
Chapter 158 Mysterious Disappearance Part 2

However, it was already 10 a.m. local time, the sky was clear and visibility was excellent, making the Drone, perched on the island, very easy to spot from the air. Therefore, Yan Fei took out his machete, chopped some branches from large trees on the island, and used them to camouflage the Drone, preventing it from being discovered.

Once the Drone was thoroughly concealed by the branches and couldn't be spotted from any angle, Yan Fei took a camping tent out of Universal Space and set it up in a safe area next to the Drone to sleep.

Although Yan Fei's injuries had almost healed, such severe wounds would inevitably cause some damage to his body, so he still felt exhausted. He had been flying for over five hours, and in the meantime, he also dealt with some matters related to Al Jazeera English, which left him extremely weary. Having completed these tasks, he didn't care that it was 10 a.m.; he entered the tent, fell asleep immediately, and soon plunged into a deep slumber.