
The Next Class

"It's fine," Mighty Howler said. The principal told us you were trying to save King Fang. He wandered into our area and nearly got himself killed.

"I heard King Fang got in big trouble over this. It turned out he was too scared to admit what he had done," Sasquatch Girl said.

"The point is, we're sorry we blamed you. It's just your powers that always been out of control. Our parents thought you were just being crazy," Platinum Blonde said.

"Ha-ha, it's no big deal. I actually received some treatment during my suspension and I can control my strength now," Kyle said.

"That's great news!" Mighty Howler said.

"I'm glad you're all right," he said.

The four students smiled at him. Kyle let out his breath and felt relieved. It looks like he can put that behind him now.

He was a little surprised to hear the principal actually did anything. It made him feel a little guilty about this morning, but how can he doing one good thing make up for the years of abuse he and others suffered?

Kyle returned to his desk as their teacher came in. Mrs. Krillan walked in wearing her signature red dress with blue polka dots. Everyone was sure she was wearing a rug on her head.

Using his HUD he determined Mrs. Krillan was a level 38 fighter. The teachers were much stronger than he expected, but only about half as strong as he was right now.

For the first time, he looked around the room and started measuring his classmate's levels.

Lemonjello Lvl 26 (56)

Sasquatch Girl (Nina Bevis) Lvl 15

Mighty Howler (Carlos García) Lvl 17

Platinum Blonde (Norma Ciccone) Lvl 13

Rena Riot (Adsila Nashota) Lvl 20

Gooner (Paul Roman) Lvl 18

Chip Top (Quan Dihn) Lvl 14

Doom Agent (Quarren Lewis) Lvl 16

Cyber-Jacque (Idris Isa) Lvl 17

He looked at several of the students of the class but found that other than Lemonjello, Sasquatch Girl was the strongest person in class at level 20.

Kyle's level was currently at level 30 (76). He wasn't sure if the level 30 stat was with or without his powers.

If it's with his powers then level 76 would be his power level when he deactivated the strength suppression formations in his clothes.

If level 30 only represented his cultivation level then his strength could be much higher than level 76.

Whatever the case may be, currently he was the strongest person he had come across in the school.

It was unusual for students to be as strong as him. if anyone knew just how strong he was they might rank him with a rank S+ or more potential. He would be a pinnacle genius.

When Class ended, Kyle and Lemonjellow split up. He had history class next; while Lemonjello had Combat Class next.

"I hate having Combat Class so early in the morning," Lemonjello complained. "I just did my daily workout from the Center like three hours ago," he continued.

"I've got history next, I memorized my history book last night. I'm probably going to be bored in class.

"Memorized? Why would you memorize your history book?" Lemonjello asked. Kyle realized that his training may have been more extreme than the training Lemonjello's.

He decided to ask Gramps later on about Lemonjello so he wouldn't ask any stupid questions or reveal the wrong kind of information.

"I'm used to it. I have a good memory, so I memorized the book. No big deal," Kyle said.

The two parted ways and Kyle came up to the board outside his class. This was Mr. Tran's class. The last time he looked at this board he was attacked by Ryan. Would he do it again today?

He stood there for a while; and hoped Ryan would make a move. He finally sensed Ryan speed by him into the classroom. He didn't attack, mock his classmate, or even offer an apology.

"That's interesting, he didn't try his siphon trick on me. I wonder what's going on?" Kyle thought to himself.

In class, Kyle looked around and saw Samira Sullivan; only it wasn't Samira, not the way he remembered her that is!

He had known Samira since elementary school. She was always shy and withdrawn. She did her best to hide in the crowd. Currently, she wasn't hiding, at all.

Samira was wearing the typical girl's uniform, but she was wearing makeup. Red lipstick, blush, eye shadow, and eyeliner. She looked like a gorgeous adult. She could even be a model or actor, he thought.

The boys in the class were all secretly looking at her, but she was ignoring everyone in the class. When she saw Kyle, she waved at him. He waved back and went to his desk which was behind hers.

"Samira, it's great to see you!" Kyle said excitedly. She seemed just as excited and happy to see him.

"Kyle, you look like you've gotten taller and put on more muscle," she said.

"Yeah, you've changed a lot too. I guess the Center agreed with you, he said.

"Wow, it was amazing I can't even begin to tell you. Why didn't I ever see you?" She asked.

"It turned out there was a lot of damage to my body. Some evil jerk used his siphon power on me since we were in elementary school to steal my power.

This affected my body and was why I couldn't control my powers," Kyle said so the entire class could hear him.

They all knew there was only one person with siphon powers in the class. It was Ryan Austin. Some were shocked about the accusation, but there were several who weren't and looked at Ryan in disgust.

"Oh my gosh, are you all right?" Samira asked playing along with Kyle.

"Yeah, they had some amazing doctors there and they were able to restore my body. Not only can I control my powers now; I'm about twice as strong as I was when I left," He said.

"That's amazing, I guess if that jerk who kept stealing your powers ever tried it again he would be in for a rude awakening.

"No, he wouldn't wake up for a long time if he ever tried something like that again," Kyle said.

Ryan's ears were bright red from both embarrassment and anger. He never thought he would have his secret revealed so openly.

"Kyle, you better shut your mouth if you know what's good for you!" Ryan finally shouted.

"Or what, are you going to try and steal my power again? My doctor told me that you using your power on me is like attempted murder. The next time you try it, I don't have to hold back.

Of course, I would just stop you and then make sure you got to spend some quality time with your old man in prison for a while. Wouldn't that be nice? A little family reunion for you?" Kyle asked.

"Don't talk about my Father, Kyle!" he yelled. Kyle simply smirked at him. It's time to put this guy in his place!


It's a new week and we already have 34 power stones! Only 66 power stones to go for a bonus chapter!

Today's power stone heroes are: Timestronaut

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It's a new week and a new opportunity to earn extra chapters!

If you would like to read more chapters, I'll do a big release on Sundays if we can reach the weekly goal.

This week's goal is:

100 power stones for 1 extra chapter.

200 power stones for 2 extra chapters

250 power stones for 3 extra chapters

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