
Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake

Inspired by the tale of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake begins the story of Bijou Luisant, who by her own hand thrusts herself into the militaristic webbing laid out by her father and close allies. What she experiences will change her life forever, as she unknowingly becomes a crucial part in a dark and twisted plot that will shape the TRAPPIST-1 solar system forever.

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Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 19

----Chapter 19----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As the chapter opens up, the view will show an island without an Umbrella in an unknown part of the DIC. Deep below the ground, an enormous sub-structure will be reveled, to which within this place, it will appear to be mostly abandoned. However, there is still power, as deep within the walls and floors of this place, inside of a conference room of sorts, a man will be watching a demonstration on a monitor in front of him. As this view comes into focus, Howard is seen to be speaking to the masses at some kind of open rally on the screen. He speaks-

Howard Pinnacle (monitor)

...And so now is the time that we as a species must come to learn how to safeguard a people like the Ascension!! If we cannot do this step, then we will be dooming our children to a world that has no sympathy to those who are created artificially!!

Crowds of people (monitor)


Howard now appears to be an expert in rallying the people behind his words, as Stanley remains silent behind him. He allows for Howard to do all of the talking, as Howard then points out to a map of the planet Gleen-

Stanley Tempest (monitor)


Howard Pinnacle (monitor)

Starting today, the Tempest Foundation has graciously given us several leases in New Columbia, where we will unite to protect the Ascension under the banner name "Red Feathers"!!!! Anyone who wishes to join us is more than welcome, as all that is required is that you believe the Ascension are just!! Who is coming with us??!!! WHO???!!

Crowds of people (monitor)


As the video continues, it will soon end, as a mechanical voice then says-

Mechanical voice

...End Transmission.

After this is shown, the man in shadow then comes into focus and is reveled to be Director Oberon, as next to him, a young child in a bodysuit sits in her own seat. The bodysuit is clearly meant for a female, who sits in her seat-quietly-



As Director Oberon then speaks-

Catalyst Leader/Director Oberon Luisant

...It's now been over 5 months since Howard left with all of those stolen military assets and personal for New Columbia. Using their newly created banner, Howard has severed his family ties to declare all-out war with the Crown family-in an attempt to end their silent 200+ year blood-feud.



Director Oberon says, as he looks at a map in front of him, which details the movements of the newly formed RF. They will be stationed within four areas of New Columbia, but aside from one of them, the other three will be hidden from view at this time. As the man continues to review this information, the girl in the chair continues to stay quiet, as Director Oberon continues speaking-

Catalyst Leader/Director Oberon Luisant

While the fighting has turned the areas where they amassed into flaming warzones, both sides are in a stalemate. In order to break this situation, Howard has managed to recently attract the attention of the Ascension-who joined hands with the RF due to their vested interest to protect themselves from the DIC.

Catalyst Leader/Director Oberon Luisant

Interestingly, Howard has insisted that they fight their own battles for the sake of the Ascension, which has only made the Ascension believe more in them as their protectors. That possibility was conceived of during the creation of the Grand Plan, but not even "she" suspected one would go to that degree to show their determination to the Ascension.



The girl in the bodysuit continues to listen, as Director Oberon finishes up-

Catalyst Leader/Director Oberon Luisant

While that has gone on, back in the DIC, President Sacha has done exactly as was planned by quelling most of the civil unrest caused by the Ascension's revel back at Hilayornia. Through careful and planned control of the media, the masses have mostly calmed down and seen through the discrepancies of information presented by the Ascension.

Catalyst Leader/Director Oberon Luisant

Now, with Howard's latest plot to stamp out the Crown family about to be reveled, this is the beginning of "The Middle" to our Grand Plan.



Now, the girl in the seat will look at the man and ask a question-


...When will my time come, Director Oberon?

Now, Director Oberon will reply to the girl-

Director Oberon Luisant

Soon, my child. While Howard has built for himself a great revolution in a short amount of time, he is vastly unprepared in maintaining such a group-unlike how Sacha, Francoise and Rohais maintain their nations. If he doesn't respond to the pressure mounting from the DIC, then the people who left with him to form this new mini-state will leave him-as he's not made any major announcements or movements against them since.

Director Oberon Luisant

After "those" events unfold by the way the plan that Sacha and "she" laid out, this war will then reach it's Finale-the prelude to the new world that is to come. And during the Finale is when it will be your moment to shine at last.



Just then, an entourage of woman arrive at the room. They don't say anything, as Director Oberon then speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant

Now, you'd best return to your training with your Caretakers, until the time is right for "their" arrival. You will need your master your skills with a firearm very soon, alright?


I understand.

The little girl in the bodysuit now hops out of the seat and then stands to straighten herself out. She then leaves and goes outside with the entourage of Caretakers. As they go, they are seen to be within a vast area deep in this underground complex. It is a circular area with a wide-open sense to it, and as the group goes, they pass by many different people going in all directions. At one point, the group passes by a room with many guards in front of a door, which will lead to another area that is a containment area. Inside, Princess Media will be briefly seen, eating human food while being within a cell at the bottom of some stairs and at the end of a circular containment area. She tells herself that she has to endure this, and then back with the entourage, the group then comes to a large door. The girl then speaks up-


...Caretakers? Would it be alright if I go see my mother today-before we go to the weapons range?

Now, one of the Caretakers will reply to the girl in the bodysuit-

Caretaker #1

...Certainly. You may go inside.



As the girl approaches the door, she produces a card from her pocket and then opens the door. As it opens, the scene inside is shown, which contain pods that house people inside. As the scene then fades to black, a transition will occur.

Elsewhere, all the way back in Appledale's Umbrella, just outside of the White Block, a cemetery will be seen nearby. Here, a woman is seen to be approaching the gates, who is reveled to be Bijou-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou walks silently, she then walks into the cemetery-alone. In her hands, she holds a bouquet of flowers, and as she continues inside of the cemetery, she soon approaches a huge war memorial that has been erected within this place. As Bijou comes up, she soon sees that there is already someone there. It's Chole, to which once Bijou is close enough, she speaks to her-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Chole was seen to be kneeling on the ground in her military uniform, until Bijou spoke to her just now. She then gently rises up and turns around-indicating that she is on familiar terms with her by now. Her face is that of someone who was crying, but then wiped away her tears just a moment ago. Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

Bijou. Good morning.

Bijou Luisant

Good morning...

Behind Chole sits a bouquet in front of many names engraved on the plague behind her. Bijou then asks-

Bijou Luisant

I've seen you come to once again bring some flowers for Sophie and the others...

As Bijou says this, Chole will then reply-

Chole Madison

...Yes. I always make sure to bring her some of her favorites when I have a spare moment. She loved sunflowers, because we could eat the seeds back when we were little.

Bijou Luisant


Chole looks away, as she doesn't want to cry anymore and bring down the mood. Bijou remains silent, as she probably already heard this information from Chole, as she then continues-

Chole Madison

Were you also coming to put down those flowers for your friends again?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now moves in, as Chole steps aside for her. Bijou then kneels down and puts the bouquet of flowers next to the bouquet that Chole put down. She then closes her eyes.

Bijou Luisant

*...Please...let my thoughts reach you all, everyone. I'm...so very sorry...that I couldn't protect you all back then-even though I said I would...*

Bijou now has a short montage within her mind about some parts of the past 5 months. She personally went to all of the families of her friends and told them what fate befell them. During this flashback, Bijou is seen to be crying and shares their pain, which then reinforces her will to become stronger. Thus, during the past 5 months, she trained and studied hard with Chole to become skilled with the Liberty ErotiCake, and then after this is shown, the flashback ends to show that Bijou now has her eyes open. She then stands up and looks at Chole and speaks-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant

From this point onwards, we'll need to use the Liberty ErotiCake to prevent more people from dying. Our plates are pretty full already, as keeping tabs on what my father does behind the scenes isn't easy-but that's why we trained so hard to become Ensigns these past 5 months.

Chole Madison

I know. He hasn't done anything suspicious for over 5 months ago, so we had the time to focus on training ourselves instead.

Chole admits, to which Bijou nods and then continues-

Bijou Luisant

"Nods"...And then there's the added issue of both Howard and Stanley being our opponents. Honestly, I do feel that a lot of what they said back then was true-even to the point that I was about to join them myself...but...

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


Bijou is seen now to be conflicted, as she closes her eyes for a second-before opening them to speak to Chole-

Bijou Luisant

...See, what the RF are fighting for is the safekeeping of people like the Ascension, who are only fighting us because they would be sacrificed as we traveled into space. However, what Howard and Stanley are blinded by is that fact alone, as they are forgetting about what that Ascension Princess said about our planet's dire predicament-and that there's a cure for their predicament already created.

Chole Madison

That's right. The DIC could just give them the cure they are saying they are suffering from...though, I have my thoughts about that as well.

Bijou nods, as she continues-

Bijou Luisant

That Ascension-Azalea...she said that within the next 2 decades if our species of over 3 billion people are not off this planet by then, we'll face extinction from dwindling resources-and an asteroid. If there weren't those issues hanging over our heads at the moment, then I would've joined Howard and Stanley-without a second thought.

While Bijou says this with commitment, there will still be a hint of doubt in her tone-indicating that she's still not entirely sure about siding with the DIC. She will then say this.

Bijou Luisant

However...because this is something that the two of them are overlooking, that is why I'm going to side with my father-while still keeping an eye on his activities. And as I do, I will find out what he is truly planning.

Chole Madison

*Nods and smiles*

While Bijou is conflicted, her true feelings are shown now. She will fight for whatever the ideals of her father are, as she sees what the true problems are and wants to fight for her father's wishes. Just then, someone comes up to them from behind and speaks-


Well said, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou & Chole


As Bijou and Chole look behind themselves, Isaac Carter is standing behind them. He speaks-

Isaac Carter

It's been a while, hasn't it?

To which Bijou replies to him, in a surprised tone-

Bijou Luisant

Isaac! Your wounds have healed?

Isaac now explains-while smiling towards Chole-

Isaac Carter

Yes. Thanks to Chole saving my life back then, I managed to make a full recovery. I must thank you personally, Chole, as what you did for me...you saved my life...

Chole Madison


As Isaac expresses his gratitude, Chole will be slightly taken aback, as she then remembers what she did to save his life in a short flashback-


During this brief flashback, just as Isaac fell off the hand of the Liberty ErotiCake that Chole was carrying him on, he will be seen to be falling to the ground. However, before he hits the ground, Chole will jump off the Liberty ErotiCake's hand as well and in doing so will slam herself into Isaac with enough force to reposition him on top of herself-while falling in midair. As they fall together, Chole will then take the brunt of the fall, as she then lands in the stretcher that the doctors will maneuver under her, which will then save both her life and Isaac's.


After this, Chole then replies-with a slight blush on her face-

Chole Madison

Oh...that was just...I'm happy to have saved you, Isaac...

Isaac Carter

Thank you...Chole. I wouldn't be alive if you hadn't done that...just for me...

Chole Madison


Chole continues to blush as Isaac thanks her again, to which he will then look towards Bijou and say-

Isaac Carter

There is also some other news that I've been told to tell you...but...it's a...a little awkward to speak about it...

Isaac, while being straightforward a moment ago, now appears to be beating around the bush, as he looks down with a slight blush on his face now. Chole asks him-

Chole Madison

...You can tell us anything, Isaac. It's important, right?

Isaac Carter


Bijou Luisant


As Bijou looks at Isaac in confusion, he will continue to be reluctant to tell the two what he has to say. Eventually, with Chole asking him, he will explain himself-

Isaac Carter

Ye...yes, it is important, I suppose. You see...recently I was...asked to...serve...with the two of you...in the Liberty ErotiCake from now on!

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Bijou and Chole are both surprised by the news, as Isaac is a guy who will be serving with two ladies. Chole speaks-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant

Did Andrea set this up?!

Isaac Carter

...She did. Apparently, she heard about how the two of you helped me back in Hilayornia and thought I'd make a good pilot for the Liberty ErotiCake.

With this explanation, Bijou will reply-

Bijou Luisant

I suppose that could be true...but, I wish Andrea spoke with us about this beforehand, as this is quite a surprise.

Bijou admits, as Isaac then explains-

Isaac Carter

I know. It's because I'm a boy and will be serving with two ladies inside of a confined space for an extended period of time, right? And as you are the President's only daughter...getting stuck with a gruff like me...that's why this was an awkward topic for me to bring up...

Isaac admits this, shamefully-but he still says it, to which Chole then speaks up-

Chole Madison

...Oh, not really, Isaac!

Isaac Carter


Isaac is surprised, as Chole speaks to him-

Chole Madison

This just means that we will have to lay out some ground rules when we get back to the Liberty ErotiCake. Right, Bijou?

Chole seems to be quite happy that Isaac is going to be with them, which surprises Bijou a little. She sees that Chole is smiling, and so, looks at her with a look of confusion-

Bijou Luisant

...? R-Right.

Bijou now sees that Chole looks at Isaac as her type, as while he is younger than they are, he is still taller than the both of them. Chole speaks-

Chole Madison

...I've always wanted a little brother, you know. Now that you will be serving with us on the Liberty ErotiCake, I hope that our rules won't make you feel too uncomfortable.

Isaac Carter

Oh, uhhh...sure...Chole.

Bijou Luisant


After this scene, Isaac is seen to leave behind his bouquet of flowers in-between Bijou's and Chole's bouquets and then gives his resolutions to do better to the people he let down 5 months ago. He thinks to himself-

Isaac Carter

*...Nicole...Kendra...I promise I'll do better from now on, so that your deaths won't be in vein. I won't let Ms. Luisant and Chole end up the way I allowed you two to end up...I swear it...*

After thinking this, he then stands up and leaves with everyone, and as they leave, Isaac speaks-

Isaac Carter

...Now that we are done here, we should hurry on to the YES Barracks.

Isaac says, as Bijou then quickly replies-

Bijou Luisant

Right. My father will be giving a speech there in order to define what our next mission will be.

Chole Madison

Would you happen to know any of the specifics yet, Bijou?

Chole asks, to which Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

No, but I did hear rumors that we are going to New Columbia-today, in fact. I'm rather excited, as one of my nieces, Rebecca, lives down there by the ocean. It's been a long time since I've seen her, so I'm looking forward to this.

Bijou says, in a happy tone, to which both Isaac and Chole feel her enthusiasm and reply-

Isaac Carter


Chole Madison

Let's go.

Both Isaac and Chole say this with a hint of glee in their tones, as they are happy to see Bijou so excited in front of them. Thus, the scene then transitions to the YES Barracks-

"Scene Transition"

Once there, the three arrive via limo, and as the doors open, Bijou comes out of the limo first. Her friends then climb out after her, as both will look excited-

Isaac Carter

Wow...this was the first time I've ever ridden in a limo before...

Isaac says, as he comes out after Chole. She then speaks up, just as happy about riding in a limo-

Chole Madison

I know. The seats were so comfy that I almost forgot we were inside of one...!

As Chole says this, behind her Isaac will the close the limo door as it then drives off. In front of him, Chole will then stop to see Bijou looking out towards the people who are around the area. Now, Bijou will be reveled-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou observes the area full of people, the scene will remind her of what happened 5 months ago-where many civilians foolishly decided to fight in a war. As the memories flood her mind, she will say-

Bijou Luisant

...Is my father actually recruiting more civilians again like he did 5 months ago?!

Bijou says, in a frustrated tone-to which Isaac quickly replies to her-

Isaac Carter

No, Bijou. All of the people here are those who were held back 5 months ago to serve as the "Second Wave" of Privates-who are now Ensigns, just like you two...and myself. But, as the AA retreated back into space before they were deployed, they had the past 5 months to receive extra training-until today.

Bijou Luisant


Isaac Carter

The training that these people received now makes them just as good as any regular DIC pilot, so the problems that we had back then shouldn't be an issue from here on.

Bijou now takes another look around at the groups of people near her. She then sizes up several random people, to which she then looks much more confident about them and then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

I see. Thank you for clearing that up, Isaac.

Isaac Carter

No problem.

Despite Isaac clearing things up, Bijou is still seen to have a brief moment of regret on her face, as she still briefly recalls the faces of all those who died 5 months ago. Their inexperience back then still haunts her, but she then tries to forget the thought by taking another look at the people around her, who do appear to be much more experienced than their predecessors back then. Two of the random people will stand out from the rest, and as they do, they will then spot Bijou Luisant standing with her friends and approach. Bijou speaks-

Bijou Luisant

!-A-are those two coming closer to us?

Isaac Carter

It's to be expected, Ms. Luisant. Being the President's daughter makes you a celebrity around here. I still can't believe that I am actually going to be fighting alongside you from now on...

Bijou Luisant

...I guess. But, even so, that title means little in war...I learned that lesson the hard way back then...

Bijou admits this painfully, as Chole then says this to try to cheer her up-

Chole Madison

I'm sure that you'll do just fine, Bijou. Afterall, we've trained a lot together these past five months, so things should be different this time.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou mutters, as she braces herself towards the upcoming individuals. As the scene then transitions-

A short time later, outside of the YES Barracks, Bijou, Chole and Isaac are now seen to be talking to the two people whom approached them earlier. There will be one kind-looking man and one gentle-looking woman-both of whom now speak to Bijou-

??? (Charlotte Knighthood)

...Amazing! You three were out there fighting against the Ascension 5 months ago with hardly any training!

??? (Jonathan Castlecat)

It must've been hard, being thrusted into battle just like that as the "First Wave". I'm surprised you even made it back to tell the tale.

Bijou Luisant

Yeah. We got pretty lucky...umm?

As Bijou stutters, the two will realize that they skipped something very important. Now, the woman will speak up-

??? (Charlotte Knighthood)

Oh, right. We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm terribly sorry about that, Ms. Luisant.

The gentle woman says, as the man then speaks-

Jonathan Castlecat

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jonathan Castlecat, and this fine woman is my wife-

Jonathan says, to which his wife then cuts him off by introducing herself-

Charlotte Knighthood

Charlotte Knighthood. It's a pleasure to meet you three-especially yourself, Ms. Luisant.

Charlotte says this in a calm and motherly tone, to which both Chole and Isaac will feel more relaxed around her. Bijou will also feel the same way, as she will start to size up both Charlotte and Jonathan now-

Bijou Luisant


Sensing that Bijou is looking at them, Jonathan will speak to Bijou-

Jonathan Castlecat

Hm? Something on your mind, Ms. Luisant?

Bijou will now quickly reply-

Bijou Luisant

Oh, it's not much. I was just thinking about how...laid back...you two seem to be right now.

Charlotte will then say-

Charlotte Knighthood

It's to be expected, as we are considered "ace" pilots around here, after all.

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Now, both Isaac and Chole will be surprised that Charlotte calls herself an "ace" pilot. They say-

Chole Madison

The two of you...

Isaac Carter

Are ace pilots?!

To which Jonathan speaks up-

Jonathan Castlecat

That's right. We left the academy in Old Columbia a couple of years ago with perfect scores in many fields, so we are a cut above most other people here, in fact.

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this information, Bijou will be quite impressed, as she will say-

Bijou Luisant

Hm...I wonder if my father had anything to do with this arrangement?

To which Charlotte will then reply to her, in a cool voice-

Charlotte Knighthood

We'll just leave that up to your imagination, Ms. Luisant...!

Stella says, as then suddenly, the intercoms in the area sound off-


Beep Beep!!! Beep Beep!!!



Then, a voice speaks to the many people sitting outside of the YES Barracks. It's-

President Sacha Luisant (Intercoms)

...Attention everyone. This is your President, Sacha Luisant speaking. I would like to inform you all that we'll be doing things a little differently today, as I'll be giving you your orders on a ship-to-ship basis.



President Sacha continues to come out of the Intercoms-

President Sacha Luisant (Intercoms)

By example, I'll start off by opening the doors of the Barracks for the crew of the Midnight for 30 minutes only, to which after they've received their orders, they will depart on their ship straight away-to which I'll then welcome in the crew of the Twilight, Dawnlight and Dusklight respectively.

President Sacha Luisant (Intercoms)

The reasoning behind this decision is due to the nature of your missions, as each ship and crew will be obligated to achieve different goals during their time in New Columbia.



Everyone now looks satisfied at the reasoning, as President Sacha finishes up by saying-

President Sacha Luisant (Intercoms)

Now then, would the crew of the Midnight please head inside of the Barracks and find appropriate seating inside in the food court section on the first floor. Before you sit down, we will be offering to you all a free lunch, where I will then detail to you your mission. If you have any last minute activities to do, please do so now, and be sure that you have all of your personal belongings with you as well.

President Sacha Luisant (Intercoms)

I'll see you soon.

With that, the Intercoms go off. Afterwards, everyone is seen to get themselves ready to go inside. Bijou, Chole and Isaac are seen.

Bijou Luisant

...Well, that's new, I guess.

Bijou mutters, as Isaac replies to her-

Isaac Carter

Yeah...and here I was thinking we'd all be going together with the rest of the fleet, but I guess not.

Chole then speaks up-

Chole Madison

I suppose we'll hear why this is the issue when we go inside.

To which Bijou then says-

Bijou Luisant

...Are you two ready to go inside?

Bijou now asks both Chole and Isaac. They reply-

Chole Madison

Yes, Bijou. I'm all set.

Isaac Carter

I'm ready to go, too.

They say, as Bijou then stands up and looks over to her new friends. Jonathan and Charlotte also stand up, which surprises Bijou, as she mentions-

Bijou Luisant

Hm? You are coming with us?

To which Charlotte speaks-

Charlotte Knighthood

You thought otherwise?

Bijou senses a tone of confusion in Charlotte's voice, as she now explains-

Bijou Luisant

Uh...yeah. I just thought that...after what you said about being ace pilots, you wouldn't need to...

Bijou is now seen to be caught off guard slightly, Charlotte then explains-

Charlotte Knighthood

Just because we're ace pilots doesn't mean we know the future. We are just as in the dark as to what your father is up to as you must be.

Bijou Luisant

Ah...I see.

Charlotte then finishes the conversation by saying-

Charlotte Knighthood

I'm sure that in time, we'll come to know his true intentions. Now, shall we go inside now?

To which Bijou then says-

Bijou Luisant

Yes...let's go.

With that, the 5 then proceed to head towards the YES Barracks entrance, as the doors open up for a certain amount of people to go inside. As they do, they are then led to the same area from 5 months ago, but it's now has a few new additions, such as a large stage in the back area along with food stalls ready for them all. As the people go, many of them get in line and get meals to eat, and then everyone sits down with their food. Bijou, Chole and Isaac all sit with their new friends at a table to eat, and as they do, the President and Vice President soon make an entrance and come out on the stage. The lights dim and as people clap for him-


While the people around Bijou clap, she instead looks at Sacha intently and cross-legged, with her arms now crossed over her chest. She is ready to hear what he has to say, as her father then speaks to everyone-

President Sacha Luisant

...Greetings everyone. I hope that you are all having a wonderful meal right now...!


"Positive murmuring"

As President Sacha speaks, people murmur in a positive tone, as their food is top quality. Many of them do stop eating to pay attention, while others do not.

Just before he continues, President Sacha spots Bijou amongst the crowds of people, and as they stare at each other for just a moment-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


President Sacha then continues-

President Sacha Luisant

First, allow me to personally thank all of you for choosing to side with the DIC and continue fighting against the AA-and soon the Red Feathers as well. I've already said this exact same thing to others just like you in both Old and New Columbia these past 5 months-as well as the West Islands, but it still needs to be said again regardless.

President Sacha Luisant

Despite what our reasons were for creating the Ascension decades ago, the fact is that today, we are facing a situation where our sole planet that sustains us will run out of natural resources to maintain our species within the next two decades. On top of that, an asteroid will be slamming into this planet by that time as well-and if we are still on this planet by the end of those two decades, then our race will go extinct. That is unfortunately a fact that we have to accept.



President Sacha Luisant

However, despite those facts, there is no need to panic, as we still have enough time to ensure that every one of us will survive beyond these challenges in front of us. After the conclusion of this war, all of you will come to know precisely how we can work towards leaving this planet behind...but, for now, please let these words of mine guide your actions towards that future, as it's a future worth fighting for. I can promise you that.

People have eyes full of commitment as President Sacha says that line. He continues-

President Sacha Luisant

Now...please allow me to detail your mission today with all of you. Essentially, you all will be tasked with the duty of escorting a VIP to speak with the leader of the RF in New Columbia-former DIC commander Howard Pinnacle.



People are quite shocked at the news and murmur about. President Sacha calms them down before speaking-

President Sacha Luisant

As luck would have it, Howard recently contacted me, wishing to speak with a specific member of the Luisant family once more for...negotiations. In order to determine what their intentions are moving forward, I will allow for him to meet this individual.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will look to her side for a moment, hinting that she already knows who her father is referring to-and that she's already had some interaction with both Howard and Stanley. President Sacha then revels who the VIP is to everyone-

President Sacha Luisant

The VIP that was requested by Howard...is my daughter, Bijou Luisant.



Bijou Luisant


Some people look at Bijou, which makes her a little uncomfortable. But then, President Sacha speaks-bringing everyone's attention back to himself-

President Sacha Luisant

My daughter will have the authority to utilize Fleet Captain Andrea and her ship in any way she deems fit, as the area has since become a warzone and ample measures of safety are in order. Once she has identified the RF's plans, she alone will decern how to handle the situation with Andrea.

President Sacha Luisant

That concludes your mission briefing.

President Sacha says, ready to end the discussion. He then finishes up by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

Once you finish your meals, please head to the hanger in the back to board your waiting Dreadnought-the Midnight, where you will embark on a 5-day journey to New Columbia. And remember to present your Grid Labels to get to your assigned Blockades on the Midnight, as you won't be able to board with them.

With that, President Sacha and Vice President Georges end the open meeting, and just as they do, Sacha once again looks at his daughter, who is still staring at him with the same eyes as before-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


After a brief silence, President Sacha will show a gentle smile to Bijou, who quietly responds by smiling back to him-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


After this, one of Bijou's friends speaks to her, as President Sacha and Vice President Georges move away-

Jonathan Castlecat

...Are you three ready to go?

Bijou Luisant


Standing next to Bijou, Chole and Isaac are Jonathan and his friends. Charlotte then speaks-

Charlotte Knighthood

You three are lucky, as we got assigned to the Midnight as well, you know.

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this, Bijou will snap to attention, as Chole and Isaac speak-

Chole Madison

I was kind of expecting that, as you two are here with us, after all.

Chole says, barely surprised, as Charlotte speaks in a goofy tone-

Charlotte Knighthood

I know, right? Though, honestly, we probably should've been split up, as our talents could've been spread out among at least two other ships. But, for whatever reason, your father wanted us to be with you specifically during this mission.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou won't reply to this, as Isaac then speaks up-

Isaac Carter

When you say it like that...it sounds as if something will actually go wrong when we escort Ms. Luisant to the RF...

Isaac says, worried, to which Jonathan then speaks up-

Jonathan Castlecat

That might depend on how Bijou will handle the meeting with Howard, as you will have to not try to get upset at whatever his plans are when you meet him. Are you prepared for that?

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

...Somewhat, but I won't be able to confirm anything until I actually meet him and see what he has to say to me.

As Bijou says this in response to Jonathan's question, her face will drop, as she will still be unsure of how to deal with Howard when she meets him. However, as they are still here in Appledale, she will then say-

Bijou Luisant

With 5 days to think it over, I can use that time to brace myself for the moment that I meet him. I'm sure by then, I'll know what to say-and how to react.

To which Jonathan says-

Jonathan Castlecat

It'll be fine, so long as you keep a level head and remain calm. Then, you can come back, give Andrea the information we need, and we'll deal with him then.

Bijou Luisant


While Jonathan will mean well by saying this, his tone will suggest otherwise to Bijou-but for the moment she will just pass it off as him being careful towards her. With that, she will then stand up, and then say-

Bijou Luisant

C'mon. Let's get back to the Midnight, where Andrea is waiting for us.



With that, both Isaac and Chole then stand up, as the five then make their way to the hangers in the back.

As the scene transitions to the back area where the four Dreadnoughts are, many people begin climbing up the ramps to the Midnight. As they come up to the ESG platforms, some present their Grid Labels to AI Cody, and then, most of the Blockades that are presented to them aren't the regular PeaceBringer or OrderFinder Blockades, as most Blockades on the Midnight are now reveled to be the "new" LB0 variant, which is based on the Liberty ErotiCake. These models feature only one seat, as opposed to the five seats of the PeaceBringer and OrderFinder models.

. After a short while, nearly everyone has boarded, to which as the last few people then board their assigned Blockades, the Midnight activates it's EffectPhase armor, changing color like before. On the bridge, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia are reveled-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...These people at least look much more capable than the last ones from over five months ago.

Grid Arbiter Alexia mentions, as Fleet Captain Andrea replies to her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes. Hopefully this time we won't have as many problems as we did back then, as that was a nightmare to deal with.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


With that, Fleet Captain Andrea turns to face AI Cody, as she then asks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI Cody? Is everyone here?

After a moment, AI Cody then speaks-

AI Cody

...Confirming all pilots are onboard the Midnight and standing by in their Superior Splendors, Fleet Captain Andrea. We are ready to ship out.

Fleet Captain Andrea then looks back to Alexia, and asks her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Very well...send the request for the port staff to let us out.

To which Grid Arbiter Alexia replies-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


A few moments later, the enormous port doors then open, reveling all four Dreadnoughts. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Now...let's MOVE OUT!!!

With Andrea's go-ahead, the Midnight then starts to move away from the hanger-leaving the other three ships behind. As the Midnight heads to New Columbia, the scene then transitions...

Back at the White Block, inside of the main office, the members of Stage Fright are now seen to be discussing something with President Sacha and Vice President Georges. They speak-

Cassius Maverick

...This route that we will be taking...

President Sacha Luisant

You five will be heading back over to Aerkonsis in the West Islands, where you will once again provide support to the operatives over there against a renewed Ascension offensive that will begin by the time you arrive. Pierre and Nicholas will also be there to join you as well, to help repel the Ascension from Above.

Vice President Georges Luisant


Cassius Maverick

I-...we understand, Mr. President.

President Sacha Luisant

The Ascension will field several new models that you've yet to see, along with 3 very powerful aerial AA dreadnoughts that will be looking for Princess Media. We can also expect to see other such forces in Old Columbia as well, as they are all searching for the same person. However, all you need to be concerned with is protecting the West Islands from the AA.

Cassius Maverick

...May I ask why we can't just give the Ascension back their sister, Sir? If we do that, wouldn't then war come to a swift conclusion?

Cassius asks, to which President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant

I cannot tell you that at this time, Cassius. However, I will say this: Under no circumstances are you to let the AA find Princess Media Ascension, as her being our hostage is of the utmost importance for us to win this war. Is that understood?

Sacha asks, being as direct as he can be. Cassius immediately replies-

Cassius Maverick

...Yes, Sir. Can we expect any reinforcements from the East Islands or Old Columbia?

President Sacha Luisant

Not during this mission, I'm afraid. However, you will have plenty of people to aid you as you fight back against the AA in Aerkonsis and the surrounding islands. And then, in one week's time, we will roll out new Superior Weapons that can further help us fight back against the AA-thanks to the efforts of Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia, over 5 months ago. Do you have any other questions?

As President Sacha asks this, Cassius will look around to his friends behind him. They each shake their heads, as Cassius then replies-

Cassius Maverick

No, Sir. That will be all.

President Sacha Luisant

Then prepare to leave at once.

Cassius Maverick

"Salute"...Please excuse us.

After that, Stage Fright leaves the room. As they do, Callius approaches his older brother and speaks.

Callius Maverick

...Man, talk about a fortune teller, huh? It's almost as if President Sacha can see the future or something.

Cassius Maverick


Callius Maverick

I wonder how he even knows the exact number of AA Dreadnoughts that are going to the West Islands-let alone how he knows that by the time they arrive, we will already be in Aerkonsis?

Rusty Impulse

Maybe he's psychic or something, as I can't imagine how he knows all of this.

Mitchell Impulse

Honestly, Rusty, that's simply impossible.

Atticus Banner

Yeah. That's just way to silly to believe.

Cassius Maverick


Cassius is now in a deep thought. He then speaks.

Cassius Maverick

...Really though, after everything that's happened...he just might be psychic. Afterall, just look at what happened back five months ago, where he predicted everything that would happen-to the letter.

Callius Maverick

...I wonder how he does it.

Cassius Maverick

Me too.

The two men, along with their friends, all appear to be suspicious of President Sacha, due to how he knows all of what is going to happen in this war. Back with President Sacha and Vice President Georges, they now look out to the four Dreadnoughts leaving, and thinks-

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha thinks back to when Princess Azalea spoke to him, saying-


Princess General Azalea Ascension

..."So, you don't know, huh"?

President Sacha Luisant


The flashback then ends-


As President Sacha looks out in front of himself, he thinks-

President Sacha Luisant

*...What she said before...isn't important. There are no flaws to my Grand Plan. None.*

The two men then continue to watch the four ships leave. Then, the chapter ends-

----Chapter END----