
Super Soldier in Percy Jackson

Disclaimer. I do not own Percy Jackson. That honour goes to Rick Riordan. The son of a super soldier and the war god Ares. Lucifer Diabolos lost his mother and has never known his dad, obviously Ares is a god. Unknown to the fates how will Lucifer affect the timeline?

BrokenVoid · Autres
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24 Chs

Interlude Part Two: Things must change

Hate. So simple a word but it consumed Lucifer as he stared at the image of the scientists that saw his life as a game. No rights. No individuality. Just a subject in their sick experiment.

Lucifer turned and booted one of the skeletons and watched as it disintegrated under the force of the blow. He turned and kicked out again and a piece of rubble blew another hole in the wall.

He stopped and glared at a wall. Shattered pieces of glass littered the floor around it and the barnacles and chains that lay within it revealed its purpose.

To restrain him, to keep him captive. Chained here.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Luke staring at him with concern.

"I am very sorry brother but you need to see this." He said. He led Lucifer back to the computer and brought up a document explaining the point of the experiments.

The document was a large file that contained images of him, his mother and a man. The man in the image felt familiar to Luicfer even though he knew he had never met him. He looked further and began to read.

'Project Drakon: Subject name Lucifer Diabolos.

Son of Demigod Emma Diabolos and Greek God of war Ares subject is to be tested for superhuman abilities. If found he is to be enhanced with serums and cloned for internal security purposes.

List of superhuman abilities include but are not limited to:

Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed

Superhuman endurance

Kinship with weapons

Shapeshifting: One form confirmed

Rage that enhances physical qualities to unknown levels at the cost of intelligence.

The subject was enhanced with the following abilities.

Metallic skeletal structure


Enhanced senses

Retractable organic armour

Side notes:

The subject was implanted with a limiter to restrict rage ability. To prevent the subject being out of control a device is needed to unlock it to full capacity.

The subjects mother Emma Diabolos requested help from the subjects father to retrieve the subject however the subjects father is restricted by the king of gods.

The subjects mother works overseas in the military.

That was the end of the document. Luke didn't let Lucifer mull over it before playing another video.

The video playing showed Lucifer mother shoving a device on the top of Lucifer arm and pressing a button. Lucifer was currently held in a cage of barnacles that restrained him. Moreover the way his head rolled it could be seen he was drugged to sedate him.

Lucifer mother was bleeding profusely as she attached the device to his arm. Seeing this Lucifers fists clenched.

"Luke." He said with rage seething in his voice. "Things must change."