
Chapter 543 False Separation Method

Lin Shen had seen Di Esi use this move before, but only in a video.

At that time, he hadn't thought the move was very powerful, but facing it himself now, a heaviness settled in his heart.

To others, it appeared to be just a speck of dust, but in Lin Shen's eyes, that speck seemed like a snowball rolling downhill, growing larger and larger.

It wasn't that the Dust Life Base was getting bigger, but rather that the speck of dust seemed to be sweeping up the energy in the space around it, like a snowball, accumulating all the energy onto itself.

Lin Shen even felt that the World's Force his Super Base Pattern absorbed had suddenly decreased significantly.

With Di Esi's Dust Life Base released, the force from the world that had been rushing toward him like a tide had now turned into a trickle, greatly diminished.

Lin Shen suddenly understood why everyone was saying that Di Esi had grown stronger; the strength of others was limited to themselves.