
Super Red Dragon

“He said… I wasn't the real hero… He was wrong. I just forgot for a little while… We all forgot…don't let them forgot again…”. The last words of Conner. But, what if he has a new chance? New life? Even in another universe? Let's watch how Conner (ex-Super Boy) will live and fight as Kazuki Hyoudou (Sekiryuutei).

Julian_Clyne · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

A short life - I

Planet Earth, at the time of one "crises" again, in the North Pole, somewhere not far from the "solitude fortress", I am wearing this symbol again. So many things have occurred recently, I found that I have Lex's DNA. Have lost control and hurt my friends Titans gravelly and a bastard who say to be the true Super Boy appeared, attacked the ranch Kent and even killed some Titans in Smallville. There's chaos on the whole earth and the heroes are fighting no stopping even now. It's not part of the crises but, my relationships with the girls I like are not so well, Cassie dumped me, Rachel (Raven), Kara (Power Girl) have taken some distance for me and Zatanna is toying with me. For even think that my messed romantic relationships are important like the crises, I have a messed up personality. Well, time to "hero" work with Night Wing.

{Conner/Super Boy}: We're screwed. There's a hundred of those O.M.A.C.S surrounding that tower.

{Night Wing}: I also see a few of our friends plugged into it. We free them; we might get the extra help we're missing.

At that moment we are talking, someone arrives.

{Cassie/Wonder Girl}: You already got some. Sorry I'm late.

{Conner}: Cassie? What are you doing here? This is dangerous.

{Cassie}: Which means you need help, right?

{Night Wing}: All we can get. Let's move, Titans.

Sir, Yes Sir! As we move in the glacier and approach the tower we're watching before, we can hear voices.

{Alex Luthor}: Earth 3181; Earth 25G, no, no, No!

{Pirate}: Pretty little Power Girl. Alex promised you to me, and when this is over, I'll remind him of that.

What the fuck is that? Kara is a prisoner here too? And this bastard said something about a promise for this Alex? Let's give a punch to the psycho pirate right here, right now.

{Conner}: Hey Pirate, she's way out of your league.

{Pirate Psycho}: UGH!!!

{Alex}: Who?


Damn, these things have seen us. Now some trouble to free everyone. Let's free Kara first. She's a little weak right now, let's hold her to not let her fall.

{Conner}: Kara?! Are you alright?

{Kara/Power Girl}: Kon-el? It's you?

{Conner}; It's me. Can you stand alone? Not that I'm unhappy to have you in my arms, but it's not the time for it (She always has a nice sent).

{Kara}: You…never changes, I'm alright now let's free the others.

{Cassie}: I don't want to interrupt your good time, Mr flirtatious, but can I have some help here. Every time I get close enough to J'onn, these things get in my way!

{Kara}: See? Your Amazon girlfriend needs help. I will take care of this side, help Cassie.

{Cassie}: I'm not his girlfriend anymore!!! Did you hear me??? Kara??

{Conner}: Ok, no cat fight. I'll clear a path!

{Kara}; HaHaHa…

{Cassie}: Who is cat fighting!?! Should we free Black Adam, too?

{Conner}: Are you kidding? Hell yeah!

Now far from them, next to the tower.

{Kara/ Power Girl}: Where's my cousin? Where's Lois?

{Alex Luthor}: They are no longer required alive. And neither are any of you.

{Kara}; YOU!!!

Arriving at the moment and attacking by surprise.


{Super Boy Prime}: Hello, Kara.

Not far from there.

{Conner}: (Now we have freed all the heroes here, but things don't look good anyway. It's a vision I will never forget, infinity earths in the sky side by side).

{Night Wing}: I keep seeing more and more earths replicating. I don't know how to shut it off.

{Cassie}; Then let's just tear the tower apart.

{Conner}: (Damn! Here we go again) Guys, down there, that bastard is back.

Ok guys, before we start this journey, let me say some things. I'm not a native English talker, so I'm sorry for the mistakes beforehand, I was thinking to make this fan fiction for some time, and now I have some time and place to write it. There are great works here, and I have the chance to read some of them, and knowing that we have every type of readers here I will talk about what I will write here. First, this fanfic is about Conner Kent (super boy) but more specific the one in the old comics. I watched the Young Justice cartoon a little, and it's good, but the Conner of the cartoon and the one of the old comics are different. Let's say that the “super boy cartoon” is too well-behaved, and the one from the comics is more like a “bad boy”, “womanizer”, etc. For example, Conner (cartoon) have the Martian girl as girlfriend, then she dumps him for other guy, and he started crying…. Until she comes back to him, and He was grump because superman don't talk to him much, that's really annoying. For Conner (old comics), he was beaten to a pup for some villains, go to Hawaii to be the place “hero” and started to “bang” a journalist and the daughter of his partner, so yes he really is different. So if you like the super boy from the cartoon and start to think the one I write is different, you now know why. I use the Conner in the comics, as he died in the Infinite Crises and made him reborn again as the Sekiryuutei in DxD, And give him another name than Issei, now his name is Kazuki. I used 3 main characters, Conner, Issei and Kazuki (Kazuki from Magika No Kenshi To Shoukan Maou) to create a new MC for this fanfic. If you are asking why I'm explaining all this, it's because I know some guys don't like harem, overpowered MC and the fanfic to accompany the original novel too much. I will be doing some of it, so everyone would be knowing right from the beginning.  Thank you for the patience to read this, and let's start.

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