

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantaisie
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71 Chs

Humanoid cock

Chen Xu slept soundly under Xiao Min's hypnosis, and it took just over two hours to eliminate all fatigue. Then he brushed his teeth and washed his face in a hurry. When he returned to school after taking a shower, he happened to see Wu Yuan, Qin Xiaoan and others walking into the classroom sleepily while eating breakfast.

"Huh?" Chen Xu said in surprise: "Boss, are you discharged from the hospital?!"

"Nonsense!" Wu Yuan scolded back, saying how could I still be in the hospital after such a thrilling battle last night? I was so frightened that I sweated all over the night, and my illness was cured by the fright.

Chen Xu also thought that with the boss's character, he would definitely pay attention to the battle last night, but he deliberately pretended not to know what the battle was about? Aliens have invaded the earth?

"You idiot!" Wu Yuan made a contemptuous gesture at him, and then said that the SMMH master reappeared last night! Break into the opponent's server at the last moment to create an administrator account, and then let Snake's people bombard them without wavering...

Wu Yuan was spitting all the way and spoke eloquently until finally SMMH announced Snake's personnel list. Chen Xu scratched his head curiously and said, "No way, boss? Is there electricity and Internet cable in the dormitory at night? How could you watch it so late?"

Wu Yuan gestured to him with his middle finger and said that I went to the hotel next door with a few seniors to see it. I slept for a few hours and was so sleepy.

At this time, Qin Xiaoan came over and interjected: "Lao San, why didn't you come back to sleep last night?"

Wu Yuan was stunned: "You're not going to watch this battle too, are you?"

Chen Xu said that I wanted to see it and could you tell me? Last night a friend came over and I went to sleep at his place.

Wu Yuan said "Oh" and didn't pay much attention, while Qin Xiaoan poked at Chen Xu in a very obscene way: "She's a girl, right? Did you sleep together? By the way, yesterday when I went downstairs to buy supper at 11 o'clock, I saw Zhan Jing also went out carrying her laptop bag, wasn't she looking for you? "

She went out too? Chen Xu's eyes fell on the front row of the classroom, where the girl usually sat, but he didn't see her. He murmured in his heart, could it be that she also went to watch the hacker battle? Is she also from the Honker Alliance?

At this time, Wu Yuan was still mumbling about the battle last night: "You don't know how brave the SMMH master was yesterday! How powerful! He actually found Snake's people without anyone noticing. The real address and their identity were confirmed. I don't know if he found it last night or already. Oh my God, it would be great if I could worship such a great person as my teacher! No, no, no, even if I give it to him. I'm also willing to serve you tea and water!"

At this time, Qin Xiaoan said, boss, what you said seems to be very awesome. By the way, don't you also know how to hack? How is your level?

Wu Yuan said, "Holy shit, how dare I compare with other people's great masters? Although my level is a little higher than yours, but compared to others, I'm not even a scumbag."

It was the first time that everyone in the dormitory saw Wu Yuan being so humble. Usually this guy looked very arrogant when talking about computers, so they laughed at him and said, boss, why are you so humble today? Transitioned?

Wu Yuan shook his head: "No, yesterday's battle was too exciting. Look at other people's levels and then look at your own level. It's really heaven and earth. With my skills, let me tell you shamelessly, even if it's There are not many people in Union University who are better than me, but compared to others, there is really no comparison. Hey, again, it would be great if I could become the master of SMMH within three years. Speaking of being the best in the world, I can definitely become a top hacker!"

Several people said, "Damn it." Just after complimenting you, your tail was raised to the sky again.

Wu Yuan shook his head and said no, and then said: "Technical information is the key to hacking. If you have such an experienced and high-level person to guide you and provide you with information to learn, your progress will be leaps and bounds. And Once you ask someone something, you can get the answer right away, which is of great benefit to improving your strength. Hey, what I am most depressed about now is that there is no one to help me! Many problems cannot be solved by Baidu experts. "

Chen Xu thought about it and said, boss, aren't you very familiar with the people in the Hongke Alliance? You can just ask them to teach you? And what is your level in the Honker League?

Wu Yuan's preaching is nonsense. If you really want to say that I am only at the middle level in the Hongke League, my level is nothing at all. If I have a good teacher and I have some talent, I can learn as much in one year as I did in five or six years of self-study.

Qin Xiao'an said, "Boss, you are pretty awesome. When are you going to pass it on to your brothers?"

"You want to learn?"

Chen Xu and Qin Xiaoan nodded like chickens eating rice. Qin Xiaoan said "hacker", this name sounds so cool, it must be very popular to others, and in the future, all the picking up of girls and jobs will depend on him!

"Damn!" Chen Xu and Wu Yuan despised him together. This guy didn't even know the definition of a hacker.

So Chen Xu said: "Boss, please teach me. You see I am so open-minded and eager to learn. I will definitely teach you the right way and I will never let you down!"

Wu Yuan thought for a while and said, "That's the job. I'll teach you some basics when I go back to the dormitory at night." But the ugly words are ahead. My level as a master is limited, so don't blame me if you lead the wrong way!

Chen Xu quickly said no, no. I was thinking how could I go the wrong way? Even if you taught me something wrong, Xiao Min will point it out. And he didn't expect to learn too much from Wu Yuan at all, just getting started...

Wait, Chen Xu suddenly had another idea. What if Wu Yuan was allowed to learn from the masters of the Hongke Alliance? This will not only help your brothers improve their level, but also drive your own improvement. More importantly, this kind of learning method is equivalent to treating Wu Yuan as a "broiler", which can better hide his identity.

Although Chen Xu is still a newbie, he finally understands the meaning of "broiler".

Broilers refer to zombie computers, which are other people's computers controlled by hackers. For example, hackers will use broilers as springboards when intruding, because in this way, they can effectively conceal their IP addresses and make it difficult for the other party to track them. It's like when you encounter a fork in the road when chasing a criminal, and you don't know which direction to pursue.

The advantage of using Wu Yuan, a humanoid chicken, is that it will no longer remind people of himself. Chen Xu was already a little afraid of dealing with the officials or those experts.

And although Wu Yuan has only been with each other for a dozen days, Chen Xu can be sure that the brothers in the dormitory are all very good, loyal and enthusiastic enough. Although we can't tell them about the super computer, we can still settle for the next best thing. And for a newbie like him, it is easier to accept someone's face-to-face guidance than teaching him through text chats.

Thinking of this, Chen Xu chuckled at Wu Yuan. Wu Yuan laughed so hard that goosebumps came down all over his body.

Some people would like to ask why Xiao Min, an assistant from the future, cannot be taught?

In fact, this is not a restriction, but Xiao Min said it herself. She can provide Chen Xu with information and training, but she cannot teach him step by step. Because a program is always a program, even Xiao Min is just made up of a bunch of programs. As a hacker, if the attack method is too single and severely programmed, he will never make progress.

The biggest advantage of human beings over computers is that the human brain is flexible. The more top hackers are, the more they do not follow common sense. Moreover, Chen Xu is just a blank piece of paper now. It is okay for Xiao Min to correct him from the side when he is just learning, but he must not take the lead. Otherwise, some bad habits cannot be changed once they are formed, which will be very detrimental to the future.

Now Chen Xu is thinking, how to arrange an opportunity for Wu Yuan to join the master's sect?

Well, this needs to be carefully considered.

And there is one more thing that needs to be carefully considered... Hehe, although this move is suspected of taking advantage of Wu Yuan, it has also brought him a lot of benefits. If you let him go so easily, wouldn't you be very sorry for yourself? Already?

What are brothers used for? Brothers are meant to be killed! Buzai, I'm sorry for myself!

Chen Xu was thinking happily like this. At this time, class monitor Wang Xiaohu walked up to the podium, coughed deliberately, then picked up the Guangyin microphone and said: "Students, please be quiet, let me announce a good news. Because we in the School of Information There have always been more boys than girls, so as usual, the student union of our college will cooperate with the Nursing Student Union of the School of Medicine to hold a ballroom dance party on the first floor of the student activity room tomorrow night to enhance the interaction between students from the two colleges. "

As soon as these words were said, the classroom immediately exploded. A group of animals shouted with gleaming eyes, is it true or false? The women all looked at this group of wolves with reflective eyes in displeasure. They all thought that this girl is as beautiful as a flower here, but she actually thought about the girls from other colleges?

Seeing the "excited" crowd below, Xiaohu coughed and said: "If you need to register, come to me after class to register. Well, girls in our college are also welcome to sign up. Brothers, you can find a dance partner in our college in advance. Of course, you can also Then choose your dance partner... Let me tell you a secret, the practice in the nursing department is that there are basically only one or two boys in a grade of two to three hundred girls. "

"Huh?" The eyes of the animals brightened even more. Chen Xu and Wu Yuan, the two most crooked guys, looked at each other. "Nurse, MM, we like it!"