
Supergirl (Superwoman Kara Zor-El)

No one knows someone's life path. This is also experienced by Kara Zor-El, whom we know as Superwoman (Supergirl), trapped in her dark past without hope. She tries to relive her life in a new world as a mother to her cousin. What is the secret behind why all of this is happening? You have to find out for yourselves.

Rachel_2019768 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: A Bad Start

Vibrations continue to occur everywhere, earthquakes are a common thing in recent years in Krpyton, but not as often as in these months where they occur every day and now even every hour there is an earthquake.

Small and large earthquakes often occur every minute, although the council says this is not a big problem.

In a family home known as the El family, a prominent family on the planet. A girl is being pulled in a hurry by a woman.

The girl was taken to a small spaceship that seemed to be designed for just one person.

"No time left, come in"

"Wait! What's going on ma'am? Why do I have to come in here?"

Looking at the little girl, the woman looked at the girl with a sad look which was very rare for her. The girl knew that the woman in front of her was the strongest woman she had ever known, because she was her mother. So her sad face made her worried.

"Kara, my dear child, I'm sorry mother, from now on... in the future... there will be many sad things waiting for you."

While touching Kara's face with one of his hands, tears began to flow from next to his eyes.

Making Kara also start to want to cry too.

"*cries* what's wrong mom? Please explain to me! Don't confuse me!?"

Hearing her daughter's words made a troubled expression, the mother wanted to say something but it seemed as if saying it was the hardest thing for her to say in her entire life.

Meanwhile, the father began to arrive, following Kara and the mother.

"Kara..." In a soft voice from behind her mother, her father called Kara.

"Father!! Mother, he...! what really happened?" Turning to her father who had just appeared, Kara looked for answers from her father.

"*firmly* Kara from now on you are the head of the El family"

Surprised by the revelation that his father had just conveyed, when he wanted to ask the reason.

"Father.. "

"You will take care of your cousin who has already left for a planet called Earth in the Milky Way galaxy."


The shaking of the earthquake grew louder every minute, when Kara's father spoke.

"Be the head of a family who upholds the name of EL

"What about father and mother!?"

*silence* his father and mother just stared at Kara, when Kara was about to stand up from the plane. The plane's glass door immediately closed and the plane began to fly into the sky at high speed.

Kara tried to scream for her father and mother to get out of the plane, but it was useless because she couldn't even hear her voice anymore because she was already heading out of the planet's atmosphere.

With her own eyes, Kara began to see her planet starting to crack in every part.

"What really happened? Father..mother..!!"

The plane continued to accelerate until it finally left the planet's atmosphere and the planet Krpyton became increasingly visible with increasingly large cracks, Kara saw this in horror and fear.

"No, that's impossible!!"

As the ship gets further away from the planet, the planet Krpyton finally explodes.




From behind the airplane window, kara screamed with tears flowing, unable to bear the sight of his planet exploding before his eyes.

But no one could hear his screams in the quiet space, only the sound of the planet's explosion could be heard clearly in his ears.

In that cry, the planet's fragments began to scatter and the shockwave began to spread to the surroundings.

The shock wave of the explosion reached the aircraft and began to cause damage to the aircraft.

[Warning, warning, aircraft damage occurred]

[autopilot malfunction]

Seeing this, Kara didn't even have time to continue crying because of the situation she was facing.

"I'll take over, activate the manual controller"

[Activating manual pilot]

When Kara tried to control the plane, the driver she was holding still couldn't function, so she tried to turn it around.

But the plane was still going straight and didn't budge.

Not long after, the mechanical sound of the aircraft's AI was heard.

[Due to serious damage to the aircraft, manual steering control failed to activate]

[Recommended to save yourself]

"Where to?"

[Rescue immediately]


[immediately saves himself]

"Where.., where.., where..,"

[immediately saves himself]


With passionate anger, Kara started hitting the steering wheel of the plane.

*tub tub tub tub*

[Rescue immediately]

"*Cries* help me..."

[energy surge detected in aircraft engine]

[Prepare for explosion in the count of 3..




- The Fortress of Solitude -

In the bowels of the frozen north pole, amidst an endless landscape of endless ice and snow, lies a magical structure that radiates wonder and mystery. Built from shining crystals that dot the hostile land, this place is "The Fortress of Solitude."

Inside the fortress, a woman lay on a bed made of crystal.

[Mrs Kara]

Tears began to flow from his eyes, at the same time he began to make the facial expression of someone who had just experienced the saddest thing in the world.

[Mrs. Kara please wake up, Mrs. Kara]

Opening her eyes, Kara started to get up from the crystal and wiped her tears.

It was as if the expression he made earlier was just an illusion.

"What changes occurred while I was sleeping?"

[there is no significant change in your body during sleep, you experience a 2% increase in strength in your body]

"That's quite a bit? Even though this dream is the most detailed of all the dreams I've had in the last 7 years."

Kara begins to reflect on her dreams, looking for clues about her improvement.

"So it's not how detailed the dream was, but how long did I live in that dream?!, maybe..."

[Mrs. Kara]

[Please tell me your dream, so I can include it along with other data]


Kara began to tell about the dream she had just experienced, from her departure from the planet Krpyton until her death due to the explosion of her plane.

[Saved Data Update]

[Starting to apply data updates to the latest data]

[Do you want to see it?]


[Display data]

3D holograms  started to form in front of kara.

[ Full Name: Kara Zor-El

Birthplace: Krypton

Status: data in progress

Female gender

Age: 27

Primary Powers: Extraordinary physical strength, flight (gravity manipulation), heat beam vision, endurance, super speed, and other kryptonian abilities.

External strengths: -abilities (enhance existing abilities)

-ability limits (unknown)

-origin of abilities (dream about another version of kara Zor-El)

measurable capability 37% (according to estimates)

Condition: abnormal (continuous strange dreams)

Strength level: still growing

The power level currently accessible is equivalent to approximately 20 kilotons of TNT equivalent (original power without enhancement using external forces)

Source of power: solar radiation

Weakness: Kryptonite crystal stone which comes from the planet Krypton]

Kara saw all the data about herself, making her curious about something.


[Yes!! Mrs. Kara]

"Create a protective field, I will try 'that' power (outer power)"

"I wonder what percentage I can use it, and whether I can change it into another form??"

[Activates protective field]

The crystals in the Fortress of Solitude began to emit light and began to form a wall of energy surrounding Kara.

"What percentage was the last time I used 'that'"


"*looks down* is that so..."

Preparing herself mentally, Kara began to relax herself.



"I start"

electricity is the manifestation of moving electric charges, and many physical and chemical processes can create conditions in which these charges can move and form electric currents.


Kara began to put her palms together in front of her chest, she tried to focus the energy inside her into her hands which were joined together.

As a creature that gets its power from the sun, within Kara there are photons the same as the sun and she is also able to create an artificial gravitational field so she should also be able to create lightning by utilizing everything she has from the sun.

Kara began to open her palms, a dazzling light came out of her palms. Kara witnessed the whole process, electricity was emitted from the palms of her hands, and as Kara spread her palms further apart, the electricity became more wild and spread wildly around her, luckily there was a shield from the fortress that prevented the electrical energy from reaching everywhere.




And finally disappeared with Kara's will.

"Brainiac.. How much electricity do I create?"

[1 terawatt(TW) ]

"It's quite big, maybe I should learn to control it and reduce its power"

"Turn off protection"

[Turns off protection]


"Brainiac reports the results of your analysis regarding this matter"

[Madam, your way of manipulating your energy is quite successful but it is only 79.5% successful, for 15.8% you waste your energy, and for the rest it results in injury to yourself]

(That's right, I felt tingling after using it)

Kara looked at her hands and clenched them into fists.

"Have you finished analyzing my abnormal condition?"

[Yes ma'am]


[External power (the power that comes from your dreams) comes from within you, not inside you from outside]

[which means it's like you have your own sun inside your body]

[So as long as you keep activating external power you won't have any worries about running out of power let alone getting tired]

[But it will be mentally tiring  so I recommend only using it when necessary]

[For the original source is still unknown how it is within you we can only assume that it is a power belonging to a dead version of you that was somehow sent to you]

"Enough, I understand"

"For other things I ordered"

[Still no signs of intervention from the main Brainiac or extraterrestrial parties]

(Am I wrong in my assumption about the real Brainiac, in my reality the death of the Krpytonians was not because Brainiac betrayed)

"..., I have disconnected you from the main Brainiac and changed you to suit my needs and even enhanced you with the absolute rule that you will obey me and kal"

[Yes ma'am]

"Well maybe the main Brainiac failed to save himself or he did something else, we'll know when Zod shows up."



Same day

Kent family home

After Kara finished leaving the fort, Kara went straight back to Smallville.

It's still early in the morning in Smallville, it's time for Clark to wake up so Kara rushes home.

In Clark's room, a child was sleeping with earplugs on his head. When the morning sunlight came in from the window and shone on him, the child began to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he immediately said a word.


"Yes, mother is here."

Kara responded by changing her appearance to normal clothes and wearing glasses.

"Did you sleep well last night, kal ?"

"*nods* um.."

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