF.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will now start to connect the dots between some of the elusive information that has been unknown all this time. She speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Doesn't the Foundation also experiment on Banebrutes? What if the two sides met in secret behind the RF's back...!

As Bijou asks this question, she will start to suspect that the Foundation is secretly cooperating with the Crowns-while still assisting the RF. Rebecca will then mention-

Rebecca Luisant

...Could it be, that information "she" mentioned was correct...?

Rebecca says, indicating that a "she" sent her information linking to this secret exchange that might confirm the RF and Crowns are working together. Bijou will then reply with-

Bijou Luisant

If that's the case, we might be walking into a trap!!

Bijou says this in a rush, as she then attempts to stop the elevator. However, Rebecca will surprisingly stop her, saying-


Bijou Luisant


Rebecca Luisant

I know this is a trap, Bijou. I know...but, I cannot back down right now. We are very close to getting the information we need to bring your father to justice...

Bijou Luisant


As Rebecca pleads, she will continue to speak in a prideful tone-

Rebecca Luisant

Please...as a representative of the NJD, let me get that document and bring to light everything your father is planning to the world...

Bijou Luisant


While Bijou's hand still on the command prompt, upon seeing Rebecca's serious face, she will retract her hand and thus allow for Rebecca to continue on towards her destination. Her strong sense of justice is what is driving her in this situation, to which soon enough, the elevator will then reach its destination-

"Elevator stops"..."Elevator doors opening."

As the elevator doors open, the two will emerge to a small hallway that leads deeper into the building. There are several doors on each side, but the two will not bother with these doors, as Rebecca walks straight ahead without saying a word-

Rebecca Luisant


Bijou Luisant


As Rebecca goes, Bijou will follow suit behind her, as Rebecca has a better understanding of the layout of this building. After a short walk, the two will arrive at the main office area, where a locked door will block their way. As they arrive, Rebecca will look at the area above the door to see-

Rebecca Luisant

...Open it for me...!

Now, a camera will be watching the two from above. As it sees Rebecca's face, the door will then automatically open-

"Doors opening"

Rebecca Luisant

...Finally. This is it.

Bijou Luisant


As the doors open, the room behind the doors will be seen. It is a wide room that has a single desk inside-with a chair and lone computer on top of the desk. Behind this desk will be a wide window that overlooks an indoor hanger, where empty shelfs where Superior Weapons and firearms were stored-but all but one of them are gone-

Foundation Frontier


Inside of this hanger, one Foundation Frontier will be seen hiding among the hangers, to which it will be pretty hard to see, as most of the area is abandoned. It will continue to remain stationary for now, as back with Rebecca in the main room, she will now rush over to the active computer-not even bothering to sit down. As she goes through the information on screen, Bijou will be uneasy, as she stands by-

Bijou Luisant


It will be shown that Bijou is standing much closer to the door, as there will be a considerable amount of space in-between herself and Rebecca-who is still standing at the computer. Then, Rebecca shouts loudly, as she slams her fist into the desk-


Rebecca Luisant


Bijou Luisant


Curious, Bijou will call out to Rebecca-

Bijou Luisant

Rebecca?! What-

Before Rebecca can explain, the voice of Lord Caligula will speak to them all-

Lord Caligula Crown (comms)

...I see you've discovered the document you worked so hard to acquire, Rebecca...

Rebecca Luisant

Caligula!! You tricked me again!!!

Rebecca hisses, to which Caligula explains in a very soft tone-

Lord Caligula Crown (comms)

...Not this time, Rebecca. That document was the one that you got from the DIC server nearly 6 months ago, as I merely had my men here decrypt it for us to read. However, just as you've seen, it isn't anything that relates to President Sacha's plan, as it's just a fake document meant to cover up the real one.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou says this, suddenly she will hear a locking noise coming from the door behind her-

"Locking door"

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this, Bijou will move over to the door and try to open it by standing in front of it. It will not budge, to which Bijou will then ask-

Bijou Luisant

...Caligula? What is the meaning of this?!

Rebecca Luisant


Hearing this, Rebecca will show some interest, as Lord Caligula explains-

Lord Caligula Crown (comms)

Forgive me, Bijou, but now that you've confirmed this document is a fake, I'll be taking matters into my own hands-in order to fulfill this curiosity that I've had all this time.

Rebecca Luisant


Rebecca asks, to which Lord Caligula will explain-

Lord Caligula Crown (comms)

That's right. Just like the two of you, I also wanted to know exactly what your father is up to. I too thought this document could shed some light on the plot, but now, I'll have to do some things that will alter his schemes, as I believe I know exactly what he was going to do today.

Bijou Luisant

You know...or, you think you know?!

Lord Caligula finishes up-

Lord Caligula Crown (comms)

We'll see, as I use this Banebrute to conduct some "tests"...of which I'll need the two of you to remain right where you are, as you will also be a part of my plans...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou grits her teeth, the scene will then transition outside of the Daimondale Castle-

"Scene Transition"

Now outside, the view will show off the Banebrute, as it walks to the edge of the eastside of the city-where the RF is still struggling to get the civilians to the safety of their ships-



As it approaches, the two U4 Superior Variants will hover above it, as across the city along the westside, the view will show the Liberty ErotiCake, as it runs through the streets-

Liberty ErotiCake


As it's heels clack against the ground beneath it, inside, Isaac will be speaking to Chole-

Isaac Carter

...Alright. I think I've memorized how you used to do things with Bijou for now. Anything else important?

To which Chole will reply-

Chole Madison

Aside from resupplying the magnums, I'll handle the missiles while you concentrate on moving and firing the main armaments. Also, you can't use the Liberty Blaster's new power in a city-even if it is abandoned...

Isaac Carter

I know. That's why I'll either aim it into the air or destroy those two U4s-after I get Jonathan and Charlotte some help...!

He says, as a short distance away from the Liberty ErotiCake outside, sounds of battle and explosions are heard-



As Isaac hears this, he will grow more and more concerned, as he speaks-

Isaac Carter

...Will we make it...?

As he asks this, the scene will then transition to the perspective of both Jonathan and Charlotte-

"Scene Transition"

Here, Charlotte's Blockade will have suffered severe damage, as it's cockpit area is now exposed. It's missing an arm and has several bullet holes all across it's body, to which as Charlotte fires her assault rifle behind her as she has her Blockade move away-


She will then aim it upwards to the sky, where two Foundation Frontiers descend onto her from above. As they swoop downwards, they will easily evade her attacks, as they then land and proceed to slice off the other arm of Charlotte's Blockade-


As one of them does this, the other will land a powerful kick onto the Superior Weapon, sending it crashing backwards and slamming into the side of a building-

Charlotte Knighthood



With her defeated, her husband Jonathan will then move in from the side to try to take down the two Foundation Frontiers. As he charges them, his Blockade will still have both its arms, as it then picks up Charlotte's assault rifle in its free arm and then aims both of them at the attacking Foundation Frontiers.

As he fires, he screams-


Jonathan Castlecat

Stay away from my wife!!!!

He says, as he fires his weapons at the two Foundation Frontiers. In response, they easily sweep through the hail of bullets approaching them and then close the distance between them and Jonathan's Blockade.

Seconds later, the two will then spin around the crippled Blockade, inflicting several cuts along it's body-


Jonathan Castlecat

GRK!!! GRHH!!!!

As Jonathan grits his teeth, he will be unable to defend himself from the slicing of his Blockade. Then, the two Foundation Frontiers will grab ahold of his Blockade's arms-

Foundation Frontier #1


Foundation Frontier #2


Jonathan Castlecat


Then, another Foundation Frontier will charge towards him and deliver a devastating X-shaped slash onto his Blockade-

Foundation Frontier #3



The blow will cause the entire upper part of the Superior Weapon to be cut off-barely leaving the cockpit intact. As this happens, an explousion will occur from the arms and head section, which will envelop Jonathan in a cloud of smoke and debris-

Jonathan Castlecat


With this, the two Foundation Frontiers will then toss him backwards in his crippled Blockade, crashing into the front section of his wife's Blockade-


Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


As Jonathan's Blockade comes crashing down in front of his wife's Blockade, both will lay defeated at the hands of the Foundation Frontiers-which now number at 5. As one of them approaches them to deliver the killing blow, it will be reveled to be a Commander Unit, as it's pilot then speak to the two via intercomms-

Foundation Frontier Commander ??? (intercomms)

...I heard that there were two spies coming to observe our activities in New Columbia, but who would've guessed they'd be two former "Ace" Pilots from the corps I graduated from.

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


Surprised to hear this individual speaking to them, the person will continue-

Foundation Frontier Commander ??? (intercomms)

Yes...Jonathan Castlecat and Charlotte Knighthood. You were apart of one of the best Corps from Old Columbia-just like me. However, you two were doing too many "lewd" things while on duty, so to get rid of you, the higher ups arranged to have you banded as "Aces" to get you transfered to the East Islands.

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


The two will show a light smile at being found out like this. The person will then finish up by saying-

Foundation Fontier Commander ??? (intercomms)

While your profiles say you have some skill, as we've just seen, it wasn't enough to best me...just like before. And to think how soon you two became the President's lapdogs that now, your lives end here...!

Just as the Foundation Frontiers are about to kill both Jonathan and Charlotte, the two will brace themselves for their ends-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


However, just before then, an attack will come in from behind the Frontiers, alerting them to another enemy nearby-


Foundation Frontiers


As they look in the direction of the attack, the Liberty ErotiCake will now be reveled. As it stands a fair distance away, it will be charging it's Liberty Blaster, as within, Chole will be speaking to Isaac-

Chole Madison

...Amazing. The Liberty Blaster now charges to 200% power in just 5 seconds...

Chole says, amazed at the new charge speed for the Liberty Blaster. As Isaac aims it at the Foundation Frontiers, he will speak-

Isaac Carter

...C'mon...retreat...I don't want to fire this weapon in a city...!

As Isaac now stresses over weither to fire the Liberty Blaster or not, his tactic will work, as back with the Foundation Frontiers, the Commander will speak-

Foundation Commander ???

Hmph. Are Bijou's friends seriously going to fire that weapon here? If they do, then they'll kill these two as well...!

Upon saying this, the individual will then opt to leave the area, as she looks over towards the Banebrute in the distance. Then, she speaks her orders-

Foundation Commander ???

...We sadly cannot destroy the Liberty ErotiCake at this time, as it is the property of the Luisants. We'll just leave that task for Howard and the RF for now.

As her Frontier turns to her men in their Frontiers, she speaks-

Foundation Commander ???

Men, gather the rest of the materials and retreat back to the designated area at once!

Foundation Pilots (comms)

Yes, Ma'am!!

As they say this, the remaining Foundation Frontiers will speed back towards the building they were standing at from before. As they do, the Commander Unit will spray a cloud of smoke into the area-

Foundation Frontier


As the smoke envelops the area, Isaac will be blinded by the smokescreen, as he cannot fire the Liberty Blaster at this time-

Isaac Carter

!...A diversion...

He says, as the Foundation Frontiers then leave the area-while holding some more materials in their hands. As they move away, the battle in this area will come to a close, leaving Isaac and Chole the victors.

With the Foundation Frontiers out of the way, Isaac will turn off the Liberty Blaster with ease, as he then speaks from within the Liberty ErotiCake-

Isaac Carter

...Phew. Thank the Goddess that bluff worked...

He says, relieved that the Foundation Pilots left when they did. Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

Well done, Isaac...!

Now, as Isaac moves the Liberty ErotiCake closer to the two destroyed MP Liberty ErotiCakes, Chole will speak over the comms to them-

Chole Madison (comms)

Jonathan!! Charlotte!! Are you two alright?!!

Chole asks, worried about both Jonathan and Charlotte. The two of them can barely reply, as they are seen to be battered by the altercation earlier-

Jonathan Castlecat

...Heh...getting saved by a bunch of lovebird kids...

Charlotte Knighthood

Goddess...this is embaressing...

They mutter, as back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Chole will then realize that the two are in need of medical attention, to which she will say-

Chole Madison

!...I'll go down there and get Charlotte inside. Do you think you could get Jonathan for me?

Chole asks, as she's just about to depart the Liberty ErotiCake. Isaac will reply-

Isaac Carter

Yeah...I'll make sure to keep my promise to Bijou...!


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Just as the two of them are about to leave the Liberty ErotiCake, a bright light will interupt their conversation-prompting the two to look in the direction of the east side of the city of Daimondale.

Over there, the Banebrute will now have gotten very close to where the RF are still assisting the scared civilians-



Below it, many scared civilians are still struggling to get into the ships, as the banks of the port are full of hundreds of scared people.

Scared Civilians-


RF Soldiers


As the screams of the civilians eco across the area, the voices of the RF Soldiers in the area will be muffled by their panic.

Elsewhere, Lord Caligula is now see inside of his ship, as he has the device from before on a small table in front of him. With this device set up already, he now prepares to begin his "Tests"-

Lord Caligila Crown

...Now then. Let's begin this little experiment by first targeting...those screaming civilians...!

As he says this, he will activate the device in front of him, which back with the Banebrute now orders it to raise its arm and take aim with its weapons at the civilians below.



Suddenly, just before it can fire, the Midnight will be shown now, to which inside, AI Cody will immediately react to the situation-

AI Cody


Now, it will activate a program that will cause the Banebrute to stop in its tracks instantly. As this happens, static will erupt from the restraints around it's joints from the technology wrapped around its body-




As the beast howls out in pain, back with Lord Caligula, he will see the Banebrute being unable to fire on the civilians. He speaks-

Lord Caligula Crown

!...Ah. So, whoever is in control of this situation has decided the civilians will live past this. Most interesting...!

After seeing this, Lord Caligula will then shift his device to target many more targets-the RF fleet in its entirety. Once all the lock-on's have finalized, he will speak-

Lord Caligula Crown

...Now then, onto the next test. Target...all of the RF ships-save the ones that the civilians have boarded. Those RF Blockades should also be fair game, I think...!

As he says this, back with the Banebrute in Daimondale, it will now refocus it's arm to target all of the RF ships in the port area. As it does, the people inside will freak out at the sight of being targeted by its aim-

RF Soldier #1


Moments later, the Banebrute will then fire its weapons at all of them-




Now, instead of bullets pouring out from it's arms, beams will emerge from many ports, which instantly melt through most of the RF ships in the port area. The RF Blockades will now be shown to retaliate at the Banebrute, as some of their pilots' shout-while their ships explode behind them-


RF Pilot #1

Take it down!!!!

RF Pilot #2

There is just one Banebrute!!!! With all of us here we can kill it before it kills us!!!!!

Some of them shout, as nearby, one of the RF Captains speaks to their soldiers-

RF Captain #1

Wh-why are we not moving away from this area??!!

One of his men replies in a hurry-

RF Soldier #2

I...can't seem to move the steering wheel...ugh-AH!!!!


Just as this woman mentioned this, the ship will be struck with more beam attacks, destroying it-along with dozens more. The attacking RF Blockades are also shot at and destroyed as well, all the while as countless numbers of RF ships are destroyed, two Frontiers look on the horror from above. Within on of them, Howard is seen to be left in shock-

Howard Pinnacle

Gah...This is a disaster!!!

He says, as he turns on his comms-

Howard Pinnacle

Attention all RF forces below!! Retreat from the range of that Banebrute at once!!!

He says, as he then looks over towards the civilians below. The ships there are fine, to which as they come into focus, almost every one of the civilians are now able to get onboard the ships there, to which once Howard confirms that, he will then speak-

Howard Pinnacle

Flagship! Get those civilians to safety at once!!! We cannot afford to lose any of them!!!!

As Howard issues this order, once the last remaining civilians from the docks have boarded the ships, they will then depart from the area and proceed to leave the port. As they go, the other few remaining ships that are not carrying civilians will be gunned down by the Banebrute-


As this happens, the few RF ships carrying the civilians will then make it out of the port area and leave the city behind. As this happens, the Midnight will be shown, to which on the ship, AI Cody will be acting oddly-

AI Cody


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As it reacts to the battle, both Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia will see that it is doing something suspicious, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will then speak-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI Cody...what are you...!

Now, Fleet Captain Andrea will not be able to finish asking her question, as outside, nearly 95% of the entire RF fleet has been destroyed by now. All that remains now are the few RF ships and flagship that went to rescue the civilians of Daimondale, along with 2 or 3 RF ships that are badly damaged from the attacks. Combined with the Midnight, there are only 11 ships left on the side of the DIC, leaving them woefully outmatched to the looming Superior Variants-who hover in the air-

Superior Variants


As they await their orders, the scene then transitions back to Lord Caligula, who is then spoken to by his right-hand man-


Areas 2 and 4 are reporting similar results, though our forces in area 3 seem to be going above and beyond to destroy the Dreadnought that was sent there from the DIC.

The man says, to which Lord Caligula replies-

Lord Caligula Crown

Let them go ahead and do so. Afterall, we planned this just to discover how the DIC will react to our intervention, did we not?


Of course, Sir.

Getting back on track, Lord Caligula will then refocus on his next test, which he now speaks-

Lord Caligula Crown

...Now then, onto the next and most interesting experiment. Target...the Midnight...!

Now, back with the Banebrute, it will now aim its weapons at the Midnight-



As above, Stanley will be seen inside of his Frontier. He speaks-

Stanley Tempest

...Finally decided to target that ship, huh? Now we can confirm how our "modified OS" does against that ship's hacking feature...

He mutters, as he looks at the Superior Variants still hovering in the air below. Back on the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea will now see the Banebrute targeting her ship, to which she will speak to-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

! AI Cody!! Get us away from here at once!!!

Fleet Captain Andrea orders, in a worried tone. However, as she does this, AI Cody will be shown to become very different, as the screen lights up brightly-

AI Cody


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI Cody?!!!

As the bright light erupts from AI Cody, both Grid Arbiter Alexia and Fleet Captain Andrea will be blinded by the light, as the scene will then move outside of the ship.

Now, all of the remaining DIC Blockades on the ship will be shown to become active at the exact same time-

DIC Blockades


As they stand up, they will do so in an ominous manner-as if they were all possessed by a demon. Inside some of them, some of the pilots will be shown to have been survivors of the Deserted Island incident, to which they will speak-

DIC Pilot #1

This is...

DIC Pilot #2

Just like what happened back at the Deserted Island...!

They say, as they no longer have any control over their Blockades anymore. The DIC Blockades then prepare to fire at the Banebrute, but at this exact same time, many of the Superior Variants surround the Midnight-

Superior Variants


Instead of pointing their weapons at the Midnight, they instead do the opposite-as they have their backs towards the Midnight and point their weapons at the Banebrute. Once this is shown, the Banebrute will be just about to fire it's weapons-but it is then stopped by-

Superior Variant U4


Superior Variant U4





Now, both of the two Superior Variant U4s that were acting as the Banebrute's bodyguards will grab ahold of its arms and hoist them high above its head. As the Banebrute is confused, it will groan in anger-



Seconds later, a flurry of attacks will erupt from the combined force of Superior Variants and Superior Weapons on and around the Midnight-


"MISSILE FIRE!!!!!!!!!!"

As the bullets and missiles fly out, they will travel directly towards the Banebrute and the two U4s holding it's arms, to which all three will then disappear in a massive explosion-


As this happens, back above the battlefield, Stanley will look around the radius of the explosion to see-

Stanley Tempest

Hmph...looks like this test was successful.

He says, as below, several Superior Variants that didn't turn against the Banebrute will now be shown to still be in standby mode-

Superior Variants


As they do not move, they will continue to hover in the air, as back with Lord Caligula, he will be shown to be very impressed at the results of this experiment. He then speaks-

Lord Caligula Crown

Most impressive!!! I had my doubts that whim from Stanley would be proven correct, but he was right to order his men to replace the OSs from not only some of the Superior Weapons in Viperod, but also our Superior Variants!!

Now, Lord Caligula confirms that the actions of the Foundation members the other day were to replace the OS from the DIC Frontiers in the hanger. He then looks back at the screen in front of him to see the Banebrute-battered and damaged-but still active in the city-



As the creature is shown, the two U4 Superior Variants will have been destroyed in the ensuring attacks from the combined might of the DIC Blockades and Superior Variants. However, the Banebrute will have taken considerable damage from the previous attacks, as it still stands in the city. While it will not be dead just yet, it will be bleeding profusely from all over its body, to which upon seeing this, Lord Caligula will then opt to begin his final test-

Lord Caligula Crown

!...And now, it like I can conduct one more test with this thing-before it is killed...!

He says, as he opts to have the Banebrute seemingly retreat from the city of Daimondale.



As the remaining armor around the Banebrute activates, it will be shown to be EffectPhase armor, which once it has changed color, the Banebrute will rise into the air-


As it does, it will then turn itself around to look at the Daimondale Castle, where Lord Caligula will then speak-just as a light comes from its side-

Lord Caligula Crown

!...This is goodbye, my pet. You were a very valued pet of mine-but you know what they say...all good things must come to an end one day...!

Now, back with the Banebrute, it will manage to fire one concentrated blast of energy directly towards the Daimondale Castle-





However, just as this attack comes out of the Banebrute, a second later, the creature will then be vaporized by the fully charged Liberty Blaster, as the beam erupts from the west side of the city-


As the beam connects with the Banebrute, it's upper body and face will be hit with the energy, which instantly warps the creature. As it screams in agony, it is soon killed by the intense heat-



As the creature is vaporized, the tech around its arms and the rest of its body will explode-


Without it's EffectPhase armor to keep it flying in the air, the rest of its body will then crash into the city-causing several buildings to topple from the crash-


"Buildings crumbling!!!!!"

Just as this happens, the blast that came from the Banebrute will then fly towards the Daimondale Castle.

Inside, both Bijou and Rebecca will be shown to still be in the room from before, as there is no way out of the room-


Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou is shown to have been slamming her shoulder against the door that they came from-but the maneuver will have produced no results. Rebecca standby near her, as Bijou complains-

Bijou Luisant

...Sigh...we really are trapped in here...

Rebecca replies-

Rebecca Luisant

...I'm sorry, Bijou...

Bijou Luisant


Rebecca continues-

Rebecca Luisant

I'm sorry for dragging you in here like this. If I hadn't been so obsessed over that document, then we wouldn't have fallen into this trap...

Rebecca admits, as she is sorry that Bijou had to be here to get mixed up in her faults. However, Bijou will say this to her in defiance to her claims-

Bijou Luisant

Don't worry about that right now, Rebecca. Right now, we need to focus on getting back into the battle, as we can't stay here forever...

Rebecca Luisant


Bijou says this rather roughly towards Rebecca, as the stress of the situation will be getting to her at this time. Rebecca will then look remorseful, as she looks away from Bijou, saying this to herself-

Rebecca Luisant

...You are right...!

Suddenly, she will notice something, to which now, a sudden explosion will rock the Castle from the outside-


Bijou Luisant

What was THAT??!!

Rebecca Luisant


As the explosion rocks the castle, the wind generated from the eruption will shoot through the entire Castle-


In the castle, doors will fly off and windows will shatter instantly, as upstairs, the hallway that Bijou and Rebecca walked through will be shown. A second later, Bijou-who is standing in front of the door that they entered from earlier, will now be directly in the line of the door, as it comes flying off at breakneck speeds-


Bijou Luisant


With no time to react, Bijou will throw her arms up in front of her, as the door comes flying towards her. Due to it traveling along the wind, it will spiral out of control, as it then brushes against the side of Bijou's head-causing some blood to spray from the injury-

Bijou Luisant


An instant later, the door will fly away from Bijou, as it crashes outside from the window. The blow is strong enough to knock Bijou off her feet, as she and Rebecca are tossed backwards from the winds-

Bijou Luisant


Rebecca Luisant


As the two disappear in the ensuing chaos, the scene will then transition to back outside of the Daimondale Castle-

"Scene Transition"

Now, back with the Liberty ErotiCake, inside, Isaac will be the one to have taken down the Banebrute. He speaks-

Isaac Carter

Dammit!! I wasn't in time to stop it from firing at the Castle-where Bijou is!!!

He says, as behind him, both Jonathan and Charlotte are leaning over his seat. The two are in pain, but are still able to speak-

Jonathan Castlecat

Oh no...Rebecca was also over there as well...?!

Jonathan grunts as he asks Isaac this, as behind Chole's seat, Charlotte asks her-

Charlotte Knighthood

Chole?! Can you get in contact with those Frontiers up above?!

Chole Madison


Chole is surprised by the request, as Charlotte explains-

Charlotte Knighthood

That blast might be enough to cause the castle to be destroyed. We won't make it back there to save those two, but they might be able to make it with those Frontiers!!!

Chole Madison


Now, Chole activates the same comms that Bijou used to use to contact Howard. As this happens, the view will transition over to Howard inside of his Frontier, as he replies-

Howard Pinnacle

Hm...Bijou? Is this-

Now, Isaac speaks to Howard over his comms-

Isaac Carter (comms)

HOWARD!!?? It's me, Isaac!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Howard says, slightly surprised that Isaac is screaming at him. He then explains-

Isaac Carter (comms)

The Castle!!! Bijou and Rebecca are still in there!!!!

Howard Pinnacle

Guh!!! WHAT?!!!

Now, across the way from Howard's Frontier in the sky, Stanley will also have heard this contact that Howard is having, to which he will react-

Stanley Tempest


As now, Chole's voice is heard over the comms-

Chole Madison (comms)

Please, get to the castle and save Bijou and Rebecca!!!!

Stanley Tempest


Now, Stanley will brace himself to do something-but before he does it, Howard will contact him immediately, saying-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Stanley!!! With me!! NOW!!!!

Stanley Tempest

Of course, Howard!

As Howard says this, he will maneuver his Frontier to zoom directly towards the Daimondale Castle. Stanley's Frontier will follow suit, as inside, Stanley will subtly turn off his comms with Howard and reconnect to another individual. He then speaks-

Stanley Tempest

...It's me. What's the situation inside of the castle?

To which now, the Frontier that he sent to hide inside of the Daimondale Castle is now reveled to have survived the explosion. As it stands amongst the rubble and debris, the masked pilot inside will speak-

??? (Masked Man) (comms)

The explosion has caused the castle to become destabilized. Everything is already crumbling, so I'd estimate it has about 5 minutes before it all caves in.

Stanley then speaks to this man over his comms, asking-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

Do you see Bijou and Rebecca?!

The masked man continues-

??? (Masked Man) (comms)

Yeah. They are just one floor above from where I am now in my Frontier. What are your orders?

Stanley then says-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

The plan was to take Bijou into the Foundation and leave Rebecca for Howard, but...we'll change it back to taking Rebecca for now. Besides, I've already received an update from the other three areas, and Rebecca's family has been taken by our operatives over there. All that remains is Rebecca herself, so take her and return to base immediately.

??? (Masked Man) (comms)

Yes, Sir.

With this, the Masked Man then ends the comms, as he then moves his Frontier to do as he was instructed.

Then, the scene will transition once more to show Bijou, waking up among the rubble a few minutes later-

Bijou Luisant


Here, Bijou will struggle to get herself up, as while the blast from before will have left her bruised up heavily, she will still manage to get to her feet. As she does, however, a sharp pain will alert her to move her hand towards the side of her head-

Bijou Luisant


"Drops of blood on fingers."

Now, some drops of Bijou's blood will be visible on her fingers, as she holds her hand in front of her face. Her eyes cannot see straight from the blow from before, but then, as she crumbles to her knees, another explosion will come from just outside of the room-


Bijou Luisant


Surprised, Bijou will struggle to remain upright, as from the explosion, two Frontiers will emerge from the smoke. As they do, the two Frontiers will scan the area and then look at Bijou nearby. One of the Frontiers will then land with its cockpit in front of the window with the broken glass, to which Howard's concerned voice comes from it-

Howard Pinnacle (intercoms)


Bijou Luisant


Recognizing Howard's voice, Bijou will continue to keep herself upright, as Howard then jumps from his Frontier and rushes over to Bijou's side. As he does, he then grabs ahold of her, saying-

Howard Pinnacle

Hurry!!! Come with me, as this castle is about to fall!!!

He says, as he now tries to put Bijou's arms around his shoulder so he can walk her over to his Frontier. However, Bijou will at first reject his notion, as she struggles to speak-

Bijou Luisant

Wait!!!....please....help me...

Howard Pinnacle


As Howard takes a step back from Bijou, she will struggle to continue to speak-

Bijou Luisant

....My niece...Rebecca, she was here with me....please, help me look for her, as I...I can't let her gift to me be the last....

Bijou says, as in her other hand, she will be holding onto the necklace that Rebecca gave back to her. However, Howard will take a quick glance around the destroyed room, and then reply with-

Howard Pinnacle

...I'm sorry, Bijou, but she doesn't seem to be here right now. Either she was thrown out of the window, or-

Bijou now snaps at Howard, cutting him off by saying-

Bijou Luisant

Stop it!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Surprised by Bijou's outburst, Bijou will continue, saying-

Bijou Luisant

Please...stop it...and help me find her....promise me that you'll help me find my Rebecca!!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Faced with this, Howard's face will appear strained, as around the two, the walls of the room will start to become strained-


Howard Pinnacle


As Howard sees this, all around him, the entire castle will be just about to cave in. This forces him to make the tough decision to-

Howard Pinnacle

...I'm sorry, Bijou, but there is no time to do this right now...

Bijou Luisant


Now, Howard stands up and forces Bijou into his arms-much like a princess. As he runs back to his Frontier, he grits his teeth, as Bijou continues to scream at him-

Howard Pinnacle



Bijou Luisant

*Crying*...STOP!!!!....please, stop!!!!

Howard Pinnacle

I'm sorry, Bijou...

Bijou Luisant

Promise me....promise me that you'll help me!!!! HELP ME!!!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Struggling to keep on course back to his waiting Frontier, Howard will manage to ignore Bijou's cries for help and then get back into his waiting Frontier. As he does this, behind his Frontier, Stanley will be seen to be silently watching the entire conversation.

Stanley Tempest


Now, Stanley will see on his monitor that a pile of rubble and debris was moved recently on the same floor that Bijou was on. From his Frontier, he will be able to see drops of blood that lead to the broken window, which will confirm to him that Rebecca was already taken out of the room by his assistant from earlier. This makes Stanley smile sinisterly-

Stanley Tempest


As he prepares to leave, inside of Howard's Frontier, he will be still struggling with Bijou's cries, as she continues-

Bijou Luisant

Listen to me!!! Please!!!! Stop and help me find Rebecca!!!!!

Howard Pinnacle

I cannot do that, Bijou!! If we don't get out of here, we'll die!!!

Bijou Luisant

I don't care!!!! She's my...she's my Rebecca!!! She used to invite me over for my birthdays!!! She invited you and Stanley and Susan as well!!!! We had so much fun in the past, so you have to promise me to find her right now!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Now, Howard will be shown to be forced into giving Bijou the impossible promise of finding her niece. Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

SAY IT!!!!! Promise me...that you'll find my Rebecca!!!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Now, just as the castle caves in onto itself, Howard will mutter these words directly to Bijou-

"Daimondale Castle imploding"

Howard Pinnacle

.....I promise I'll...

Bijou Luisant


Just as he says this, he and Stanley will then have their Frontiers rise up and rush out of the hole they created to get to Bijou. As they do this, the Daimondale Castle will then cave in onto itself, just as the two Frontiers emerge from the smoke-

RF Frontiers


As they continue to fly away from the Castle, it will collapse behind them, as inside of Howard's Frontier, Bijou will see this and scream out in agony-

Bijou Luisant


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


As she screams out in pain, both Howard and Stanley will remain silent, as the castle collapses.

Elsewhere, the Masked Man from before will be shown to have Rebecca Luisant in his cockpit in his arms-

Rebecca Luisant


??? (Masked Man)


Then, back with Fleet Captain Andrea inside of the Midnight, she and Grid Arbiter Alexia will be left in awe at what they just saw. Grid Arbiter Alexia will then speak-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Wha...what just happened out there...?

Grid Arbiter Alexia asks, dumbfounded by what she just said. However, Fleet Captain Andrea will speak in a more confident tone, saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

We'll get our answers...as soon as we leave this place with the Liberty ErotiCake and head back to the DIC.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Bring us back into port to pick up any remaining civilians that couldn't make it, as well as the Liberty ErotiCake at once. We'll then gather information and then leave to make our way back to Truxem.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Grid Arbiter Alexia now realizes that Fleet Captain Andrea wasn't speaking to AI Cody just now, but her, to which she will then start to speak to AI Cody. As this happens, Fleet Captain Andrea will then get a phone call from someone, to which she will suspect it's from Bijou-

"Beep" "Beep"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Bijou? Is this yo-

Now, the strained voice of Captain Miracle will speak on the phone to Fleet Captain Andrea, saying-

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Miracle!!! What's-

Upon hearing her desperate voice, Fleet Captain Andrea will instantly know something is very wrong with Captain Miracle. She continues to struggle to speak-

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

I'm....I'm so sorry....he was....two steps ahead of us...the whole time...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

What??? What are you saying, Miracle??!!!

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As Fleet Captain Andrea shouts in concern, Grid Arbiter Alexia will hear her and become worried, as one of her sisters is a Grid Arbiter for Captain Miracle's ship.

As the conversation continues, Captain Miracle will explain-

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

...It was "Him"...the man who left you...that you told us about after we became friends....you were right...he is an incredible tactician-"Cough cough"....ahh...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Upon hearing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will instantly remember images of a man and son that she had several years ago in her mind. The images will be hazy, as Captain Miracle speaks her last words to her Fleet Captain-

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

...I at least...made sure "she" got off this ship...she has my hat, so take care of it for me...and....do take care of my brother for me.....Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia........


"Phone cut"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!.....Miracle? MIRACLE???!!

As the phone cuts, Fleet Captain Andrea will ask the name of Captain Miracle, but she will get no reply.

As this happens, AI Cody will be shown to be in standby mode-

AI Cody


As far away, the puppet master from before will be shown to not be happy with the developments that just occurred in the city. She speaks to herself-


...Well played, Caligula. I'll have to organize a meeting with Sacha about this, as nothing went like I had devised 2 decades ago...

She mentions, as she continues-


We'll be needing to review the camera footage from Daimondale, so I'll have to stop the explosion of that neutron engine...!

Now, back through the eyes of AI Cody, under the city, the Neutron engines that the mysterious woman mentioned will be shown to be disabled at this time-

Machine Voice

Neutron Engine Disabled...preparing to...go...off...l...i...n...e....!

However, seconds after a computer voice confirms this, elsewhere in the city, several buildings will self-destruct, causing many explosions all across the city of Daimondale-




As these areas explode, they will briefly be shown to be sever rooms that were security and/or camera shops, as elsewhere, Lord Caligula will get the last laugh, saying-

Lord Caligula Crown

...And that also confirms someone else was in charge of this operation. Thank you so much for covering my tracks...

He says, as the view then goes back to the mysterious woman from before-


...Damn that man...

She says, frustrated, as the scene will then transition-

"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere within the DIC, a man that looks similar to Captain Miracle Risingstar sits in his office, where he will suddenly stop writing in a report in front of him-

??? (Cobalt Risingstar)


As he senses something, he looks out of his window to his left, as the chapter then ends-