

As Aldrich heard the voice ringing through his head, he suppressed the urge to ask questions. There was no doubt in his mind that this being was the 'Voice' that had driven Shrimp to fight Aldrich with such intense drive.

But even if he had many questions about who this entity was, what its objectives were, what it meant by kindred, what it meant by the enemy, what was important above all was securing his own safety.

'The energy of that corpse swells to astronomical levels unbound by any semblance of order,' said Volantis. 'It is reminiscent of a-,'

'An explosion,' finished Aldrich. He instantly geared back into action. This 'Voice' was trying to wipe him out by luring him in with Shrimp's corpse and detonating it.

A thoroughly petty and underhanded trick, but then again, who was Aldrich to complain about such a thing?

No, he was the type of person to expect his enemy to play dirty because that was exactly how he operated.

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